Friday, August 7, 2015

Casting Aside Chains that Impede Better Health are Removing Chains that Promote Hate and Mass Casualty in the World War II Era | 第二次世界大戦時代の憎悪と大量の死傷者を推進妨げるよりよい健康はチェーンを削除しているチェーンの脇キャスト

Begun Thursday August 6, 2015

What to discuss with the readers of my writing the moment of this writing, has to do with bringing the mind to higher levels, which might involve casting aside lingering chains the result of promoting conflict amongst men that can drag one down.

There are 2 books that I have been 'working on' in terms of studying them, to the degree that the concepts in them are gained a command of just as one gains a command in math that 2+2=4.
One of these books is 'The Japanese Mind: The Goliath Explained', by Robert Christopher, copyright 1983.

Now 2015, years after completion of post high school education programs, content in Christopher's book is breaking new boundaries in philosophy, psychology, and general understanding of how created men and women interact in society together.

After the bombings of Pearl Harbor, the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima might stand out in many minds today as major or possibly even culminating events in that era, respective World War Two and American-Japanese relations or relation tensions.

Descriptions of the impacts of the bombings include that some that were on the fringes of the epicenter of the Nagasaki/Hiroshima bombings were seen with their skins hanging from the bones of their bodies, while hovering at a body of water, in the wake of the blast.

The big red mushroom cloud, that can be perceived to symbolize the bombings, was not all that transpired in Japan in the 1940s.

In the first chapter of Christopher's book, '...Japanese Mind...', "nearly 700,000 Japanese civilians (out of a total population of 72 million) had perished."  A few words afterward, "...encountered in a village north of Tokyo a sad, straggling little funeral of the last of the more than 1.3 million Japanese soldiers, sailors and airmen killed during World War II."

Just months ago, Veterans and Memorial Day were around, and Americans are reminded of the estimated 50,000 troops lost in the Vietnam War.

Looking at the number of 1.3 million lost, and the mind automatically starts to calculate 50,000 divided into 1.3 million, and says, 50,000 doubled is 100,000, and it takes multiplying that 100,000 by ten to reach a million, this before almost a million and a half, as the attempt to fathom how 1.3 million troops from a relatively tiny island, in acreage, could have been in existence, the number of uniforms, food, supplies, training, and so forth.  How it happened is one matter, what stands out is 1.3 million persons plus the 700,000 civilians were casualties in the era around 1945 1946.  That is a lot of a toll and lot of whatever happened to get the toll to be that.

In other areas of the book, a theme when the title of the book 'The Japanese Mind', I analyze why the Japanese mind is different from anyone else's mind, the American mind, the Arab mind, the Hispanic mind, and so on.  Respect, on the outward can be taught.

Stepping way back from the forest, in seeing the forest from the trees, let us look at the small spherical ball set out in outer space, standing back millions of miles away from the earth, and millions of years before and after 1945.  Let us say that the Creator created the earth, the small sphere in the middle of the backdrop field of darkness.  Then say, was what happened in the World War Two era an exalted series of events, superior thinking that was close in the eyes of our Lord?  This references everything that went into the conflicts, the philosophies, the deception, the lust for money, money gained at the expense of blood, by all parties that got involved in cultivating the practices.

As I am studying the 'Japanese Mind' in an effort of betterment, and sorting out how the Japanese mind came to be, and how the American mind came to be, altogether sorting out what aspects of mind are artificial and thus possibly not all that elevated, it is here that I felt the recreation process, without going into detail.

At one point, that Japanese on a typical family beach scene, walk onto the beach just like typical Americans do, 2 kids, and the father strolling behind them with rubber ducky with him, as described in Christopher's book.  Is that what the world since the 1940s is coming too? 2 kids, rubber ducky, the father in pair of blase beach shorts, a strong income is an average income, and the goal is a 3 or 4 bedroom house with 2 cars in a garage?

