Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Solutions Before the Imminent :Preventing and Mitigating Animal Attacks in the U.S. as a Whole, Now. On the Frontburner: Mountain Lions, Bears, and Wild Boars in Texas

'Wild boar attacks elderly man in Pendang

Posted on November 27, 2011, Sunday

Read more:


1 - "An elderly man has been hospitalised due to severe injuries he suffered from an attack by a wild boar behind his house at Kampung Pokok Tai Lama"

Members of the pig/boar family are smart enough to figure out, the elderly are vulnerable to the attacks, and are going to have a tougher time defending themselves, evident of their condition of old-age.

Applying to the 2-4 million wild boars that have been problematic, also known as feral pigs in Texas, Presidio County, and near the Mexican border. [q.v. previous blog post]

A few other things to be aware of; when millions of a certain animal are allowed the opportunity to spread in terms of a population number, certain aspects of the species can develop, such as, they get larger and larger; additionally, as they might have to compete against each other, they might also become fiercer and fiercer.  The ability to hide, and successfully prey on humans, might also develop.

The word feral, is indicative of the situation.  Feral is not really the name of the species, feral is a general word to mean they were once domesticated, then set back out, or returned to the wild. 

So, situation that occurred in a place that many Americans do not visit or hear about on the everyday news often, can foreseeably occur right here on American soil.  

From the Borneo attack story: "Nordi’s [the victim's] brother Jaafar Said, 37, who lived near his home, said he knew about the incident...[and] “When I tried to chase it out, it attacked me. When I ran, the boar turned around and attacked my brother. I fought it and finally it released my brother and ran into a nearby forest,” he said, describing the animal as huge.

He said the doctor informed him that his brother had suffered internal bleeding in the chest and that he was still unconscious in the emergency ward."


  • there is a forest or habitat not too far off, that the boar ran into, and for all intents and purposes, might be the same kind of environment that it emerged from.
  • internal bleeding was one of the injuries from the boar attack
  • the method of attack and injury, was biting

Where is Pendang, Borneo? The geographic area of the attack, and bear in mind, it is a different place than the U.S., different system, and recognized levels of civil development from their perspective, is in the Malaysia and Indonesia region.

Regarding mountain lions, also large predatory members of what is considered the cat family, including pumas, panthers, et. al.:
A story:

Officials face villagers' wrath over leopard attacks

Lucknow : Furious over continued leopard attacks on humans, villagers near the Katarniaghat forest reserve in Uttar Pradesh's Bahraich district roughed up forest officials and held them captive for several hours, an official said Wednesday.
A team of forest officials, including a deputy ranger, was roughed up by the locals of Azad Nagar village Tuesday after a leopard, which had killed a minor girl Oct 24, grievously mauled a youth Ramu in the village fields.
Accusing forest officials of not taking adequate steps to prevent wild animal attacks on humans, a large number of locals barged inside a forest outpost and manhandled the officials there.
... He confirmed that the same leopard had killed seven-year-old Kavita while she was sleeping outside her house in Sampatpurwa village."

'Leopard attacks on rise, one more killed
Posted: Sat Oct 29 2011, 01:34 hrs Nagpur:
One more person was killed in a leopard attack in Samudrapur area of Wardha district on Thursday, suspected to have been caused by the same problem animal that has so far killed two persons in the neighbouring Chimur range of Chandrapur district.'
'The leopard was hiding near the electric pump switch...the leopard attacked him and killed him on the spot.'

There can be what they call a 'problem' animal, that for instance, that villagers recognize, even though the animal may be on the endangered species list.
This might be one way a problem animal becomes a problem animal.  It recognizes wildlife officials, and gets on best behavior, when the official leaves, and then the animal sees vulnerable persons, they pounce, then revert back to best behavior and gain protection under no-hunt laws.

When dealing with very large, and/or extremely dangerous animals, the selection criteria, the discernment, when to remove an animal, from being in the prospect of a situation where it can attack humans, has to be decided upon with more careful scrutiny.

The analog is leopards to mountain lions; there is not much difference between a leopard and the mountain lions, pumas, and so forth, except for what color coat they have on the outside.

