Friday, August 24, 2012

Wildfires Direct List Emphasis on the States of Idaho, Montana, and Washington, Update on August 24, 2012. Northern California Roadmap Included in this Blog Post

Halstead Fire, 96,000 acres affected, location: 18 miles northwest of Stanley, Idaho, in the Salmon-Challis National Forest

Mustang Complex Fire, east, central Idaho, Salmon Challis National Forest, "is currently west of Spring Creek, north of the Salmon River, east of Lantz Bar, and south of Horse Creek, Gattin Ranch and Bronco Lake" [source: NASA] burned as of about 2pm this afternoon, 118,220 acres; fire moving in the direction of Blue Nose Lookout, good news on this one is reports have that there have been no structures destroyed

'Trinity Ridge' Fire, about 173 square miles, reports of over 105,000 acres,  50 miles northeast of Boise, Idaho

Enclosure Fire; status?,as in active or put out? Answer, compared to fires in the hundreds of thousands of acres, it might not be receiving much media attention
Fire was or is near Ketchum, Idaho, size as of August 21, 2012 was under 200 acres

Lost Packer Fire, mainly located in Idaho, movements toward Corn Creek

Cache Creek Fire, 2900 acres and still growing; in the northeast area of Wallowa County into Washington; just under a quarter of the fire is in Asotin County, Washington.  Main area of fire, is reportedly, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (HCNRA) in the Cache Creek area

California continued: Vallecito Lightning Complex fire, burned of 22,000 acres; geographic areas nearby/ locale: Ranchita and San Felipe

Montana wildfires, there are other wildfires, these are all over 1000 in size, in order of largest acreage at the top, to smaller at the bottom:
  • West Garceau; 9,863
  • Hwy 87; 1,933
  • Condon Mountain; 1,705
  • Black Beach; 1,450
This blog post is a continuation of the blog post before last, on the subject of wildfires in California; in closing: 

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