Why is the referent typical family goal hereinabove being criticized sarcastically?  Ask, how many of the typical beach scene father, maybe he is about 30 or 35, or 39, knows one ayat or verse from the Quran?  Can they state more than 2 or 3 sentences from the Injeel or 'Bible'.  Japanese literature, especially ancient, can they recite more than a minute of parable or narratives, in any language?  War veterans of recent conflicts in the Middle East, and watchers of Rambo movie, might know a verse or two, outside of those that have put forth an effort to study and learn.

Whatever it was that got us here, to the goal for a typical family is a 9 to 5 gig, 2 kids, lots of TV, and the kids go to grade school and express themselves any way they want to, minus what is in the Holy Books due to that they are not learning what is in them in many schools, needs evaluating, especially when held before the light of,- was all that developed into the conflicts of Japan and the United States the right course action?

Numbers of fatalities in the World War Two era bring us to the second book, which is 'Emotions and Memory' by David Rapaport.  Rapaport evidently died before he reached age 50.  His writings are something that needs to be approached with caution.

Unless one has a solid background on why some of Sigmund Freud's ideas that he projects are in conflict with what the Holy Books projects, the same for a spectrum of 'renown' psychology authors and scientists, it is not recommended to simply 'read, digest, integrate and implement' at least the 'Emotions and Memory' book by Rapaport.  Albeit, there are a couple of analogies that show that there is content in the book that can be taken for what it is.

One of these is the ability to cup the hand, and that unless one was taught that fingers were on the hand that could move in different directions, that abilities beyond cupping the hand might not have been realized.  This sounds easy to understand now, but it might not always have been.  Another analogy is that cars are seen moving around, we all remember as kids the first time we saw the hood of a car being opened only to expose that there is an engine beneath there with numerous parts that makes the car run.  A mechanic, no matter how decadent a lifestyle lived, often knows how to repair a mechanical failure within a few minutes, while those that do not have the engine repair background are left stranded with no transportation until the mechanic shows up.  Knowing the mechanics of the mind, brain, psyche, emotions, neurological composition, and memory, can help your health.
Rapaport, according to a Wikipedia entry about him, helped escapees flee persecution at the time Jews were being oppressed in Europe, around the same era or a bit before the American-Japanese conflict in the 1940s.

It was Jews also, and not only Jews,  that were persecuted and put to death, such as in terror camps, for instance those set up by the Nazis.

There is the saying translated, not to extol those that engage in turning their backs on what is right.
What were the mass amounts of deaths, in Japan, in the torture camps put up by the Nazis, and other casualties, soldiers all around the world in World War Two, really about, when today, one of the top news stories in recent months about the Israeli government is East African Jews protesting for reduction in police brutality?

But, of the plethora of books and reading resources available in top notch colleges and universities, how much even scrapes the surface about emotions and memory?  In college and university curricula, how much is taught that students need to spend years of their personal time years later repairing their psychological conditions from?  It might be possible, that if some of the information that is in books like what is in 'Emotions and Memory', information written in the 1960s, before the midway point of the Vietnam War, before black gloves on the fist for power at the Olympics, being 'free' at Woodstock, chemical imbalances of the brain 'discoveries' in the 1970s, psychological illnesses becoming acceptable as normal in the 1980s, that many confusion scenarios that evolve due to reading materials in colleges and universities of today, post year 2000, in late teens to age thirties minds, would be easily repaired or would not have evolved.

Reading verses of the Holy Books, then reading information authored in the 1960s about emotions, memory, and the psyche, then back to Holy Books, then further reading about nuts and bolts of the mind, brain, and abilities to interpret and understand, eventually one might see how to improve themselves.

'The Japanese Mind' is an impressive book, but it might not barely scrape the surface as to the difference between the Japanese mind and anyone else's, and why differences exist.

It is here the experience of what looks like cancer at the fringes, caused by bowing down to subscribing that the war machine should not be questioned as whether right or not by the slightest will preserve a place for you amongst the wealthy, the elite, and powerful, falls away, if you stop letting yourself being yanked by the yoke to continue to bow down to what is not meant to be.  Millions of miles away, millions of years ago, to those points and places in time, are the rich, powerful, and elite that we recognize as such today, really the elite, powerful, rich, and closest to the Supreme?

Let us get to the next level up.




