Monday, February 25, 2013

Ultra-Deep Oil Drilling :: Before the Rush

With increased capacity of oil drills respective the depth they can go, comes a perceived possibility of changes in the dynamics of the industry; geographically, where it is if it there, and if it is there, the effects on the oil exchange stage.

Markedly a geographic region referent, is the South China Sea.

Geologists are steering toward indications that there can be a lot of oil down there, which is supposed to correspond to a lot of money, worth.

U.S. representatives have already been making a presence in the area about the prospective/advent.

Complexity to the arena, is some of the waters involved are 'disputed'.

Further complexity is where the rigs will relocate/ be built.

Basic, introductory information about ultra deep oil drilling at:

Map of South China Sea:

map courtesy of:

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Prepare for Meteor Shower Season Just Like Tornado or Flood Season

It might be a time to get ready for meteor shower 'season'.

Protection from meteors and phenomenon of that ilk, is not just in the areas of people getting struck by pieces and particles, such as the result of disintegration or fragmentation of the meteor, but additionally in the areas of force fields and other disruptive qualities as it pertains to the astrological object or objects, and the targets could also include buildings or important structures such as sources of energy and communication.