Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ripple from Ferguson to Cleveland Has Elements that Should be Left Out and Elements that Should be Duplicated Beyond There

Responding to a tragic event with violence in some cases is not going to solve the problem.

There is a problem, which needs a solution; what exactly the problem will be defined as, and what the scope of the problem is, might not be clearly defined yet.
We have come along way in protecting our homeland; the progress should not be diminished, nor should encroaching occur of the least bit overshadowed.

Already in the 1960s, rioting in Detroit and similar events, rioting after the Rodney King situation and court hearings in Los Angeles, occurred, with the point being driven at of intolerance to what might be perceived as racially imbalanced events.

Indictment or not to be indicted, then, depending on the outcome, to protest or not to protest, may not necessarily have be the limitations on what unfolds, the study of law will show there are many angles and legal strategies which can be posited

Right beside rioting about racial events, is, are the events that took place recently, namely Ferguson, Missouri, where an unarmed teengager was shot, racially involved at all?
Its about 570 miles between Ferguson and Cleveland, about a 9 hour drive, going east to west, but north to south, the cities are only about 230 miles apart. The upper 'Central Lowland’ zone, west of the Appalachian Mountains, sitting below major bodies of water, the two ends of the corridor seems to have emerged where there has been some trouble, referring to the events that have unfolded mushrooming after an 18 year old was shot in Ferguson, and a 12 year old recently subsequent having a pellet gun.

And right beside that, is situations where teens have been shot, has occurred in other parts of the U.S., and was a standard procedure of duty by law enforcement, and, there was no rioting, turmoil, or upheaval in the local community in and around where the event took place, when discomfort was presented as an issue, the turbulence was not nearly as much as Ferguson.

There is the hope that rioting in Detroit nearly a half century ago, were events of the past.

Now, with the advent of technology, where photos can be viewed around the world in a matter of minutes, or even seconds, looked at is, what does the picture of news headlines in U.S.A. appear to be? The world sees police cars burning, rioting, looting, and clashing, again.
Is that necessary, and is it for the best?
If there does exist a sincere zeal to make certain that all, including teenage males that could be described as African American or mainly so, are treated fairly, given the chance for justice equal to all, and so forth, shouldn't the attitude in energizing that mission be uniform everywhere?
When it is not uniform and consistent, other questions come up. Such as, what is the real reason for looting and making an ugly scene of law enforcement vehicles in setting them afire, etc.?
At the same time, exposed, is when uses of the word color, exacerbated when used repeatedly, to describe human beings, takes place, it is a sign of of a presence of rejected atmospheres.

Let us all evaluate from the foundation what the most noble method of accomplishing the highest goal is.

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