Recently in the U.S., as in, in 2011, there have been a number of sightings, and claims of sightings of the mountain lion animal.  Most of the sightings were in the upper Midwest area, such as Wisconsin,  Illinois, and Iowa.  The coat color can be yellowish to blend with the grassy areas, or very dark hue, even up to pitch black, making them equipped night-time predators.  Overall situation close enough, the warnings have come from abroad.

Lastly, where are large concentrations of bears, and where do they travel from and to?
Is it possible, that the seemingly nearly impossible is happening, which is, bears from large concentrated area, where they roam in the wild in numbers of hundreds or thousands, are traveling distances so extreme, such as thousands of miles, it shatters the notion of what the boundaries of a species of bears is respective to a habitat in a specific region.

For example, there are bears in the 'Far East', Bears in Europe, and bears in North America including continental U.S.; this is how we learned about them in terms of species groupings; is the reality that, to an extreme, all the groups are just one large group?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ensuring a Balanced Future of Immigrants To and From the U.S.-Mexico Border; What are We Going to do About All Those Pigs?

There are two waves of stories unfolding simultaneously, which sheds exposure to the potential status of immigration from and to the border of the United States and Mexico.

Toward the forefront, has been crackdown on Latino immigrants, in southern U.S. towns of Alabama.
If I may, interject a few points; one, Latinos are not the only immigrants, that are making an increased presence in the big cities of Alabama.  Protesting by immigrants in Montgomery, Alabama, a place that houses critical U.S. historical data, has made headline news in recent weeks.  Two, if Latino immigrants are being cracked down, there is a call for commensurate crackdown on cheap labor, and abuse of minors, in context, especially Latino children, and those with not much to defend themselves, that are working in horrid environments that are everything shy of the black market.

There are numerous news stories about 'trafficked' Latino and Mexican women and children, being 'vanned' up and down the U.S., against their will, at the threat of violence, taken and shipped from the advertised occupation of maid, or indoor nurse assistant, under the guise of gambits.

Games on the prima fascia, both sides of the table cloth on the table need to be clean in order to bundle up the entire tablecloth and keep the table clean.

Now to the pigs.  Mexico is planning to exterminate some 50,000 boars, or feral pigs ASAP.  These pigs have evidently, been sneaking into Mexico at night to graze on farmland, then going back to the U.S. side during the day.

"The Ministry of Environment in Chihauha state said some 1,500 hectares (3,700 acres) of farmland in the border town of Ojinaga have been affected by the large number of feral pigs that have come from Presidio County, Texas."
story here:

How many of us knew that there even were 50,000 feral pigs in wild, that clustered together, in that region of the U.S.?

Some questions arise, such as, those of us who do not advocate excessive populations of pigs, wouldn't killing these pigs help freshen the air in the area?

On the other hand, the big question is, if and once these pigs are gone, what will take their place, referring to what takes place on those areas of lands and corridors, such as illegal immigration?

What promises and agreements are going to be made, just like promises and agreements need making to balance crackdown on immigration, with mitigation of 'human trafficking', to ensure that another modal, another method of 'approved' trafficking can take place, which facilitates more human trafficking and abuse, does not take place?

In closing, there are probably, and based on experience, rest assured 100% positive, other dimensions to the effects of exterminating 50,000 pigs all at one shot.  For example, how are these pigs going to be exterminated?  Last time thousands of pigs were exterminated, a few years ago that made the news, they were burned, in a distasteful scene.  The cloud that resulted had some impact on the environment.  From a purely environmental air quality standpoint, if you burn that many pigs at one time, in conjunction that the air over Mexico in the city center is viewed by some as could improve in reduction in pollution levels, and, that these pigs area species that there has not been a great deal of experience slaughtering in mass levels, concerns are what kind of chemical mixtures are going to be in the atmosphere, air which can be immediately breathed by humans?  Some of these answers are unknown, until it is done.  This is not an area for experimentation.  This is not a save the pigs campaign.  This is an alert that certain amount of common sense and science know-how needs to coalesce and be integrated into the decision that might be about to happen.

The Ministry of Environment of Mexico being the authority who they are, not to step-out-of-line, but what say has the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had in all this?  Not to stump the efforts of Mexico to keep their farms clean, it is that there are experienced officials in the EPA that might be able to point out factors and elements of the process and impact of what they are about to do, which could help benefit and prevent disastrous outcomes that effect both Mexico and the United States.

