Thursday, June 28, 2012

128 Cases of Child Abuse in 3 Months this Year in Utah; 42% of them Affecting Children Under Age 5. Now Wildfires. Wonder what the Connection is? Imperfections in Alaska Brought up too.

Intuitively, we, as in right-minded people, know and knew that this was going on.  Wildfires raging uncontrolled and almost crazy.  Is it a sign that something else is going on not too far way from where the fires are taking place?  Probably so; even if the fires are not a 'punishment from above' directly, it may be a 'sign from above' that there are geographical regions that need attention for help.

For larger view click on map

They need help, guidance, assistance, and motivation for more upright behavior.

Added July 11, 2012: What is 'child abuse'?  These are actions, or lack of actions, that occur to children, that can take the form of physical harm such as punching, or neglect, such as not feeding the child, leaving the child isolated and alone for extended time frames, endangering the child, physically, emotionally, psychologically, amongst a host of others definitions.

Here are some excerpts on what is going on in Utah right now, below that is/will be some discussion on Alaska and what they are confronted with, encapsulated, as nice a natural surrounding Alaska may be with lakes, animals, crisp air when there are no wildfires, not everybody there is perfect, there has been an unusually high incidence of attacks of the nature that are described as acts that usually involve consent.

Story from Utah, it only took a couple of seconds to find, because, it was clear that something was going on, even know the writer of this blog post is all the way on the other side of the country in Washington DC; and, articles about child neglect a few years back in Utah, where children were being dropped off in shelters started making appearances; story from Utah:

"Davis [County in Utah] may top 2011 child abuse cases well before 2012 is out

...the number of child abuse cases opened at the Davis County Children’s Justice Center on pace to shatter the total case count for 2011.

From January through March of this year, 128 [...] child abuse cases have been opened at the CJC in Farmington, said Susan Burton, the center’s development coordinator.
During 2011, a total of 364 cases were reported to the CJC, she said.

Should the current case trend hold, the 2011 case total could be topped before the end of the third quarter of this year, Burton said.

[...] Davis County Commissioner Louenda Downs said officials know the number of reported abuse cases in the county is high.
“We hope that (the numbers) are high because we are aggressively uncovering it,” Downs said of child abuse.

“It’s awful,” she said of state numbers that reveal a child is abused or neglected here every 38 minutes.
Based on 2011 statistics, 42 percent of victims are 5 years old or younger.
The reported abuse cases are even more concerning based on the number of state offenders already serving prison sentences for child abuse.
One-third of all Utah inmates [... are offenders of the type that include some of the crimes committed against the children], Burton said, ranking the state the highest in the nation in that category."
[Thu, 04/05/2012 - 8:04pm]
see complete article:

It is possible, that this article could be hyped up some more by stating just how far away from the wildfires that in or were in Utah this year, are, from the location of Davis County; but, most readers will probably agree, it doesn't matter.  Colorado is suffering from wildfires that are cropping up that were not there 2 weeks ago, and Alaska had about a dozen new fires that got started over the course of last weekend.  The point is, it is close enough.  Closeness to the one that provides us with 'signs from above', is not what the statistics discussed here pertinent crimes in Utah.

Concern also are unreported crimes, and border-line cases, cases severe enough to abuse or slightly abuse the child, leaving the child harmed for life, if not physically, then psychologically or emotionally, which might not make it to child abuse protection centers.


Unfortunately, all articles that were found that dealt with crimes in Alaska in the context, mentioned or had themes that dealt with matters that are not really intended for the ETIS International consortium/group of websites; therefore, they are being removed.  The message is the same, we got the news out, now that it is out, the information does not have the dignity to remain on the sites.

At closer inspection, the articles in some regard should have never been placed on this blog in the first place; at the moment they presented themselves, they appeared to be a pressing concern; in the future, if something like that what occurred in Alaska occurs again, we will find another way to go about it.

If you want the stories, e-mail, and we will send the reports of the attacks about rural and urban Alaska behavior, pay for transportation services driver arrest, and bad reputation, 'here is what the UK has/had to say, [by the way, other countries and nations are looking at us]', directly to your e-mail box, for research, usage for news, education, and along those lines only. 

{Please do not use NEWS content for a springboard to advertise decadence on this blogsite or any of the ETIS International websites, pages, or blogs.  Thank you.}

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