Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Policies that ADAPT to Times. Hunger for Nuclear Arms and Barbarian Ages. Worldwide Leadership Changes and Decadence.

Times. A summary discussion of times. Noted in the past year, the United States and surely others have undergone events that we never thought possible. The quantity of foreclosures being amongst the highest on the list, of concerns.

The world has witnessed a transition of power, re-blueprinting the face of many parts of the Arab dawliya [Middle East]. Saddam Hussein, no more, Qadhafi, no more, Arafat, no more, to name a few. Rioting and strife has taken place in abundancy. In other places, the economy has been teetering on the brink of non-existence.

Although the internet, computers, iPods, and many hand-held and portable communication and information devices have brought humankind to places technology that were not even conjecture of what the reality of living would include just a decade before, all of us in this world still face one age-old problem.


In parts of the world, hunger is still the same problematic, horrific conditions that it was when televised fund-raising campaigns were performed three decades ago.

Somalia. Sudan. Here in the United States. For those of us that are comfortable, and reside in the big cities with high paying jobs, 'you know', from reading news papers, or an inadvertent drive through a neighborhood while on your way to vacation, that there are hungry persons amongst us. But did 'you know', there are many, many hungry persons, that are overcome with painful pangs of hunger everyday. As in there is a staggering number of under privileged hungry persons at the threshold of starvation, in one of the wealthiest places on earth. A better idea of how these people feel, is if you were deprived suddenly, of all food and water for 5 days, and had to walk around in different weather conditions, asking for food. Finally you found 1 or 2 bites to eat, and it exacerbated the condition of your health, causing sickness and increasing the pain your body is feeling. Imagine living that way for years, 3, 4 years, at only 6, or 7 years old.

Where we are now. Major steps need to be taken to rectify the hunger situation in the United States. The key is, helping others while we fix our own problems AT THE SAME TIME.

Examinations are going to be needed. More than a few of them. Examinations of how to successfully develop food distribution mechanisms while economic challenges are still present.

On the subject of examinations, is examination into and including the prospect of an overhaul of the concept of no food because you have nuclear weapons.

Back 4000 years ago, which even then it was an international outrage, in the age of barbarianism, starving masses of people might have taken place for whatever purposes someone decided was a wisdom, hikmat, размышление [pron. razmyshlenie] words thereabout, or whatever ancient term for some ancient technique that was distorted from its origin and then misused in the throws of greed of human domination.

What is being discussed here, among them, is the situation in Korea. Whether North Korea, or South Korea, does not matter that much. Geopolitical borders may or may not have been the same between them 4000 years ago. What stays the same is the unsightly situation of masses of people going hungry.

4000 years ago, is an extreme, to bring to the forefront the economic-political-armament strategies of 20 years ago, might not be appropriate today, in 2012. When capitalism rifts with communism were thriving 25 years ago, food repression might have seemed logical.

Today, anyone with internet access and some know how, can perform an aerial hover from their computer and see conditions of living that are an embarrassment on the human people altogether.

Times, spoken of at the beginning. We may be witnessing an era in the weeks that are immediately
ahead, in addition to the change of communism amalgam of Russia into 2 sorts, reference countries that now have their autonomy from the U.S.S.R., Berlin Wall down, iron rule of strict Sunni practices nearly all but washed away from many of the Arab dawliya [Middle East countries], Cuba no more communism is a prospect. Does this translate into back to casino days, or decadence far, far beyond that as within the realm of possibility, with or without communism, in the years in the future of Cuba?

The topic, hunger, and the idea of no food if nuclear capabilities are furthered pertaining to U.S. relations with North Korea, is this policy a thing of antiquity? Examining the whole reality of it, throroughly, which means, the policy on the prima facie, on paper, all the way to household to household, person to person living standards, and indispensable, many other dynamics of foreign policy that are going on between Korea and everyone else, with all the gradations of degrees of these in respect to the no food-nuclear capabilities situation.

Examination and prospects of overhaul, include what is going on at the prison system in North Korea. Reportedly, aspects of the prison system there is amongst the world's most severe. This is one of the concerns of, the way people treated each other 4000 years ago. In 2012, the situation needs an examination, such as, into the efficacy of what the treatment in harsh facilities is accomplishing; is it really accomplishing the objectives of 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 100 years ago, 4000 years ago?

