Monday, May 20, 2013

Multiple Phenomena? Tornado Trends in the U.S. in May 2013

Phenomena 1: A group of tornadoes in a geographic region occurring as the storm condition

Phenomena 2: The tornado touchdown region is moving in a northwestern direction.
It might be all one big series moving from the southernmost states, such as Alabama, then up through Texas, then further.

Phenomena 3:  Not as clear, but just in case, what has been witnessed the past week on up until this weekend, is something which might be able to be loosely called or described as a drawback, which it is partially comprised of its own Coriolis effect.  Essentially what happened is the tornadoes already came through, but did not touch down, in a southeastern direction, then, drew back, this time resulting in its own Coriolis effect causing more and stronger tornadoes.

This could all mean, that next on the tornado strike list, could be Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, that directional zone, in the upcoming few to 10 days.

Whether all these claims are 100% accurate or not, it is not a let up of prudency to take them in consideration.

The tornadoes which have landed in the past few days, look very ominous, dark gray, dark brown, dark gray-brown.  The destruction they are leaving, is leaving property reduced in quality, rendering them almost or entirely useless.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

7 Reported Missing, 13 Tornados Struck Texas on Wednesday, May 15, 2013. 6 Reported Casualties. Texas Locations: Ranchos Brazos | Granbury | Hood | Ennis | Cleburne | Montague and Ellis Counties

Story here:

excepts from story:

"From Staff Reports

Published: 15 May 2013 05:30 PM

Updated: 16 May 2013 05:51 PM

Deeds said Thursday morning that all of the dead were adults and were in Ranchos Brazos. Another 37 people were injured, with about 100 homes flattened, damaged or destroyed. Separate tornadoes and strong winds near Ennis and Cleburne, where a tornado more than half a mile wide has been confirmed by the National Weather Service, destroyed homes, but no one died.

After a daylong survey, the National Weather Service has confirmed 13 tornadoes, from Montague County down to Ennis in Ellis County.

Although up to seven people are still missing in Granbury, officials said they believe they probably aren't trapped in the rubble and simply haven't notified authorities of their whereabouts. Nonetheless, emergency responders still plan to continue searching the flattened homes."

Monday, May 13, 2013

An Important Word: When Understood and the Problems it Addresses, Has Wisdom

The word, borrowed from the Arabic, is Shqaq
the letters transliterated: Sheen, Qaf, and Qaf,
with different inflections and tenses

Briefly meaning, the breaking, synonymous to collapse, from implosion

that might have already been too much,

but there is much, much more

what is it that this needs to be applied to, starting off this week, and attempting to summarize in the fewest words possible, all for the good of the U.S.A.?
whatever these are, they are important, dimensions

Let it be a warning from above, if matters do not get immediately resolved, and matters and the trends of last week continue to escalate, unthinkable violence of infighting might occur.

Swallowing allowing the worse get worst
For those that are of high authority, situations that have not been addressed, that need to be addressed, in the same way that other situations of the same and similar type have been addressed, please realize the reiteration is that there is an emphasis

Has wisdom, can extend to, the wisdom might help with solutions, when seeking solutions

Abraham Lincoln and suspension of the habeas corpus, although technology has progressed since then, there are still many aspects which maintain the analogue.

References are, crimes by officials

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Priority is not how Viral the Video is

Before stating anything else, * a trend has been sensed, and whether or not it is the case in the clear or not, does not matter compared to what is clear, which is, the lives of people is far more important than how viral a video is of the news event, especially if the video is being timed and taken advantage of for purposes of greed, and, the same story could have been released earlier in other formats earlier, news stories which might have helped.

Decades ago, videos of events were not available to the masses to watch, and in eras preceding, a radio report or newspaper story, was what people were relying on for the news source.

Just a comment.  This post might be continued.

*important lives always are a priority

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

News Round-Robin Solution: 3D Globe of Headline News Hot Zones

Most and possibly all viewers of the news over the past few months have realized that there has been a round-robin hopping around of the geographic locations of major news stories, which have taken place for the purpose of this illustration, in less than a half dozen places, call them international hot-news-zones.

You choose which place to start, the Boston, Massachusetts Marathon, reference the bombing there, you might choose the strife in Syria, or the conflicts in the very center of Africa. 

In Dhaka, Bangladesh there was a building that collapsed, then about a week later, an explosion in Prague, Czechoslovakia, all in April 2013.

Feeding into, or some might put it, some might feel it is a downside of other human relations matters, or exacerbation to the round robin, are the complexities of when to extend a helping hand and how much not to extend.  In a time of high technology, the decisions are heavily weighted in split second intervals, making it a challenge.  Howbeit the level of challenge, and the 'acceptable room' for 'level' of failure, failure can have repercussions, among those repercussions, is, the potentialities that adversely affects international cooperation.

TaoBao, AliBaba, the online shopping center in the Asian hemisphere, is blowing away with gross dollars generated, we are talking about millions of dollars a minute, an example occurrence amid many others.  Are potential customers turning away from American products and platforms, and moreover, if they are, is it because there were intervals where a helping hand might well could have been given, but wasn't? And that if they were extended, there would have been no harm done, at least not enough on the popular sensed relations level.

The helping hand situation is another discussion.

The purpose of this blog post, which was originally intended to have an elaborate work of art/diagrams/presentation produced by ETIS, is precluded by the fact that solutions are already developed.

The main core of the concept: Keeping track of the hot zones of conflict on a bird's eye view and 3D level all at one snapshot.
This might be able to prevent the situation that occurred over the past few weeks.  The situation of the Boston Marathon bombing occurred, which engulfed the news, meanwhile, the situation in Syria which has resulted in massive losses of life, is almost completely missed by headlines.

Here is one of very possibly many more.  It is using the interface described for international news:

picture at titled high Tech Interface Project

Simply, what you would do, upon deciding to use this interface, practical usage for newscasters, is you would insert the headlines of the top stories into the boxes, and the globe spins.  This could be integrated into television, your website, or a background graphic illustration box as headlines are being presented.  The user or viewer of the news then clicks on the box to read further about the story or developments in the region that corresponds to it.

The result would be an interactive graphic that would look something like this:
 URL of original picture of the two illustrations above: <
^^^ also at '25 After Effects Templates for Futuristic Presentations', see

Considered, is an ETIS International website or page with either the globe or a spinning globe, which provides the hot zone updates at intervals, such as everyday, or few days.