Sunday, April 11, 2021

Global Warming and Coronavirus

On mathematical, computational models, there might,- or might not be theories, that do not fully calculate all the predictions, the 'what could occur' in the near future, with coronavirus and COVID-19.

We have already seen variants of the virus emerge.

Usually, molecular matter expands and behaves differently when it is very hot, as opposed to when at lower temperature.

It might be, that as this year approaches summer, and if the coronavirus pandemic is still not fully abated, that extreme heat could affect the rate of the spread of coronavirus sicknesses, COVID-19.

Global warming, whether some believe in it or not, summarily this refers to the prospect that this year will see hotter temperatures than previous years. In the first 2 weeks of April, some regions have already experienced temperatures up around those hotter summer days. From Richmond, VA, through DC, to Baltimore, MD temperatures today were heading near 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and minimal cloudiness in some areas. Preparation: this year might have summer temperatures, conjecturing for conversation, up around 110 degrees; heat exhaustion prevention in combination with COVID-19, might comprise different prevention standards than the usual for severe climate and conditions.