Tuesday, June 12, 2012

WILDFIRES :Exact Locations, Maps, Practical Details ==Project. About Fires Currently Raging

Undertaking in progress is to provide maps and practical details pertinent the wildfires grouped in the previous blog post.
Graphics, mostly modified* from original maps and satellites will be uploaded as they are readied.
*modified means original map has been copied as exactly, with notes and additional graphics placed on top; some portions of maps may have been chopped for the sake of space which are clearly indicated

Wildfires by state
Report date 6/11/2012 with exception to one fire, referenced by NIRC
Organized by largest number of wildfires per state

          latitude,longitude,fire name,fire_number,area, details   
  • 35.436,-109.540,WIDE RUINS 2,AZ-NAA-074,578   
  • 34.215,-112.338,GLADIATOR,AZ-PNF-120266,16240, front page news in the middle of May 2012; locations nearby include, town of Crown King, Battle Flat, Turkey Creek, see Frame set 3 further below on this blog post for recent bulletin 
  • 31.783,-111.609,MONTEZUMA,AZ-PPA-000334,1700
  • 33.249,-111.086,257,AZ-TNF-075,3157

          latitude,longitude,fire name,fire_number,areadetails
  • 38.231,-111.506,LOST LAKE,UT-FIF-000082,2075   
  • 38.459,-112.061,BOX CREEK,UT-FIF-000083,2018   
  • 37.976,-111.563,LAKE CREEK,UT-DIF-120178,1200, report_date 06/10/2012
  • 41.197,-113.965,COPPER MOUNTAIN,UT-SLD-000240,680

New Mexico
          latitude,longitude,fire name,fire_number,area, details
  • 33.419,-105.830,LITTLE BEAR,NM-LNF-007,34651, southern region of the state
  • 33.345,-108.710,WHITEWATER-BALDY,NM-GNF-000143,278708,06/11/2012
  • 35.664,-106.561,BEAR SPRINGS,NM-SNF-000112,622,06/11/2012

          latitude,longitude,fire name,fire_number,areadetails 
  • 40.404,-118.276,ROCKY CANYON,NV-WID-20092,371   
  • 37.518,-114.434,BARNES,NV-ELD-40055,357

          latitude,longitude,fire name,fire_number,areadetails 
  • 42.298,-104.783,GUERNSEY STATE PARK,WY-HPD-012078,2500   
  • 42.191,-105.376,COW CAMP,WY-MBF-012069,8492   

          latitude,longitude,fire name,fire_number,areadetails 
  • 37.403,-107.243,LITTLE SAND,CO-SJF-00133,8478   
  • 40.589,-105.404,HIGH PARK,CO-LRX-329,41140, northern area of the state near north border, mountainous region   

          latitude,longitude,fire name,fire_number,areadetails 
  • 67.339,-158.566,NEKAKTE,AK-GAD-000184,6357, northwestern area of majority of Alaska land mass   
  • 67.067,-156.383,KOGOLUKTUK RIVER,AK-GAD-000182,1600,  northwestern area of majority of Alaska land mass

          latitude,longitude,fire name,fire_number,areadetails 
  • 38.885, -98.382,SYLVAN,KS-KSX-499,2000   

          latitude,longitude,fire name,fire_number,areadetails 
  • 43.348,-116.414,KAVE,ID-BOD-000226,560,06/10/2012

          latitude,longitude,fire name,fire_number,areadetails 
  • 36.149,-118.505,GEORGE,CA-SQF-1384,1707, central California      

          latitude,longitude,fire name,fire_number,areadetails 
  • 46.533, -85.424,DUCK LAKE,MI-MIS-1248007,21069, located in Calhoun, Michigan*, the northern part of the state.  *There is another Duck Lake that is not subjected to a large wildfire, in the southern central area of Michigan, not too far from the Indiana, and Ohio borders
List composed June 12, 2012.  Information provided by NIRC with exception to details, county lookup, and arrangement.

In order to read the notes on the diagram and see the graphics more clearly, either click the diagram enclosed in the red border, or right click and select open in new window; the original size, enlarged should appear in the new window.

Frame set 1/ Little Bear, New Mexico fire:
click on diagram for enlarged image that opens on new web page

Frame set 2/: Duck Lake, [Calhoun,] Michigan fire:
click to enlarge

Frame set 3:/ Gladiator fire in Arizona

The following content has been cut/copied/pasted from http://inciweb.org/incident/article/2864/14138/ with parts highlighted, text color and font changes, and parts omitted.  Important note, the status of the following reflects June 8th, 2012, and is not current as of June 13, 2012.

Gladiator Fire - June 8, 2012
Incident: Gladiator Wildfire
Released: 5 days ago
Gladiator Fire
June 8, 2012
Size: Approximately 16,240 acres
Containment: 90%
Cause: Human caused; originated from a structure fire on private property
Cost: $14 million
Terrain: Steep, rugged, brushy with very difficult access
Resources: 4 Engines
Total no. of personnel: 21 personnel Injuries to date: 8 Structures destroyed: 6

NOTE: The Next Release Will Be On Wednesday, June 13
Insignificant fire behavior has been observed all week. Crews are still finding and extinguishing smoldering fuels in the interior as they continue to mop-up. Fire personnel will continue to patrol and monitor the perimeter this weekend for hot-spots and hazardous trees damaged by the fire.

Current Fire Restrictions for the Prescott NF
The following fire restrictions will go into effect Friday, June 8, 2012, at 8:00 am for the entire Prescott National Forest:

- The use of campfires, charcoal grills, and stove fires (wood, charcoal, and coal burning) are prohibited on all Prescott National Forest lands. This now includes developed campsites and campgrounds.
  • - Use of explosives is prohibited.
  • - Smoking is prohibited, except within an enclosed vehicle or building.
  • - Operating a chainsaw, or other equipment powered by an internal combustion engine, is prohibited between the hours of 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. During acceptable hours, please have 5-10 ft. clearance around your generators and other internal combustible engines.
  • - Welding or operating acetylene or other torch with open flame is prohibited.
  • - Discharging a firearm, air rifle, or gas gun is prohibited except while engaged in a lawful hunt
The use of petroleum-fueled stoves, lanterns or heating devices is allowed, providing such devices meet the fire underwriter's specifications for safety.
The public is reminded that fireworks and operating or using any internal or external combustion engine without a spark arresting device properly installed, maintained, and in effective working are always prohibited on all national forest lands.
A Yavapai County fire ban is in effect across all fire ban zones. For AZ Fire Info & Restrictions Information call 1-877-864-6985 or visit http://wildlandfire.az.gov/.
The public can obtain fire information via the following:

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