Tuesday, October 30, 2012

STRONG Recommendations in the Storm Sandy Aftermath: Solar on Street Lamps, and Uninterrupted Power Supply for Offices

Not to place anything above the loss of life, as there is a blog posting just previous to this one

Not to capitalize on loss of life, such as for monetary earnings

in the prevention of further loss of life,
and that there stands the possibility that some people that died could have been rescued, if:

The street lamps that lost lighting power due the storm, could still shine some light

A recommendation has been placed in ETIS International blogs before, to place some kind of solar panel mechanism attached to street lamps, at least in some places, so that



Unlit street lamps because a storm came through is a thing of the past, in the age of antiquity.

Uninterrupted Power Supply, also known as/ abbreviated UPS
of course can be used in offices which can be used for communicating and coordinating emergency efforts and management.  If the offices have no power, then how can they be used to make needed emergency calls.

You spot a stranded person in a flood from your office while looking out the window from your high rise office, condo, or apartment, and your cellular phone is not getting any signal; you can e-mail someone, or call using a phone attached to your computer, but you can't do that because your power is lost due to the storm...

It does not have to be.  UPS systems can keep power supply running for hours, just like a generator.  Make those valuable calls.  The next time a severe tide of weather hits, if there is a next time, instead of 39 lost, how about some other number, lower.

Well over 5 million power outages on the East Coast alone blamed on the storm named Sandy.  That could be turned around, and 5 million assisting with the assistance effort.

You can get UPS systems through ETISworld.com or ETISmart.com
Direct UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply page: http://etismart.com/power-supply-ups-and-backup.php

Hurricane Sandy Takes Tolls. New York and New Jersey Hit Hard by Hurricane Sandy ||:New News About the Two News|

39 people are reported dead in the continental U.S. as result of Hurricane Sandy.

There are areas of New Jersey that are still not able to be identified as to what exactly the extent of the damage is, and possibly other human injuries.  2.5 million power outages [for New Jersey per CBSnews.com today].

Same source also says 2.3 million power outages in New York, and 1.2 million power outages in Pennsylvania.

Equipment for locating trapped people in storm water inundated [flooded] areas, that are high tech and effective, might help, if help is needed.

In the Caribbean, almost 70 people are reported to have died as resultant of hurricane Sandy.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Sandy? A Hurricane Named Sandy Arriving at this Time of Year?

Not to invoke any further this hurricane they call Sandy arriving, but Sandy is not really a name befitting for a weather condition that has destructive effects this time of year

As millions are over in Mecca on Hajj

The Mid-Atlantic region in the area around Washington D.C. is concerned about a boomerang-shaped weather pattern moving from south to north rumored to have the prospect of materializing into a severe hurricane

Look to the good side of things, as the name is not befitting, the nature of the name is not befitting, so to will the storm not hit us

Not working today, therefore am not, but am putting the information out

Let us all be the best, and hope for the best