Supplemental background, added November 21, 2011.

As we speak, there are at least 2 methodologies in place that are being used by the U.S., markedly the State of Texas, to 'mitigate' the feral pig population.  One is the use of helicopters, and shoot at the pigs.  It is not an inexpensive operation, as one provider requisites a few hundred dollars just for the safety course, and over $400 an hour to use the helicopters for the shoot.  This also gives an idea, how much havoc the feral pigs are rendering on lands not just in Mexico, but also in the U.S., the monetary toll is huge.
There are other methods, such as the use of dogs, for control, moving the pigs away from valued areas.

Just as a matter of biological knowledge, the size of the boars, can be as large and heavy as a cow, small horse, or bear, in the ranges of 900 pounds plus.  Nevermind extreme cases, where you have the prized head of the community, that would not be shocking to find a male boar in excess of over 1000 pounds.  These animals are not to be taken as light contenders.

Another dynamic to the situation, is that there is reputed to be 2 million, or more pigs in the area; the 50,000 spoken of by Mexico, is just a fraction, of a growing population.
[factual information about the feral pigs, such as population and size, are referenced from a site for a company local to Texas that specializes in this animal species control.  For further details, e-mail us]

Friday, November 11, 2011

Economy Bell Curve 3D Dimensions; What the U.S. can Ascertain of European Crises

The Hajj that took place, in Saudi Arabia, conditions always get better.  This day of 11/11/11 let us try to make the U.S. better.
It looks like Italy has come up with solutions, that is what articles around the internet are saying.  To the degree of the headline, and the headlines are also talking about 'paving the way' for exit for Silvio Berlusconi.

The way to handle writing this article, is, instead of trying to be the savant sitting atop the clouds with the answers, to ask some questions, which standard historians and economic advisors know the answer to, such as a Senior professor at a top notch university.

The whole method, of we have a crisis, now we need a bailout, or the prospect of one --  okay, like, according to this excerpt directly below this paragraph, when investors see an economic downturn, and that is enough to get the ball rolling downhill for the economy.

"Italian bond yields are soaring to incredibly dangerous levels, and now the yield curve for Italian bonds is turning upside down.  So what does that mean?  Normally, government debt securities that have a longer maturity pay a higher interest rate.  There is typically more risk when you hold a bond for an extended period of time, so investors normally demand a higher return for holding debt over longer time periods.  But when investors feel as though a major economic downturn or a substantial financial crisis is coming, the yield on short-term bonds will often rise above the yield for long-term bonds.  This happened to Greece, to Ireland and to Portugal and all three of them ended up needing bailouts.  Now it is happening to Italy and Spain may follow shortly, but the EU cannot afford to bail out either of them.  An inverted yield curve is a major red flag. " [ ]

Question: Why did investors feel that the economy was on its way to a downturn?

Before yield returns, why do investors feel a downturn is coming?

Considering that in constructs like today's Italy, societal, and all the people there, there are many Italians that know a lot of information about keeping a prosperous economy, or making amounts of money that would make financial giants like MicroSoft, ABC television, Disney, to name a few, jealous, [but they don't actually do it, and start acting like that].  This given, and that Berlusconi probably does not act all by himself,

Question: Is Berlusconi, present or absent, or any gradation somewhere between, the crux of the economic woes, rise, or solution to the entire Italy economy?


Also, remember the banking houses and dynasties that have their histories in Italy stemming from what is with respect to World War One and Two.  Without going into detail, there were the Fascism regimes, banks that got overturned, banks that were critical to the economy, and these lines. 

At the end, as the solution, one bank, or another, provided enough that Italy could stand on its own feet without any else's help.  If Italy can find its own solution, why does it need a bailout from the 'Eurozone'?

So-- we reiterate a paragraph already stated, the whole method, of we have a crisis, now we need a bailout, or the prospect of one-- okay, like, according to this excerpt, when investors see an economic downturn, and that is enough to get the ball rolling downhill for the economy.

Is it just the style of the times?

Headlines around the internet for today, are that the Italian Senate approves the reform...; now how does that have anything to do with paving the way for Berlusconi exit?

Before stringing together the elements that 'pave this way', there is what begs the question, why 'pave a way', why not just have Berlusconi leave, or resign, which seems apparent, or move to a different seat and be on a panel of some kind?