It is applauded by some, the invitations and jeong that President Obama has taken on with Korea. What is the hopefully will occur, is that these interfaces with Korea are a step in the process of betterment in regard to how the hungry in Korea are living; and 'some day, hearts may realize', that historic progress in that regard, must be accompanied with historic progress for the betterment of the hunger situation in the United States, which, must be accompanied with historic progress for the hungry in all places of the world; Kenya faces a brunt of hunger, China, and India, still have population amounts that re more than the populations of large cities in this world, of people in hunger conditions disgraceful to mankind.

Why does the no food if nuclear capabilities continues, have angles that seem to 'not make any sense'?
A major portion of the answer is, many of those that are going hungry have a commensurate responsibility which could very well correlate to little to nothing to do with developing nuclear weapons at however many billions in whatever increment of time; so why should they be the ones to go hungry; and, in these times, are the repercussions for citizens going hungry as a punishment for nuclear arms increase, taken in the same views as they were in the past?

This international hunger repair situation is not impossible. If television and wireless internet, GPS technology, and so on, can make its way to every corner of the globe, so can remedying a situation from days far past us.

Concerns about risks if social order of hunger lets up, such as repercussions of empowerment of people that have inclinations to crime and acting irresponsibly--
That is one of the areas where think-tanks come in, realms of social-economic strategies that accomplish both, or the two-fold, which is more respectable food access conditions for those less priveleged and less gifted, while maintaining mitigation of illegal, illicit, criminal activity.

Not to say that everyone on the earth will be the happiest fullest fed person, but, there are balances that are in proportion to the times.

Overview of hunger statistics on country basis
WFP [World Food Program] says 4.3 million people [...in 2010...] are in need of food assistance. From 'Number Of Hungry People in Southern Sudan Quadruples'

"In Brazil poverty affects more than a quarter of the population - some 44 million people... Hunger is the most extreme manifestation of the huge problem of poverty in Brazil. Few people die of starvation, but there is widespread chronic food insecurity and malnutrition."

"NAIROBI, Kenya – NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — A U.N. agency says strong rains have cut the number of hungry people in Somalia by 25 percent, but that an estimated 2 million in the Horn of Africa country still need food aid."Published August 23, 2010/ Associated Press
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2010/08/23/rains-help-somalias-hungry-million-need-food-aid-agency-says/#ixzz1rkgDoavy

"In 2010, 17.2 million households, 14.5 percent of households (approximately one in seven), were food insecure, the highest number ever recorded in the United States 1"
'Hunger in America: 2012 United States Hunger and Poverty Facts'

"Nine states exhibited statistically significant higher household food insecurity rates than the U.S. national average 2008-2010:1
United States 14.6%
Mississippi 19.4%
Texas 18.8%
Arkansas 18.6%
Alabama 17.3%
Georgia 16.9%
Ohio 16.4%
Florida 16.1%
California 15.9%
North Carolina 15.7%
[1] U.S. Census Bureau. 2009"

North Korea
"At an orphanage in Hwangju town, across the provincial border in North Hwanghae province, 11 of 12 children in the clinic were critically malnourished. They looked to be no more than three or four years old, but orphanage staff insisted they were eight, citing severe stunting due to malnutrition."
"The sharp divergence of views [as to the exact hunger statistics in North Korea] is one reason why the U.N.’s emergency relief coordinator will visit this month [October 2011] to assess the situation."

"...India with the highest number of hungry people and malnutrition has serious concerns..."
[From a story on, 'India has the highest number of hungry people on earth']
Consensus of the number of starving children in India is exceeds 8 million.

Some say the estimate of starvation is about 30 million

Hard hit by hunger
"The FAO report stated that about two thirds of the world's undernourished live in just seven countries -- Bangladesh, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia and Pakistan. However, the sub-Saharan Africa accounts for the highest proportion of undernourished people at 30 percent in 2010."

Comment on the balance of the hungry to other extreme:
"The number of overweight people in the world has overtaken the number of malnourished for the first time, with a billion people considered heavier than advised.
While almost one in six of the estimated world population of 6.5 billion is now overweight or obese, about 800 million people do not have enough to eat, an international conference in Australia was told yesterday."
http://www.nysun.com/foreign/overweight-people-outnumber-worlds-hungry/37905 [2006]