Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How To Protect Your Computers and Workplace from Potentially Violent Disasters and Terrorism

Not enough time to read this entire article? -- Solutions are-- Click on the links immediately hereunder
WebWatcher-Get 40% Off

WhiteCanyon's Identity Theft SoftwareNew PC Bundle-Make your transition a breeze

Let's take a look at 3 big disasters that involved violence in the very recent years.

  • Virginia Tech shooting

  • Fort Hood shooting

  • Pittsburgh Gym shooting

All 3 of these had 1 thing in common: News reports state that the shooters were posting messages on computers. Of concern, morbid messages, and postings indicative that someone might get hurt. The postings at least hinted that the authors were emotionally upset.

Now let's look at the possibilities of how these incidents could have been prevented. Markedly, look at 1, viable, smart way that they could have been prevented: Computer and internet security and monitoring. There are 2 sets of software, that when installed, and used to higher levels of effectiveness, perhaps, shootings like those at Virginia Tech, Fort Hood, and Pittsburgh, would never had happened.

What are these 2 software? And by the way, they do not cost very much, and they are easy to buy. Here they are:

  1. WebWatcher [You can download it right here over the internet]

  2. Department of Defense Approved WhiteCanyon's Identity Theft Software

Attention: Schools, Colleges, Universities, Campuses, Workplaces, Offices

Delay no more, the technology is clearly here which could have a strong impact towards preventing the 3 incidents described. Download the software and install them as applicable.
Click here:
WebWatcher is now 40% Off - Limited Time Offer

and click here: WhiteCanyon's Identity Theft Software

[You may want to open the link in new window, or come back to this page after you click one of the links and click the second]

Having both of these sets of software reflects competency and a good level of wisdom.

Maybe the places mentioned where the incidents took place already have these [software] and more. For those that do not have the software, it is urged for you to get them as soon as possible.

More about the 2 sets of software:
From the WebWatcher advertiser detail webpage:

"Description: WebWatcher, Laptop Cop , & InterGuard are the most advanced and easy to use services for monitoring, controlling, and protecting computers. These products, by Awareness Technologies, evolved from innovative tools created for the U.S. Coastguard to fight Terrorism."

"WebWatcher – The #1 Rated Computer Monitoring Software* Invisibly monitor computer and internet use from anywhere* See online activity in near REAL-TIME"
"Laptop Cop - The Ultimate Laptop Anti-Theft Software* Geolocate the stolen laptop* Allows the user to remotely retrieve and delete files* Lets the user monitor and control the thief"
"InterGuard – Integrated protection for all internal threats originating from within businesses – features include:* Record all employee activity & Instantly improve productivity* Stop confidential data theft & can webmail and USB files* Block time-wasting websites & Limit use of software apps" Test out InterGuard today!

From the WhiteCanyon advertiser detail webpage:

"WhiteCanyon's software helps prevent identity theft and improves computer performance & security. WhiteCanyon is the industry leader in security software tools, for both personal and business use. Our company president was recently featured on Inside Edition as THE expert in the US."
"WipeDrive- Getting rid of your computer? Formatting your hard drive does NOT erase your data! Make sure all your confidential information is permanently deleted prior to getting rid of your computer. WipeDriveWipeDrive has been trusted and used by the US Department of Defense [Department of Defense Approved] for more than six years." Consider WipeDrive PRO. Available also is WipeDrive for Mac.

"SecureClean- Need faster computer performance? Did you know EVERY image of EVERY Internet site you have EVER VISITED is on your computer? Did you know that when you delete a file and then empty the recycle bin, the file really isn't gone? This "Internet clutter" sacrifices computer performance. SecureClean reclaims wasted disk space, permanently erases past surfing history, and protects you and your family from Identity Theft."

Available: MySecurityVault PRO"MySecurityVault... is not just a customizable, secure password manager. It also encrypts any file on your computer and has an auto-fill feature for IE."MySecurityVault PRO

WebWatcher-Get 40% Off

Laptop Cop - 20% Off

InterGuard - Free 7 Day Trial

Buy WipeDrive, Get MediaWiper Free!

Receive MySecurityVault Free, with any purchase!

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