Monday, August 15, 2011

An Expensive Weather Condition You Need To Know About

We, as in the United States, this past year have gone a record number of 'weather disasters', and might be on pace for more records of these to come. Elementary, let's look at what kinds of disasters are spoken of:



heat waves

Like an exam question, name the disaster, and the dates and place they occurred, hurricanes took place on the eastern shore line...
Loss of life is not down to an exam question, that is why we have to take action to change, and do something about it.

Now, let us look at a kind or a type of weather disaster, which might seem new to some, the reality is, it is ancient old.

The United States might have gotten a taste of it just a few months back, in the southern part of the country...

It is a concept that does not really match up with the common popular sciences in terms of a reality that could exist
In consideration we have seen it, it does strike as a reality that can indeed exist

It is often translated as the scream

This is a weather disaster that needs preparation, in the mix with the rest of the disasters, floods, tornadoes, etc.
Agencies, such as FEMA, EPA, your local emergency and rescue crews, and even you as an individual, need to know how to prepare yourself for the 'scream'

The name of this really, at the root is Seeha
Sometimes, it is seen as the Seeha, or al Seeha, which pretty much arrives at the same meaning.

Historically, the Seeha, affected a generally blinded people, as in blinded from proper, good guidance; that is the fable

These levels of 'punished' was affected upon a, lightly and broadly speaking, described people about their deeds, or the failure to do good ones

The Scream is something, a weather condition, which can 'seize' a group of people
So it comes through the land, it blasts through, in mighty blast manner, -- do weather analysts see an 'eye' of these blasts, like what can be seen of a tornado or hurricane? The end effect, of these types of events, in terms of devastation might be close to the same, but how do you track it?

Main concern, if it is not you, that should be the victim, how can I protect myself?

Afterthought: a re-emergence of the essence of a phenomena that used to occur hundreds or thousands of years ago?

Practical background:

Where did this scream occur, perhaps as a 'phenomena', in much the same way, bones are found, after the 'Flood' [reference Ark]?

In the area now known as the Hadhramawt, translated as 'valley of death', some say due to its remoteness with arid conditions, which is near the southern coast of Yemen and Oman, in the day of Prophet Hud, one of these 'scream' events occurred. Scientists can easily go to the region, if not there already, and study how the blast had effects on people and property. The era that this occurred, can also be calculated without much difficulty.

Where did this scream, or event which markedly resembles what is interpreted as described as the scream that occurred thousands of years ago, occur in the U.S. [so far]?
Whether [directly to whatever degree] correlated or not, here is what a writer had to say, applicable insofar as recent:
"As the U.S. Government deals with the latest debt crisis, the economy is in the forefront of everyone's minds this summer. For us in the weather industry, we have noticed that the economy is also affected by everything we see, because different weather creates different issues (and can even open a few doors in a good way).
If you're an entrepreneur, the Southwest is the place to be right now. Large dust storms known as haboobs have hit the Phoenix area a couple of times in the last few weeks, covering everything in a thick cloud of dust."
'Summer Weather Plays Games with the Economy', by Sean Breslin

This is the kind of thing that is being talked about:
Watch this video [click the link or go to this URL, and watch the video]:

The photo below taken from,, gives an idea of what the aftermath of Seeha could like like
The article goes on to describe some ideas of preparedness or circumvention, and describes the climate that the event dwells.
"Early snowmelt is not a new problem the West, but its causes are becoming increasingly well known to scientists who have studied the phenomenon.

Dust storms, one of the main contributors to the problem, are a key culprit, and they promise to grow worse as grazing, mining and increased recreational use remove vegetative cover and to expose loose soils to wind.

...The blowing sand also causes a number of other problems, including respiratory distress for local residents and disrupting highway traffic.
...If such conditions persist, ...this year's [2009] dust storm intensity and early snowmelt could become the norm across the region.

...USGS research ecologist, said focused attention could help reverse the trend, but it will take more effort on the part of government and landowners.

One more photo, courtesy the LA Times [comment, obviously this is the dust cloud that rose over Phoenix, howbeit, it might be in combination or correlation to a the elements of storms in context, placed here for imagery purposes]:

From an economic standpoint, a primary concern is what if one of these scream-blast events take place in a major city?