Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Abductions Especially of Teens Might be International Epidemic

Temporary blog post.
Pro tem, [at the initial time of this blog post,] mainly with respect to recent developments in the Palestinian region, in the Middle East, there has been some 'eye for eye' resembling activity, in context of teen abductions. There may be other events in that region that did not hit the radar screen.
A short list of many, of other similar events:
  • Abductions reference Japan/ North Korea
  • Human trafficking and smuggling from Mexico into the U.S. 
  • Argentinian children missing by the hundreds if not thousands a few decades ago
  • Abduction/missing teens in the U.S. generally; cited is reappearance of victim miles away from place of disappearance
A change from yesterday, this post will stay here, the lessons applicable where applicable.

Emphasizing to contact the proper authorities if you suspect that the disappearance of someone is probable.  If you see a suspect, or are not sure whether someone might be a person that engages in the crime of abductions, kidnapping, contact the authorities and quickly explain the circumstances.

If the kidnapper did not defy logic, then the ability to hide with that tool, would be taken away.  Just because an event occurred thousands of miles away, and could involve a suspect being screened at a transportation terminal, does not mean that it is impossible for suspects to appear elsewhere.

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