Wednesday, June 13, 2012

COLORADO HIGH PARK FIRE UPDATE JUNE 13, 2012. Sky and land form there is EXTREMELY very dangerous situation. URGENT. 1+1='2a'

Location: Larimer County, Colorado; northwest of Fort Collins; southeast of Walden; Roosevelt National Forest; Red Feather Lakes; west of Livermore

June 13, 2012 update

Double the amount of acreage effected by the fire since Saturday; status at 9:30am EST June 13, 2012

Over 100 buildings destroyed

Residents have had to leave their houses, and evacuations appear to be continuing

The trend of the geagraphical spread of the fire, is it is expanding in area, like a circle becoming larger and larger
click for enlarged view
The diagram below shows how close schools are to the fire
click for larger view

Problem that is being gravitated toward:
formations in the ground, are merging with formations in the sky
what kind of formations are these, and why are they here?:
one of the answers is, pertinent subtleties in ground formations, are previous storms and catastrophes over the years, such as flooding and hurricanes, when synthesized or run and compressed together, form a whole, an altogether effect.  There centralized as seen from the bird's eye view, is the geographic formations that sit directly beneath the location of the High Park fire.

the same situation may hold true in different dimensions of the Little Bear fire in new Mexico, where the formation that shows in the ground looks more menacing.  The photos shown by media of conditions in the sky caused by the fire, do not look as severe as those over High park.

Whether conditions at and over Little Bear, New Mexico are attempting to merge with conditions at and above High park, is yet to see.

Part of why containment is necessary, is that chemicals released from 2 or 3 separate geographic areas from 2 or 3 or more separate fires corresponding to each, when combined together, could result in chemical mixes that are deadly, and we are not ready to defend.

How to repair:  if the geographic formations are linked to processes which lead to hurricanes and flooding, then obviously what leads to flooding and hurricanes must be stopped.

It so happens that the area adjacent immediate northwest of Fort Collins area of Colorado is one of the places where the geographic formation spoken about above, wound up, and the area is taking the brunt of the wildfire catastrophe.

The straightforward things you need to know:

  • the wildfire is bad enough.  call this number 1a
  • what has been appearing in the skies above it, is bad; whether it is the result of the fire, or only looks like it is the result of the fire; call this 1b
  • the math is simple, 1 + 1 = 2
  • When 1a and 1b are combined together, you will get this '2'.
  • Whatever '2' is in this case, call it '2a', nobody wants this combination.

It might be recommendation, amongst many, to go ahead, get the fire under control. Now.

click picture enlarges

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