Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wildfires, Went from Colorado to California :Amount of Fires Per Unit Area; Summer 2012

Based on the statistics of active wildfires as of today, it looks like the summer trend, at least for 2012, is the big attention getting wildfires went from being concentrated in Colorado, and now, there are 12 wildfires of record burning right now in California.  There are more wildfires, according to statistics provided By NIFC, in California than any other state.
The next leading states are:
Idaho with 9 fires,
Montana, and Oregon, with 5 fires a piece.

Colorado does not even show up on the statistics chart.

Alaska, it seems, has 4 fires burning, based on other sources.

The situation in Alaska and C is not nearly as bad as it was a couple of months ago.

Just because the wildfire statistics give a number of fires, with locations or names, does not mean that there are absolutely no fires any where else.  Smaller fires might burn, but not large enough to be immediately be determined to be of the magnitude, danger level to be put into the statistics.

Quick history of severe weather situations this summer of 2012, an angle:

Colorado fires hit, then increase in severity and size; meanwhile, nearly 30% of the land mass of Alaska was also undergoing fires, some of them tundra fires; news stories on the east coast, right around when the High Park Colorado started to peak and die-off, especially Mid Atlantic region, was taken over by flooding and hurricane-like storms.  After the media attention on these let-up, news on fires in Colorado seemed a bit different.  There were other fires that took place, however, were not given the same amount of media attention.  Now, most fires, in terms of a number, are in California, only a few are in Alaska; further west of the Midwest, to sum it up without going into particulars of where the Midwest starts and ends, is the trend of the location of most of the fires on the continental U.S.  case in point, Idaho has 9 fires.

to be continued

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