その中の概念は数学それは2 + 2 = 4で一つだけのように利益コマンドのコマンドを獲得している程度に私はそれらを勉強の面で「に取り組ん」された2本が、あります。





クリストファーの本の最初の章では、「...日本の心... '、 "(7200万の総人口のうち)ほぼ70万日本の民間人が死んました。」いくつかの単語その後、 "...北東京第二次世界大戦中に死亡した130万人以上の日本兵、船員や飛行士の最後の悲しい、散在少し葬儀procession..oneの村で発生しました。」






クリストファーの本に記載されているように、典型的な家族のビーチのシーンに関する日本、典型的なアメリカ人が行うと同じように、ビーチに歩いて、2子供、そして父親は彼と一緒にゴム製のアヒルとその背後に散歩することを1点、で。 1940年代以降、世界はあまりにも来ているものということですか? 2子供、ゴムアヒル、気ままなビーチショーツのペアの父、強い収入は平均所得であり、目標はガレージで車2台で3または4ベッドルームの家ですか?


どのようなそれは、典型的な家族のために目標に、ここで私たちを得たことを9〜5ギグ、2子供、テレビの多くで、子供たちは、彼らがしたい任意の方法を小学校に行って、自分自身を表現し、マイナスであるもの日本と米国の対立に右コースのアクションを開発し、そのすべてだった - ?、それらが、光の前に開催された場合は特に、評価する必要があるため、多くの学校でそれらにあるものの学習されていないことへの聖なる洋書











Sunday, March 29, 2015

Before Hydrogen Cars Just 'Hit the Streets' Has Sufficient Testing Taken Place?

Hydrogen cars have good aspects, as many 'alternative fuel' vehicles do. For pro-environmental friendly corners, reducing what they believe as harmful emissions and pollution from gasoline powered vehicles, has its panacea in vehicles dubbed alternative fuels, or called non-gasoline vehicles.

There is a straightforward element of danger in hydrogen especially when reflecting on the Hindenburg blimp disaster. In-depth details might show, there were other aspect of the fire, than simply hydrogen igniting, however, the incident still remains a bench-mark in history, that gives wariness to hydrogen use for public transportation.

Testing has been done on hydrogen vehicles. The big question set forth here is, has there been enough testing to cover different angles of hypothetical scenarios that might not have been.  Unknown variables, might be a term that sums up an area of focus that could be elusive, albeit is vital to safety.

"Today's hydrogen fuel tanks are also made from highly durable carbon fiber whose strength is assessed not only in crash tests but also in trials in which bullets are fired at it." []

Take for example the following scenarios:
  • High speed collisions, where a driver was racing in speeds beyond 100mph
  • Collisions involving crushing, such as the hydrogen car with a large truck, where it really does not matter how tough the hydrogen encasement is, bullet proof or otherwise; an 18 wheeler travelling 75 mph that slams into the back of an average sized sedan, especially when trapped between something else, another truck, a hill at an embankment, the casing and the car is likely going to be crushed; when that happens hydrogen will also probably escape.
  • Fuel or fire from another vehicle that is not a hydrogen vehicle, in a collision situation, and the hydrogen leak shut-off mechanism is not activated. This refers to a scenario where flames or sparks can still react with the hydrogen, but were not enough to trigger hydrogen safety features.
  • Perhaps some of the largest dangers are dangers in the unknown.  When the safety feature is compressing the surrounding hydrogen case even tighter, does that make the pressure on the hydrogen, in some sense or ways, even greater, making it even more of a  danger if there is a string enough of an impact on it to cause an after-effect?
    • E=mc squared, and spray-starch cans in reference, the more pressure packed into the container, the stronger the release, perhaps.
There could be an infinite number of probabilities in types of scenarios that could cause a dangerous hydrogen reaction.

Reactions are not just limited to fire.
Children sleeping in the car in garage, when the motor is running, is something that might be worth looking into.

Unfortunately, in this day and age, we have to look at situations that are extreme, and involve using the equipment in ways that are divergent from a trustworthy driver.

