Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ghastly Associations to Government Shutdown -- Sequel to Previous Entry

What is really being referenced when stated 'ghostly ghastly', in regard to notions of government shutdown? And why is it being called a notion?

'Ghastly' is an adjective that refers to the condition that becomes of a certain grouping resulting of behavior, as can be inferred, behaviors not held in high estimation. There is a particular ever-renown book that this can be found as a translation thereof, so, 'ghastly' is being used more as the reference than the word itself. Now let's look at allocation for government spending especially for programs involving 'prevention', [for instance, for child safety arising resultant of neglectful attitudes or lack of caretaker and legal guardians acting in a responsible manner, abuse, punishable perversions, etc.]. Before the government spends money on prevention and repair of a 'something', such as domestic violence, in many cases there is usually a 'something' that exists, to whatever extent, to be repaired, abated, prevented, and so forth. The domestic violence preventative measures taken recently by the White House, receives its commensurate applause. After seeing statistics of domestic violence and abuse in writing, which there have been long before this administration, because the statistics are so appalling, it probably can be agreed upon by most kind-hearted folk, that the same measures for prevention would have been ideal to have been set in place much sooner-- then again, the administration knows well the problem exists and had to contend with the legislative process which can be time consuming. Based upon what has been stated above, it becomes increasingly clearer for those who don't know already, what 'group' the reference to ghastly pertains to.

Why does, or should the American government have to spend who knows how many millions, or billions, of dollars on unspeakable domestic violence? Then from the draw from those, [viz the perpetrators of d.v.] are there any guilty parties that ever complain about the shortcomings of the economy and what has befallen them? It is unfortunate that so many millions of dollars are being directed to preventing issues that have evolved, which can be prevented for no dollar cost at all. Self-discipline. Better yet, a frame of mind above having to exercise self-discipline. The correlation to ghastly notion of government shutdown is therefore drawn. There is a very considerable part of the economic problem, the result of having to spend money on reducing behaviors of people that can be described as ghastly.

Notion: Why say notion? One, government shutdown is the worst possible scenario for a country to face, moreover consider, especially a large and powerful one like ours. You are not 'supposed' to even go there. Second, why should this government have to look at possibilities of shutdown, because of money? Is it money that is keeping the government afloat? Some disagree that money is everything keeping government going; by the same rule, it might not have to be, at an entirety, that money should cause shutdown.

Admittedly, there is probably a long list of computer companies and concepts, and IT ideas that the author of this blog and many others have not gotten to the bottom of; so how dare they speak? Now that this is past us, advents not ostensibly U.S., have made their way to top U.S. agendas as tools for the U.S. to use in situ of U.S. tools, amongst them, is the Drupal website design platform. Let us talk about this for a minute, and let what is on the table circulate, look all the way around the fence enclosing this yard, or figure of speech to see totality. From the article referenced on shutdown, it discusses, branches of government are being given directions in case shutdown does occur.

"With the Friday deadline to avoid a shutdown approaching, the White House has begun advising government agencies on the proper steps in preparation for a shutdown of the government.

Republicans on Monday disclosed plans to instruct lawmakers "on how the House would operate in the event Senate Democrats shut down the government." (Obama: Budget deal close, shutdown would be disruptive By ANDREW TAYLOR Associated Press [April 5, 2011])

Meanwhile, why are agencies in the U.S. subscribing to the Drupal platform? Is that a capitulation to a tide of government shutdown? Where is a U.S. website platform taking center stage? Further more in-depth exploration into this subject might help.

More on this blog might be coming

Ghostly Ghastly Notion of Government Shutdown

The way some aspects of the economy have been turning out the last 2 or 3 years, has left a tantalizing image in our minds, that no patriotic American with pride in how strong our economy is, wants to actually say-- that is-- 'are we on the way to government shutdown'? One statement that can come up amongst the front-runners in rebut, is, why go all the way from all pistons running to the other extreme insofar as shutdown? Why not somewhere along the spectrum, as appropriate, reserving what is needed at different places in time, and more details-- In forthright and clear terms, why not continually properly timed accurate measures that correspond to what is required, plausibly foregoing any kind of shutdown at any degree?

Frightened to make the interjection of 'shutdown', here it is notwithstanding:

"WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama, showing growing impatience, said Tuesday it would be "inexcusable" for lawmakers to fail to fund the government through the end of the year and cause a shutdown.

"We are closer than we have ever been to an agreement. There is no reason why we should not get an agreement," Obama said following a White House meeting with congressional leaders.

Appearing before reporters at the White House, Obama said that House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid were to meet on Capitol Hill later Tuesday to continue negotiations. If that meeting does not produce an agreement, Obama said he would summon the pair back to the White House Wednesday.

"Myself, Joe Biden, my team — we are prepared to meet for as long as possible to get this resolved," Obama said.

Boehner, in a televised appearance right after Obama, said Republicans also want to avoid a government shutdown but also want to achieve the largest spending cuts that are possible. "We believe cutting spending will help us create jobs in America," he said.

...With the Friday deadline to avoid a shutdown approaching, the White House has begun advising government agencies on the proper steps in preparation for a shutdown of the government. (Obama: Budget deal close, shutdown disruptive; By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Andrew Taylor, Associated Press 2 mins ago)