Friday, June 15, 2012

Obama Versus Romney: What is the Difference in the Shape the Country is Going to Be In?

What is the future of the United States respective to the Presidency, and what will the next presidential term bring everyone, for those years, and the impact it is going to have beyond them? 

If Barack Obama serves another four years, will those 4 years be almost the same as the 4 years we have just been through?  There is a chunk of the future if things turn out that way, that are inevitable that they will stay the same.  The reason why:  Barack Obama will still be Barack Obama.

Interesting question:  has the bright lights of the Vice President, Joseph Biden, been suppressed too far into the background?

If in the next 4 years Biden is Vice President again serving all 4 years, and, he is little bit more to the forefront when it comes to interfacing  on most popular topics covered, will there be the possibility of a firmer, strengthened more solid solutions to the problems that get posed?  The answer probably has the consensus yes.  When actively involved, as he has shown us, on the projections he has been designated to handle, effective work is made.

The challenges the country is facing, will a change of President automatically mean that there will be changes to solutions to the challenges, that, as in the solutions, are all golden, all win win, which is a notion that can get into at least a part of many minds, especially after campaign hype?

What will Mitt Romney bring, for certain, to be distinguished from what is said in campaign trail-blazing, and if the reality of what is brought for the better turns out to be one in the same with what was said while campaigning, then so be it-- will he, if voted President, bring changes that will decisively alter the status and condition of aspects of the U.S. and affairs, that many citizens feel need to be better?

What is the future of the USA, for the next four years?
When we come up on the middle of the 4 year term, and start making assessments and gauging mid-term performance, 2014, what is it, as in, what will have turned out to be the future, no matter who is President, are we going to see?

Are there some candidates that can really shake things up for the better that we have yet to see?
Are there some candidates that might take things for a dismal ride far, far more dismal than whatever disappointments this country has witnessed ever before, that are neither Obama or Romney?

Without going into detail, or writing a scholastic paper with hundreds of references, let's get the big concerns on the table.

Afterward: Reminder, what are the big problems and concerns most American citizens are concerned about or feel are not at the par they would like them to be?  The answer is primarily, the economy, healthcare, domestic abuse.  We congratulate and applaud Obama for making legislative progress for the purpose of reducing and abating domestic violence and child abuse.  Now Americans, the citizens that live in all those millions of houses across the country, must ask themselves, did they do what they were supposed to do, in doing their part as a citizen, to refrain and discipline themselves where appropriate, and facilitate care of children, and the elderly, referencing neglect of the elderly, did they take the extra yards that were within their power, means, and capacity?

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