Incindentally I was reading last night about the history of Musa and Moses. The Prophet that is. Different spellings and ways of referring to the same.
In the discussion were histories of the plague.
The reading discussed the many plagues that were being contended with at the time, and that the people among them said, that there have been many plagues over the history of Egypt.
It pointed out, that there was a certain plague so severe it affected the mightiest to the lowest economic social standing.
At this time, March 30, 2020, at least here in the United States, there are multiple issues that are related to dealing with the coronavirus '19', that have little or nothing to do with the virus itself.
Firstly, when dealing with viruses like this, widespread pandemic, epidemic, ALL things that leave people vulnerable to contracting a sickness need to be addressed and the guidance spread.
This has clearly not happened, not yet.
Right up there with number one, is a serious problem: the people that need the guidance most, namely the elderly in nursing homes and constructs like that, are not getting the guidance, mainly because most the information is being given out through the Internet, online, and the Web, which it can be strongly conjectured, many of the elderly are not up to speed on the latest methods o browsing through those portals, if at all. It is known, it is true, that
many elderly people simply are not trained enough on how to use the Internet and communication equipment many of the recent generation take for granted, like cellular phones. Elderly might not even have the newer cell phones, laptops, electronic notebooks, different mobile pads, and similar devices, that most folks under 50 have, and even if they did, do not know how to work them. It is hard for computer professionals to keep up with all the coronavirus information and updates; how are the elderly able to? But it is they that are getting hammered by the sickness, over and over again.
So, a mechanism is needed to quickly and thoroughly educate and keep them updated, without these computer devices, or a concurrent media device training while coronavirus training. Special televisions might need to be set up, in places like nursing homes for ones that do not have already.
Nursing homes as locations of being wiped out-- that is an issue. If the elderly are going to be mass victims every time an epidemic, flood, fire, or hurricane comes through town, it is a conflict of interest to have them there.
Nursing homes and places for the elderly need to be above par, in terms of readiness for disasters, not places of highest vulnerability.
Addressing the basics of how germs work
Germs, bacteria, a
virus, .. even creatures, humans, green living things like trees, animals, anything that goes from it was not there at one point, then after certain chemicals or matter gets involved, there it is, smog, pollution, fire, contamination, rust, they all have one thing in common most of the time: they need the elements present that allow them to come to be, and, or sustain themselves.
In the case of humans, they need air to breathe. Without it, the suffocate.
In fish, most fish need water to survive. When taken out of the water, after a while, they do not make it.
Fires, usually need one of several elements to keep going. If not enough air, it dies out. You can smother flames to put a fire out. If there is not enough heat, for instance, the spark to start the fire, no fire.
Leading to virus, in this case broadly speaking about viruses in general, to address coronavirus '19', although the cure is supposedly not clearly known and available to the public--
While we are talking about it, all the details and vaccines might not be necessary, to push down and suppress the majority of the impact of the virus.
A virus, as a particle of matter isolated in the air, needs a way to travel from one place it has infected to another place to infect it.
That is where 'social distancing' comes into place.
If a person with a virus keeps a certain distance away from a person without the virus, there is too much room for a person without the virus to have the virus 'jump' from the infected person to the non-infected person.
This is a theory, and in many cases it generally is viable, okay and smart to follow social distancing recommendations.
However, there are social distancing concepts, such as a human that has developed immunity from the virus is someone to go close to, where being fed off the energy and immunity from the person, could help you survive. At that juncture, the method of social distancing as a tool to help your health is turned around.
Bone marrow transplant borrowed from a healthy relative to an ill one for medical reasons, can be an example of close social distance concept, for what is being driven at.
Right now, being physically close to one another in an effort to keep coronavirus from spreading is not the strategy. Why? Because the virus has what may be described as an overwhelming social balance aspect to it; unfortunately an aspect that is unclean and unhealthy.
Theories of pressures and volumes
That leads us into
Avogadro's Law.
Avogadros' Law, popular understanding, is "a law stating that equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of molecules." (Oxford Dictionary online)
Applied to a virus, generally, this means that if you dump a bunch of water into a cup, more than the cup can hold, it will spill over; a few droplets, there is still more space in the cup, most of the way full, leaves a little space.
If you fill a vacuum space, with germs, virus, bacteria, plus leaving these dirty where these viruses can facilitate themselves, then obviously when someone walks into that vacuum of space, the more germs and viruses that have been pumped into that space, the higher the chance that person is going to get affected by the virus, or at least more of the virus it put upon him or her, perhaps making it more virus to fight off. Through here, it seems the less of the virus, the better.
Applied directly to how we live our lives with respect to the coronavirus:
Once a small space is heavily infected by the coronavirus, then in the analogy of the cup, there is less of a healthy or non-contaminated, non-infected atmosphere to function in.
