Thursday, January 30, 2014

There Are Things That People Have Said About the Presidency That Do Not Sit Well

Dear Yahoo:
No. Checking laws and legislation generally speaking, that is like slander and libel, in addition to casting negative views which in turn can possibly cause harm to reputation stability, on anyone, moreover the Presidency.

'Doesn't get', 'still doesn't get', has a colloquial nuance, that has to do with setting someone in a standoffish way sharply outside of a construct or belonging which that person may already be in, or interfacing with. All of the Presidents constitute legacy of the Presidency.

Careful when you insult. Affecting the esteem of the Presidency, is not tolerated by everyone.

Was it Matt Bai acting alone? Did the combination of news caption, to story, turn out to be what was originally intended? These might not get you off the hook; media professionals know about these ripples.

How old is Matt Bai? Does he know through first hand experience, how many dimensions of advisors, that for sure are older than Matt Bai, that the Presidency interacts with?

In regard to respect of higher governmnt offices, whether a total fan of the President and Presidency or otherwise, really does not matter.

And, in a second term, it is not a situation that there is a prospect that will be running against him, being a raison d'etre for 'comparitive politicking'.

The other comment in the Matt Bai article, '...about his job', is also impolite and condescending in tone. Unless you know for sure you can do his job better than he, which if you could you would, it might be better to hold off on those comments.

Revision. Not all the details are put here. There are media professional that know what to do.

There really is not anything he can say or Yahoo can say, to rebut and tilt the scales in their favor on this one. We are talking about the disrespect, not he say she say of what the opinion polls are.

If you have an objective of improving an aspect of the political system, the ethical approach is to do the due diligence and pursue it with the appropriate tools, such as an approved letter to your the Senator.

Recapping, here is what happened, Matt Bai wrote an article it appears earlier today, that juts out on the landing page, referencing 'doesn't get'. The Yahoo caption is, 'What Obama still doesn’t get about his job', and the article title is, 'What Obama still hasn't figured out about being president', at the URL with the bulk content.

Matt Bai and Yahoo, are not the first ones that have said 'stuff', and made comments, that were awkward in tone, concerning higher offices of government. Negative attitudes do not help anyone, going all the way back to the first few days after sitting in office for the first term. A referent concern, is about laying all the weight for all the woes, on one man, then before, after, and, or during, dereliction, exacerbating, abandonment, when you know a team effort is needed to get certain things on par.

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