A quote on the process of reform,
"The 156-12 vote took place after respected economist Mario Monti - widely expected to become the interim prime minister - was welcomed with applause in the Senate chamber, where he was officially designated senator for life.

Italy's president bestowed the title on Monti two days earlier to signal to roiling financial markets that he intended to ask the 68-year-old former European commissioner to try to form a transitional government after Berlusconi leaves office."

[waive-wave in one of the captions]

Monti was established as Senate for Life, anent [context choice of word] the reform for the economy, and that evidently is what paves the way for the exit.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

11-11-11: This U.S. Blog Wants to Devote Commemoration of this Day Talking about the U.S., We are Forced to Take On Examination of Some European Countries' 'Economic Crisis'; What We can Learn to Maintain Ourselves; Bring up Italy

Now Italy, even Italy, is talking about an economic crisis.  Is there such a thing?  We must be in a world where any rule can be broken.  Isn't Italy the place where Rome is?

Article to be continued.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Snowballing Building in Size Slowly :Protests and their Level of Violence in the U.S.; Are we Headed Toward the Same Protesting Scene that the UK and Greece have Undergone this Past Year? Oakland, California and what Happens Next...

Oakland, California, the '5th largest port', was picked, as the site for protests.  Are these protests really limited to shortcomings in that region, or is it a statement to what is going on, on a nationwide level.

Is it a phase in a slowly building process of protests that become increasingly violent?

Re-cap on where these protests might be headed in terms of what they could look like [unless solutions occur]--

  • There was a fiery protest in Greece

Encapsulated, to some and their interpretations, the protests were release of tension about economic conditions.

Pro tempore, 'another' protest is planned for Oakland, the buzz word, Occupy Wall Street Movement.  People did get hurt in the last one.

Remember, Wall Street in New York was named after Mr. Wall, -- not it is a brick wall of economic decision making headed on a one way direction, so call it a street.
Rebut by some might be, that is not the point.  The underpinning and history, if you know it well, will show there are many other things going on outside of Wall Street which seep to adding to the confusion, which are the fugue of a saddening economic conditions.

AP has got the story. 'Oakland prepares to be Occupy movement epicenter'
Here are fact excerpts:

"Demonstrators in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Philadelphia said they planned to hold solidarity actions Wednesday. The day's events in Oakland are expected to begin at 9 a.m., when the first of three rallies scheduled by strike organizers is supposed to kick off downtown. The activities are expected to culminate with a march to the Port of Oakland, where local protesters said the goal would be to stop work there in time for the 7 p.m. evening shift.
In between, other demonstrators, some affiliated with established community groups, said they planned to target banks that do not close for the day..."

"Occupy LA, a monthlong 475-tent encampment around Los Angeles City Hall, is planning a 5:30 p.m. march and rally through downtown LA's financial district to express solidarity with the Oakland general strike and to protest police brutality."
"In San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday passed a resolution calling on Mayor Ed Lee to allow the Occupy Wall Street protesters to remain in a tent city near the historic ferry terminal, an area frequented by commuters and tourists."

Post-event comments
There were not very many tumultuous incidents, however, reflection, there was at least one episode 'unrelated unrelated'.

Monday, August 15, 2011

An Expensive Weather Condition You Need To Know About

We, as in the United States, this past year have gone a record number of 'weather disasters', and might be on pace for more records of these to come. Elementary, let's look at what kinds of disasters are spoken of:



heat waves

Like an exam question, name the disaster, and the dates and place they occurred, hurricanes took place on the eastern shore line...
Loss of life is not down to an exam question, that is why we have to take action to change, and do something about it.

Now, let us look at a kind or a type of weather disaster, which might seem new to some, the reality is, it is ancient old.

The United States might have gotten a taste of it just a few months back, in the southern part of the country...

It is a concept that does not really match up with the common popular sciences in terms of a reality that could exist
In consideration we have seen it, it does strike as a reality that can indeed exist

It is often translated as the scream

This is a weather disaster that needs preparation, in the mix with the rest of the disasters, floods, tornadoes, etc.
Agencies, such as FEMA, EPA, your local emergency and rescue crews, and even you as an individual, need to know how to prepare yourself for the 'scream'

The name of this really, at the root is Seeha
Sometimes, it is seen as the Seeha, or al Seeha, which pretty much arrives at the same meaning.

