Thursday, November 13, 2014

Computer Training for Kids is In and Dope is Out

This has to occur on a nationwide level.
Computer training at even the first stages of schooling.
Just like kids in Iowa learn to milk cows.
We are in the computer age.

Wondering what are some of the roots of the ills are in the national economy?- look at the driving around town, from one depressed neighborhood to either another or a richer neighborhood, trafficking narcotics; that has got to stop. Relying on 2 or 3 plants, poppy and coca of these, to use to maintain a finance circus as a means to survive is a bagged-up iota so trivial in the timeline of human history, it might not even show up in the big picture of civilization, nevermind that it is undeserving to be in human history.

Instead, in the heartland, and to the east of it, between the bustle of the Mid-Atlantic, and to the west of it, between Silicon Valley, computer training from the ground, ground, ground up.

There are a few things going on at the same time.

The vision is clear.

An imbalance is occurring and growing; in the Mid-Atlantic, industry, real estate dynamics, and being targeted for undermining by outsiders, while Silicon Valley emerges on the West Coast. What is happening is 2 or 3 societies are emerging, one in the Mid-Atlantic, one in the Silicon Valley region, and the one in between them, in part because there is relatively much less emphasis on technology centered societal development in the geographic space in the middle. With 2 societies developing, a divide begins, taking away from the 1, flag, unity, societal cohesion, etc.
The region between the coasts referenced here, is beyond just the geographic center of the mainland; Alaska, Hawaii, and economically less fortunate areas that are near strong point are referred to along with them.
Of course many others could make effort to use these same tools; the content presented here, is all known and common sense.
Cultivating the part of the flag in the middle to keep the entirety, is better sooner than later, as later might be too late.

Betsy Ross.

Let the legend be the ideal.

Let us look at a few statistics and realities.

The top popularly known computer brand names in the world, who are they?
Listing the top 20, how many are U.S.?
Out of over 2 dozen, when only a handful or less is the answer, this could spell out an area of deficiency.
Information regularly uploaded onto the Internet on the subject of computers, how much, in terms of a percentage, is authored by U.S. citizens?

The potential for us, the U.S., to excel in the area of computers, is there. Gift of the English language. Well-formed people.

When island nations the size of one of the smallest states is producing 5 times more in the area of computers, it should serve as a wakeup call.

We can and we should, for every amount of land, produce at least the referent 5 times more amount of something positive. Computers, farming, etc. No matter what is being produced where, the computer training is best that it exists in every location.

If we have the capability to produce hamburgers, and decided to import all the hamburgers we ate from a foreign enemy, and the hamburgers were poisoned, if we continued to eat those poisoned hamburgers, wouldn't that look kind of strange?
Analogy to computers, produce our own precluding running any risks of being deteriorated from the imported products in a number of different ways.
Either produce our own, or run the risk of being poisoned.

The plan for kids education, modified as appropriate:
When our kids arrive at school, from this morning moving forward, instead of the lights dim, students fighting, rowdy discussions about decadence hazing and degrading one another they saw online on hand held devices not even built here, and teachers waltzing in an hour late in some cases still distracted to an extent by last night's social event, let us have the lights on and be engaged in practical hands-on training of how the computer devices are built.

Emphasis on in-depth understanding of how technologies now and in the future work. This in combination with a well rounded and constantly expanding knowledge base.

Using the Pace Car for a race like the Daytona 500 to solidify the concept, most often, the pace car is a new, top of the line vehicle with latest advances in car technology. Nobody pulls out an old clunker and does the pace lap.

What the computer technologies in the future will be considered, much of it might be wireless, but that does not mean leave out a strong understanding of how wires work.

Going beyond that, understanding how plastics are developed, metals are developed, wireless computing, cloud computing, nanotechnology memory devices, altogether how computers are put together and will be, are all in what could be a winning strategy.

All of these applied to every region, markedly the middle states, from the first days of pre-kindergarten to graduation.

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