Monday, November 16, 2009

Idea for the times: the first 10 years after Y2k/ Year 2000

Year 2000 once thought to be far off in the advanced futuristic realm, has already come and gone.

Have we seen our expectations of it?

Probably not. In many ways computer technology, especially of what would make our lives convenient, fell far short, of what we could have or should have had.

One of the reasons is that, in toto, environmental concerns slowed things down.
Included are environmental laws, regulations, environmental groups, etc.

What can we do to get back on track and start moving at the rate of ideals, and ideas?

Environmental Technologies.

That means develop technologies with the environment already in mind, and develop technologies that are going to help take care of the environment.

Where can you go to get some of these already existent products?

One of the first places to go is

ETIS stands for: Environmental Technologies-Information Systems International.

Want to rent a hybrid car today, and help keep the air clean: go to:

Reserve your rent for your emission safer car now, online.

Questions? Please ask the most you can:

Apprise ETIS of newest enviro-technologies.

This blog just got started. There is more to follow.

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