Monday, March 27, 2017

Communication vs Crime and Genocide. Comments on Why Apt.

A break in time has passed since last blog posting.  There was a slight hope that the next post, in this one, would have content that was not referring to hate, war, nor bloodshed, as the central theme.  Sometimes to get away from the unideals, you have to go reach back toward pointing out what it is to get away from.

The film here, took about 7 seconds to write out in the mind's writing pad, about 7 days to actually have a finished product.

If some of the messages seem offensive, they are not intended to offend; what is applicable to whom the shoe fits, so it be.
A crackdown is necessary on those that wish to to take carte blanche advantage of up-and-coming technologies then use them for wrongful purposes, saliently among them child abuse.  Hundreds and hundreds of cases are popping up involving picture taking devices for the inglorious.
Monetary reward and expenditure, on both sides, producers and viewers of despicable material, should have the words of a good conscience reiterate to them, it is not worth it.
As this movie was being produced, information was rapidly developing of situations in the Nation's Capital, of over 2 dozen young females disappearing.