Monday, May 13, 2013

An Important Word: When Understood and the Problems it Addresses, Has Wisdom

The word, borrowed from the Arabic, is Shqaq
the letters transliterated: Sheen, Qaf, and Qaf,
with different inflections and tenses

Briefly meaning, the breaking, synonymous to collapse, from implosion

that might have already been too much,

but there is much, much more

what is it that this needs to be applied to, starting off this week, and attempting to summarize in the fewest words possible, all for the good of the U.S.A.?
whatever these are, they are important, dimensions

Let it be a warning from above, if matters do not get immediately resolved, and matters and the trends of last week continue to escalate, unthinkable violence of infighting might occur.

Swallowing allowing the worse get worst
For those that are of high authority, situations that have not been addressed, that need to be addressed, in the same way that other situations of the same and similar type have been addressed, please realize the reiteration is that there is an emphasis

Has wisdom, can extend to, the wisdom might help with solutions, when seeking solutions

Abraham Lincoln and suspension of the habeas corpus, although technology has progressed since then, there are still many aspects which maintain the analogue.

References are, crimes by officials

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