Thursday, August 14, 2014

Progress with Respect to Ferguson, Missouri

Ferguson, Missouri after a crux incident reported to be that a teenager was shot, has developed into somewhat of an inferno.
Somewhat is used to describe because, the situation does not involve as many people as Watts Riots back in the 1960s, or later in that same region, L.A. riots after Rodney King incident.

It is wisest to gravitate to complete discipline than to start a momentum of bucking law enforcement.

There are levels of authorities in law enforcement, whereas if local law enforcement made error or seemed to, state will step in, and so forth.

Rushing to the area to exacerbate the situation and try to turn yourself into a celebrity taking footage and reports of the scene, knowingly not cooperating with police officers, does not help the situation.

On the subject of helping a region, usually when something like what is going on or was going on in Ferguson happens, it is because, 'something else is wrong'.

Where on the list of financial support is Ferguson, especially in context of economic lows since about 2007?

Major problems, no matter where the city, that usually should be the subject of investigation include:
Quality of schools
Quality of nutrition for children in the region
Frequency of child abuse with an emphasis on neglect

What are the statistics, known and unknown, in Ferguson in these areas?

In the past few decades, the U.S. has witnessed events remindful, in Atlanta, L.A., Detroit in the 1960s.  Is the situation indicative of retrogression?

Young adult males running in and out of stores robbing them, and caught on camera, is not the proper response to the solutions of concerns surrounding the teenager shot.

Acting with wisdom, prudency, and respect, goes further.