Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fires Abroad and Fires In Our Borders. Determining the Balances Due. Ambassador Stevens, and Wildfires in Washington State Topics at Present.

There are tons and tons of knowledge, as how to properly balance, paying the respects and upholding the dignity, when an event occurs, such as the death of an ambassador, while fire rages in our own borders.

Discussing very straightforwardly the death of Ambassador Stevens, and, there are wildfires in the State of Washington, which according to news sources is about 170 square miles.

The fire is not 1700 square miles.  100 square miles is roughly 10 miles wide and ten miles long; in a rural area, a fire 15 miles wide and the same long, --rarely is a fire a perfect square--, is it enough of a priority to take the focus precedence over an ambassador?


However, it is important that we, the United States, keep focus on the battles against fires in our borders, even though, fires might have raged for a 100 feet give or take, for a moment in time, sparking media attention.  There is a line between ensuring that the standards of dignity about an ambassador and other Americans is met, and allowing someone else to inundate our televisions, newspapers, computer screens, and media, to the point that we cannot even see any longer what else is going on that are also important.

Knowledge about priorities of dignity can be used to manipulate, there again, there are knowledges far, wide, deep, high above, and many more dimensions, which achieve the goals that the proper balance is struck, so that we do not lose track of events, such as the wildfires in Washington State, which it is not wise to let any fire go uncontrolled.

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