Thursday, June 6, 2013

Building Catastrophe in Philadelphia | Preparation

On Wednesday morning, a building apparently collapsed into a structure for an organization known for the used the collection and distribution of things for the needed.

Although the incident was on a much smaller scale than the building collapse in Bangladesh within recent months that is blamed for the lives of almost 800, the picture of the incident is reminiscent.

What could have been done to prevent both catastrophes?

The hand to bucket method of rescuing helped considerably in Philadelphia, but was nearly futile in the extreme case in Bangladesh.

What are standard developed methods of rescue, that can be effective no matter the size of the event?

Wildfire Near Los Angeles, California Looms Tall and Very Dangerous

Wildfire that warrants quick remedy in containment and control, and as a foreshadowing of other potential fire eruptions in the region of California northwest of Los Angeles, and Los Angeles and surrounding area, has presented its challenge.

Possibly among the main reasons for containment and control of the fire, is that aspects of the nature of the fire is to extend above and beyond the ability to rage swiftly and destructively as a wildfire, the strength and might of the wildfire is stronger than usual.

The fire raging north of Angeles Forest has been named Powerhouse Fire.  As of today, according to the LA Times, cost about $11.4 million to fight of which FEMA covers about 75%; the fire is about 78% contained, and is expected to be fully contained Monday, which appears to be next week.
Critical key, although subtle, weekends can sometimes have affectations on the growth of fast spreading wildfires.  With less things going on than during the week, such as transporting to and from work, direct rays of sunlight have the opportunity to hit parched areas for longer amounts of time.  The dynamics of the fire might not remain consistent from the week to weekend, then to the beginning of the next workweek.

"The fire more than doubled in size over the weekend, encouraged by hot temperatures, low humidity and strong winds that swirled through the hillsides", stated in an LA Times article,,0,4435779.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+lanowblog+%28L.A.+Now%29.

Sources say the fuel for the fire is older material.  In the 'you are what you eat' rule, the fire might have characteristics of a more adult, and harder to put out, fire, compared to others that have been experienced, insofar especially the flames themselves.

The fire "in the Angeles National Forest mountains and canyons, some of which hadn't burned since 1929. The fire was growing so fast, and the smoke was so thick, that it was difficult to map the size, U.S. Forest Service Incident Commander Norm Walker said.

"This is extremely old, dry fuel," Walker said at an afternoon news conference.

Read more:
'California wildfire explodes in size as it burns down homes, threatens widespread damage'; Published June 02, 2013; Associated Press

[The map provided by the L.A. Times online, indicates that the fire is close to adjacent the Angeles Forest, north.]

The fire currently burning is reminiscent in some aspects, of the fire/wildfire that occurred about a month ago, the beginning of May, emanating evidently from the Camarillo, California, region.  Some of fuel for the fire, the 'foddery', low lying greenery, might be affected by dust particles from years of large machinery.  Altogether, that fuel can facilitate fires that are harsh.

In strategies of fighting the fire, proactive measures much like what firefighting strategists do in Georgia during/ in preparation for wildfire season, might make headway in reducing the severity of the fires in the Los Angeles region; specifically, treatment of the greenery in the area; which may involve washing them down with spring water, or an operation on a large scale to the objective headed up in that direction which has further study.