Friday, July 13, 2012

Lightning. Keys and Knowledge Respective to Wildfires

Understanding lightning, at the hard fact truth knowledge level:

We will attempt through this article to begin to provide some tools which may be helpful toward mitigation of the wildfires that have plagued the western half of the United States and the interior of Alaska so far this summer.

The way to go about this is not going to be a 5 paragraph essay that is in tune with basic grammar rules; stating this at the beginning, because we are going to toss these rules out for the purpose here.

Up, as in the knowledge is thrown upward, forth, more than one point of knowledge is presented at the same time, and that is first, a first, as this is written.  There may be other knowledges which should or might be first.  This blog article is a work in progress.
Basically, there are a more than a few points which would be beneficial to understand all at the same time, like tables to a table leg, you need all of them for the table to stand up correctly, in context.

One of these principles or knowledge truths, is, there is a word in Arabic called BURQ.  BURQ is something which we as in people are being allowed to see; we are given eyes, given sight, then we are shown something the Arab call BURQ, a word around for at least 1000 years.

Better and more clearly put, the sight of BURQ is instilled in us.

This word BURQ, is often translated as lightning.
You must understand and hold firmly to: BURQ is BURQ.

Now, BURQ is also found in at least one instance near another Arabic word SANA.
SANA, is often translated as Flash, as in the flash of lightning.

In brackets is BURQ spelled with any other letters than what it is spelled with, and the same for SANA?

Key: Do not try to take BURQ beyond or below what it is.

When you arrive at discharges of charges in clouds and differing charges, and that is the reason for lightning, what can be said is, all the science rules, and what really happens is indeed a created phenomenon; what is important is not to limit yourself to lightning being caused solely by the scientific principles found on articles which try to explain the different types of lightning.

The pathology and the molecular build-up to all of the objects in the skies, such as clouds, rain, ice, snow, sleet, and so on, science books will attempt to piece together, in a piece-by-piece, molecule-to molecule, and process-to-process, method, until there is a build-up of something called, clouds, rain, and so forth.

What it all comes down to, is, the object is created.  For example, clouds, clouds are created, regardless of science books trying to present a hundred or so processes to present as the reason for their being and development.  The same is true for BURQ.

The way it works when it all comes down to it, is: BURQ is created and appears.  What is meant here, on a practical moment, f you are standing in a plain, suddenly, the BURQ is seen.

It may be that when you see BURQ, it may be accompanied with being startled or even feared.

Key: The notion that, there is a streak of lighting in the sky, that looks like a crippled line of light, which has an end to it, and that end makes contact to something like some dried out leaves, and ignite, a wildfire gets started, is not the process that you want to hold in your mind as the only way wildfires get started.  According to studies that are provided in science texts, it also is not the only type of lightning.

There are bolts, which are a phenomena, which we may see, that strike, areas of the earth.

Compressing every type of bolt that looks lighter than its surrounding, to one equivocation of lightning, then, use scientific explanations for lightning to explain it all, might limit understanding, and therefore mitigation.

What was witnessed on the east coast Mid-Atlantic region in the past recent 2 or 3 weeks, that resulted in downed trees and power outages?  The images that you find on the websites listed below, do not include some of them.

It might be a thing recommended to keep an open mind about the vast possibilities of the shapes and forms of what is commonly pointed out at as lightning here in the United States.

Here are some commonly described forms:

  • streak
  • forked
  • ribbon
  • chain
  • ball
  • sprite
  • cloud-to-ground
  • cloud-to-cloud or intercloud
  • intracloud

Helpful resources/sources for lightning types:

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