Historically, the Seeha, affected a generally blinded people, as in blinded from proper, good guidance; that is the fable

These levels of 'punished' was affected upon a, lightly and broadly speaking, described people about their deeds, or the failure to do good ones

The Scream is something, a weather condition, which can 'seize' a group of people
So it comes through the land, it blasts through, in mighty blast manner, -- do weather analysts see an 'eye' of these blasts, like what can be seen of a tornado or hurricane? The end effect, of these types of events, in terms of devastation might be close to the same, but how do you track it?

Main concern, if it is not you, that should be the victim, how can I protect myself?

Afterthought: a re-emergence of the essence of a phenomena that used to occur hundreds or thousands of years ago?

Practical background:

Where did this scream occur, perhaps as a 'phenomena', in much the same way, bones are found, after the 'Flood' [reference Ark]?

In the area now known as the Hadhramawt, translated as 'valley of death', some say due to its remoteness with arid conditions, which is near the southern coast of Yemen and Oman, in the day of Prophet Hud, one of these 'scream' events occurred. Scientists can easily go to the region, if not there already, and study how the blast had effects on people and property. The era that this occurred, can also be calculated without much difficulty.

Where did this scream, or event which markedly resembles what is interpreted as described as the scream that occurred thousands of years ago, occur in the U.S. [so far]?
Whether [directly to whatever degree] correlated or not, here is what a writer had to say, applicable insofar as recent:
"As the U.S. Government deals with the latest debt crisis, the economy is in the forefront of everyone's minds this summer. For us in the weather industry, we have noticed that the economy is also affected by everything we see, because different weather creates different issues (and can even open a few doors in a good way).
If you're an entrepreneur, the Southwest is the place to be right now. Large dust storms known as haboobs have hit the Phoenix area a couple of times in the last few weeks, covering everything in a thick cloud of dust."
'Summer Weather Plays Games with the Economy', by Sean Breslin

This is the kind of thing that is being talked about:
Watch this video [click the link or go to this URL, and watch the video]:

The photo below taken from,, gives an idea of what the aftermath of Seeha could like like
The article goes on to describe some ideas of preparedness or circumvention, and describes the climate that the event dwells.
"Early snowmelt is not a new problem the West, but its causes are becoming increasingly well known to scientists who have studied the phenomenon.

Dust storms, one of the main contributors to the problem, are a key culprit, and they promise to grow worse as grazing, mining and increased recreational use remove vegetative cover and to expose loose soils to wind.

...The blowing sand also causes a number of other problems, including respiratory distress for local residents and disrupting highway traffic.
...If such conditions persist, ...this year's [2009] dust storm intensity and early snowmelt could become the norm across the region.

...USGS research ecologist, said focused attention could help reverse the trend, but it will take more effort on the part of government and landowners.

One more photo, courtesy the LA Times [comment, obviously this is the dust cloud that rose over Phoenix, howbeit, it might be in combination or correlation to a the elements of storms in context, placed here for imagery purposes]:

From an economic standpoint, a primary concern is what if one of these scream-blast events take place in a major city?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ghastly Associations to Government Shutdown -- Sequel to Previous Entry

What is really being referenced when stated 'ghostly ghastly', in regard to notions of government shutdown? And why is it being called a notion?

'Ghastly' is an adjective that refers to the condition that becomes of a certain grouping resulting of behavior, as can be inferred, behaviors not held in high estimation. There is a particular ever-renown book that this can be found as a translation thereof, so, 'ghastly' is being used more as the reference than the word itself. Now let's look at allocation for government spending especially for programs involving 'prevention', [for instance, for child safety arising resultant of neglectful attitudes or lack of caretaker and legal guardians acting in a responsible manner, abuse, punishable perversions, etc.]. Before the government spends money on prevention and repair of a 'something', such as domestic violence, in many cases there is usually a 'something' that exists, to whatever extent, to be repaired, abated, prevented, and so forth. The domestic violence preventative measures taken recently by the White House, receives its commensurate applause. After seeing statistics of domestic violence and abuse in writing, which there have been long before this administration, because the statistics are so appalling, it probably can be agreed upon by most kind-hearted folk, that the same measures for prevention would have been ideal to have been set in place much sooner-- then again, the administration knows well the problem exists and had to contend with the legislative process which can be time consuming. Based upon what has been stated above, it becomes increasingly clearer for those who don't know already, what 'group' the reference to ghastly pertains to.