When you notice that in the nursing homes, the virus has had the fatal affects on groups of people at a time. The victims are all in a contaminated vacuum, an area of space at one time, and have very little options to movement to escape the situation. The theory, Avogadro's law, can help explain why those incidents happened.
The guidance therefore is, you may be instructed to stay home, as not to spread the virus, and a way to protect yourself from contracting the virus. Let is be said, that if you have a family, and you are all there together, or you are running a nursing home, elderly home, runaway house, youth service, multiple adoption center, daycare, and places like these,
there is no point in staying home if the home, structure, or property has coronavirus and is not clean.
If a person is identified as having coronavirus in a close-quarters scenario, then everyone in that building with the infected person, is also at risk, and the building itself. The whole thing and everyone in there needs to go through a process to make sure they are not infected with virus.
Emergency evacuation to another location, might be required.
Hot spots of a virus
'Vacuums', referred to as places where virus can fill up in, like water in a cup on the way to overfilling, can be once again, old nursing homes with very little ventilation. They can also be places like elevators, small public bathrooms such as ones found in the back of a gas station on a far out country road, revolving doors to public buildings, highway tunnels when traffic is frozen, vehicles, small buses like the ones used to transport the elderly, cabs, Uber and LYFT, ride-share, trains packed with people,
all these need to be decontaminated and washed thoroughly on a regular or more often than usual basis, in preparation for dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.
The situation of gloves and masks used by people to defend themselves or others from the virus, being disposed of improperly, also leaves a 'there is no point in doing that', if you are going to litter.
gloves and masks worn in the coronavirus fight effort cannot be left all over the street and sidewalk where people walk and breathe the air they are set in, left out on top of garbage cans in front of the grocery stores where everyone walks by, at bus stops, train and airplane points of entry, and other encounters where masses of people can breathe the dirty plastic gloves in; it is putting the germs right back upon everybody.
Inconsistent forbearances
It is natural for many citizens to ask, are we getting set up for financial failure of some sort?', when a pandemic arises, and the instructions on how to deal with it get distributed.
Mortgage payments might be getting forbearances, what about rent payments? There are wealthy persons that rent. A method of living can change, the individuals as a core all remain the common denominator. All occupants of housing should have the right to what equivocates to the same ease. Rent court may be addressed, but if a landlord is still pounding on the door to a tenant, then the pressure is still there.
There are other areas where mandatory payment, or punitive result if not paid, still exist, aside from housing. Car insurance is a big one. If a car insurance lapses it could mean jail if caught without it. In regions where driving is a must to survive, the situation of being pulled over and having to explain that he or she could not afford to make the insurance payment, because they were out of work, because of coronavirus directives, might not have a promise they will be off the hook 100% percent of the time.
Everyone collecting bills, is being looked at to cool off the collection. At some point, if everyone asking for money, does not receive it, then no one, or very few, are going to be earning money.
In effect, economic depression
Presidents Calvin Coolidge and Franklin Roosevelt had to deal with the Depression era. Both Presidents were in summarized terms, bright in economic knowledge and understanding. The method of contending and solving the problem, has a numerous discussion.
It is 2020, and economic challenges still face the US, as uphills and downhills of the economy occur and occurred over the decades since the 1930s. There could be a theory, that a repair of economic challenges would lead to a utopian economic trajectory where a depression, gridlock, shutdown, and all those other dreaded words never exist again. The illustration being drawn here, is with numerous persons being out of work for prolonged time, the ultimate result is about the same as some aspects of a depression.
Directives keep coming to the working class, especially those that live paycheck to paycheck, to stop working, and they watch as their income shrivels. They may have gotten a few breaks, but less food is being put on the table.
Their backs getting put to the wall, keeps becoming a larger and more serious reality or possibility. It is either not pay, or risk breaking the law. Driving with no insurance. Having a car repossessed. Having a hard money loan go into default.
Who has money, who has work, who won the battle of strategy in case of a depression-like scene when work is scarce?
In Egypt a long time ago, the institution of slavery set in. The rich, who have money accumulated, can afford to pay a few employees the little they need to survive, the employees become dependent on the rich to eat, feed their families, have a safe place to sleep, avoid breaking vagrancy laws, and survive. This is how the in-effect slavery gets started.
These strategies to combat the coronavirus, resulting in less work, freezing multiple dimensions of the economy, they might be necessary to help stop the spread of the virus, but how did it all get started? Is there a germ strategy to undermine our economy, heritage, and society, being launched on us, or are we losing the war against germs and coronavirus? Who came up with it all, just like the days of slavery and the plague in Egypt?
Work was progress, may have more edits over the next few days