Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Putting Things Back Together After Funding Lapses: Efficent, Fair

Three areas present themselves in the bustle for regrouping and recouping therein the repair process of funding lapses:
25 years ago, when the amount of office space needed for a staff of thousands was calculated, the size of the portable computers, PCs, literally the bulky monitors and hard-drives, took 10 times the space per computer.  When in the tens of thousands, that space adds up.  The streamlining of office space efficiency could result in trimming entire office building floors, if not office buildings, from a company's budget, they are simply no longer needed when we now have the flat monitors and portable hard-drives of today.  Alternatively, the buildings could be used for something else.
This analogy refers to everything on the technological advancement cusp, in context of modern technologies respective to the budget and funding crisis, that many people dub 'government shutdown'.
Let's say utopia occurs tomorrow, and the shutdown is over, and everything goes back to what it was a few weeks ago.  In the process of the repair job, is throwing funding at obsolete technologies, like the space for bulky computers, the cutting-edge smartest strategy across the board?  If the analogy described above is upheld, when other dimensions of finance challenges are considered like budget trimming, repayment of debt, and the budget ceiling, to carefully do the repair job from the 'shutdown', it might include precision trimming for effectiveness, and might be part of the common sense post 'government shutdown' repaired phase.

Fairness, and the determining the wheat from the chaff in all directions:
Programs which make it easier for people not as well to do might have seen cutbacks.  There are instances where these cutbacks have adversely affected people that are genuinely in need of funds, such as severely inured veterans, and orphans.
Then the contrast begins to show.  What about people that are taking unfair and disproportionate advantage of funding from the government, for example middle aged men that would ordinarily be healthy, that are not being proactive about staying employed because they are catering their schedules to illicit narcotic and drug habits?  Should they have access to the huge pools of money and programs funded thereof that were up and running before the funding halts?
Systems and processes of selection, qualifications, need, are plausibly on the list of the phase after the pulling up out of the Congress impasse concerning funding.

The United States system of checks and balances:
Democrats and Republicans, as well as independents, are all in the political system together.  No matter what the challenge is for the political system, whether it be a prospective 'government shutdown', waging war on another country, tax raises, you name it, no one political party is the ultimate and one party to make the final decision as to the shape of the entire country.  The system of checks and balances was established long ago, what we all learned in school, for those of us so fortunate, the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.
When things come to, not excluding manipulative methods to arrive at, one political party, especially a situation of a few members at the forefront of the party having it appear to be that, getting their hands on the control buttons of something as serious as how the U.S. looks to the rest of the world, it does not sit with everyone as the ideals of the system of checks and balances the Founding Fathers had in mind.  Certainly a distorted sense of the original aims of the Republican Party or Democratic Party pulled out of a manuscript that was used in the 1800s, and attempting to apply them to today's political setting, makes it sound like a suffering from mental sickness, where antiquated beliefs and delusions are inappropriately attempted to be used today.  It is doubtful that in the next meeting of Congress, the representatives are going to arrive in white wigs, in the tradition of whig parties.  Craziness if they were stopped by security and insisted on doing so, right?  In the same vein, claiming it is your and yours only to make the decision as to matters that are the subject of the system of checks and balances, is also ludicrous.