Why does, or should the American government have to spend who knows how many millions, or billions, of dollars on unspeakable domestic violence? Then from the draw from those, [viz the perpetrators of d.v.] are there any guilty parties that ever complain about the shortcomings of the economy and what has befallen them? It is unfortunate that so many millions of dollars are being directed to preventing issues that have evolved, which can be prevented for no dollar cost at all. Self-discipline. Better yet, a frame of mind above having to exercise self-discipline. The correlation to ghastly notion of government shutdown is therefore drawn. There is a very considerable part of the economic problem, the result of having to spend money on reducing behaviors of people that can be described as ghastly.

Notion: Why say notion? One, government shutdown is the worst possible scenario for a country to face, moreover consider, especially a large and powerful one like ours. You are not 'supposed' to even go there. Second, why should this government have to look at possibilities of shutdown, because of money? Is it money that is keeping the government afloat? Some disagree that money is everything keeping government going; by the same rule, it might not have to be, at an entirety, that money should cause shutdown.

Admittedly, there is probably a long list of computer companies and concepts, and IT ideas that the author of this blog and many others have not gotten to the bottom of; so how dare they speak? Now that this is past us, advents not ostensibly U.S., have made their way to top U.S. agendas as tools for the U.S. to use in situ of U.S. tools, amongst them, is the Drupal website design platform. Let us talk about this for a minute, and let what is on the table circulate, look all the way around the fence enclosing this yard, or figure of speech to see totality. From the article referenced on shutdown, it discusses, branches of government are being given directions in case shutdown does occur.

"With the Friday deadline to avoid a shutdown approaching, the White House has begun advising government agencies on the proper steps in preparation for a shutdown of the government.

Republicans on Monday disclosed plans to instruct lawmakers "on how the House would operate in the event Senate Democrats shut down the government." (Obama: Budget deal close, shutdown would be disruptive By ANDREW TAYLOR Associated Press [April 5, 2011])

Meanwhile, why are agencies in the U.S. subscribing to the Drupal platform? Is that a capitulation to a tide of government shutdown? Where is a U.S. website platform taking center stage? Further more in-depth exploration into this subject might help.

More on this blog might be coming

Ghostly Ghastly Notion of Government Shutdown

The way some aspects of the economy have been turning out the last 2 or 3 years, has left a tantalizing image in our minds, that no patriotic American with pride in how strong our economy is, wants to actually say-- that is-- 'are we on the way to government shutdown'? One statement that can come up amongst the front-runners in rebut, is, why go all the way from all pistons running to the other extreme insofar as shutdown? Why not somewhere along the spectrum, as appropriate, reserving what is needed at different places in time, and more details-- In forthright and clear terms, why not continually properly timed accurate measures that correspond to what is required, plausibly foregoing any kind of shutdown at any degree?

Frightened to make the interjection of 'shutdown', here it is notwithstanding:

"WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama, showing growing impatience, said Tuesday it would be "inexcusable" for lawmakers to fail to fund the government through the end of the year and cause a shutdown.

"We are closer than we have ever been to an agreement. There is no reason why we should not get an agreement," Obama said following a White House meeting with congressional leaders.

Appearing before reporters at the White House, Obama said that House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid were to meet on Capitol Hill later Tuesday to continue negotiations. If that meeting does not produce an agreement, Obama said he would summon the pair back to the White House Wednesday.

"Myself, Joe Biden, my team — we are prepared to meet for as long as possible to get this resolved," Obama said.

Boehner, in a televised appearance right after Obama, said Republicans also want to avoid a government shutdown but also want to achieve the largest spending cuts that are possible. "We believe cutting spending will help us create jobs in America," he said.

...With the Friday deadline to avoid a shutdown approaching, the White House has begun advising government agencies on the proper steps in preparation for a shutdown of the government. (Obama: Budget deal close, shutdown disruptive; By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Andrew Taylor, Associated Press 2 mins ago)