With that, laws that penalize for tamperment (tampering) with hydrogen safety mechanisms, might be an idea. Such effort would preclude usage of hydrogen vehicles for other uses not in the best ideal of humankind.

"At last week's Los Angeles Auto Show [article written November 26, 2014], several major car companies, including Audi, Honda, Hyundai and Toyota, announced the release of, or updated plans to release, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles this year or within the next two years." []

Dangers Overview [courtesy What are the dangers of hydrogen-powered vehicles? ]:
Topping the list of concerns is hydrogen burns. In the presence of an oxidizer -- oxygen is a good one -- hydrogen can catch fire, sometimes explosively, and it burns more easily than gasoline does. According to the American National Standards Institute, hydrogen requires only one 10th as much energy to ignite as gasoline does. A spark of static electricity from a person's finger is enough to set it off. Ideally, no oxygen should be present in the liquid hydrogen tanks in a fuel cell vehicle, but trace amounts of air may contaminate the hydrogen supply. If the hydrogen should escape, it will immediately come into contact with the oxygen in air.
Another concern is that hydrogen flames are nearly invisible. When hydrogen catches fire, the flames are so dim and hard to see that they're both hard to avoid and hard to fight.
Next, there's the potential for hydrogen to asphyxiate people. Hydrogen isn't poisonous, but if you should breathe pure hydrogen you could die of asphyxiation simply because you'll be deprived of oxygen. Worse, you won't necessarily know that you're breathing hydrogen because it's invisible, odorless and flavorless -- much like oxygen.
The final concern that we want to mention here is that liquid hydrogen is cold. Because it's highly compressed, liquid hydrogen is extremely cold. If it should escape from its tank and come in contact with skin it can cause severe frostbite.

Other Dangers Brought to Forefront
The key theme of this entire article, considering that there have been numerous articles about safety hazards pertinent hydrogen vehicles, are situations that have not been tested for, and might not be apparent as a danger, until a real situation happens. Maximizing ranges of scenarios for safety testing might minimize dangers, however, getting to them all is just like gasoline and electric vehicles, work will have to continue as an ongoing effort.

Confer 'Safety issues regarding fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen fueled vehicles'
"Hydrogen also has many characteristics that warrant its being handled with great care. Hydrogen-air mixtures can ignite or explode at both lower and higher concentrations of the gas (1) in the air than CNG or methane. Hydrogen is more easily ignited than other fuels. The impact of this is negligible, however, as most other fuels can already be ignited by small amounts of static electricity." ]
III. Areas of Concern The two prime dangers from fuel cell and hydrogen-powered vehicles are the danger of electrical shock and the flammability of the fuel.
   Outline of other concerns:
  • Electric current
  • Electrical Drive System
  • Internal fuel transmission and consumption
    • Thus, the main fuel-related issues for fuel cell safety regard the use of hydrogen. While being a very clean and energy-dense fuel, hydrogen has the tendency to disperse quickly under normal pressure.
  • Fuel Storage
  • Fueling
  • Maintenance
  • Parking of the vehicle
    • Parking a hydrogen vehicle or other gas-fueled vehicle in an enclosed structure is a serious safety concern as it can lead to a buildup of the gas. Hydrogen’s tendency to rise and disperse rapidly makes this the only situation in which small leaks can create extremely dangerous situations.
  • Emission
  • Detection

Regarding detection, is seeing a fire when there is a fire; when a fire cannot be seen, it might be harder to put out, or respond to.

Situations that occur, when all safety precautions have been taken, everyone has done what they were supposed to, and abided by all laws, but, an accident happens anyway; are we ready for these scenarios, with hundreds or thousands of hydrogen cars on the roads in the next few months?

"...Fiery explosion August 26 at a General Motors-owned hydrogen station at the Greater Rochester International Airport (causing it to be briefly closed). Two people were injured, one of them seriously enough to require hospitalization.
The incident was sparked (which may be the right word) when an employee... was switching out one of the station's large hydrogen tanks. It's unclear what happened, since the worker (who will fully recover) was following proper safety procedures. O'Connell thinks some kind of equipment failure may have occurred." [2010 article]

 Additions and edits to this article might be performed in the near future