Monday, February 25, 2013

Ultra-Deep Oil Drilling :: Before the Rush

With increased capacity of oil drills respective the depth they can go, comes a perceived possibility of changes in the dynamics of the industry; geographically, where it is if it there, and if it is there, the effects on the oil exchange stage.

Markedly a geographic region referent, is the South China Sea.

Geologists are steering toward indications that there can be a lot of oil down there, which is supposed to correspond to a lot of money, worth.

U.S. representatives have already been making a presence in the area about the prospective/advent.

Complexity to the arena, is some of the waters involved are 'disputed'.

Further complexity is where the rigs will relocate/ be built.

Basic, introductory information about ultra deep oil drilling at:

Map of South China Sea:

map courtesy of:

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