Thursday, July 17, 2014

Attitudes that do not Deserve to be Prevailing Need to Be Addressed Concerning Malaysian Flight Crashes. Reports of Americans on Board Flight 17 that Perished.

Until further solidification of exactly what happened to Flight 17 are presented, beyond the title of this post, this blog will remain silent. Explaining however, what is being talked about referring to 'attitudes' 'prevailing attitudes', and attitudes that unfortunately low spirit level persons are swept into acting as if they are prevailing, when the attitudes do not deserve to be called or considered prevailing.

Although the international community put forth effort to solve what happened in the previous Malaysian Flight disaster a few months ago, the bottom line was, it has not been solved at a level that is accepted by everyone. Meaning inclusive of, does someone have a all the fragments of the plane reconstructed and ready to show to the public, explicating exactly what happened?

Now, the international community is faced with in some perspectives or aspects, a repeat of the plane crashing incident. The overall picture of a repeat, when the previous has not been satisfactorily found, can happen some times, nature's way of speaking to the level of test that has or has not been passed, or to what degree it has or has not been passed. The core of the incident in a plane crashed, about the same, this time, the mechanics of what led to it, might be different, altogether, the baseline test of human fairness might be about the same.

Whether the plane was shot down, crashed, or some yet to be known combination of factors, the attitude, wherein there is any degree whatsoever for there to be slack in treatment, of how the incident should be reacted to, is best not to exist if there is even the slightest tacit approval for slack in 100% equal treatment.

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