Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Observing, September 11, 2001. An Approach to Recognizing Days that Have Meaning.

The United States of America, each year for the rest of time, will hold memorialization on and of this day, September 11th; as wrested upon us were events that took place September 11, 2001.

Whose light will shine the brightest, when it comes to making statements of memories and condolences, this year, every year after 2001, and all the years in the future?  This is a circumstance where shining the brightest light might not be the objective, rather a moment of humility and giving, and selfless service.  So, how will anyone know that one has made the effort to state their condolences and observing September 11th, when the efforts have the intention to be of modesty?

An answer to that question, is this question is not one that need an answer sought to, rather, make your statements and condolences, and observe the day, as deemed right.  Judged, will be judged.

Therewith, we state our respects, intended to be a respectful action, this day of September 11, 2001.

And, the realization that a day that will be remembered forever was wrested upon us, reinforces, and with hope that it reinforces, the reason to build a nation stronger and more elevated, because there is a high and honorable condition of a nation, which is, for major events of the year to be those that we were the foundation of and gave rise to.

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