Tuesday, November 17, 2009

In tune with "Obama and President Hu Jintao talked of a joint desire to tackle climate change...", G20 China, US, for World Climate Deal

"Obama and President Hu Jintao talked of a joint desire to tackle climate change..." from [Obama: Rally the world for climate deal next monthAP -
document.write(getLocalTime('Wed, 18 Nov 2009 00:14:14 GMT','en-US'));
Tuesday, November 17, 2009 2:14:14 PM By JENNIFER LOVEN and ARTHUR MAX]

Brief Background:
China is one of the prominent members of the G20, a longer finger of the hand that had the G5, or big 5, according to some systems, ['some' is italicized because there are opinions that there are additional wealthy countries that were not included, it may all depend on how one gages wealth], the G5 worldwide included the U.S., UK, Japan, France, and Germany. This hand referred to here then extended to G6, G7, and when in November 2008, the countries had consortium for economic topics, G20, as apropos for the sake of this discussion. G5 emerging countries included China. Interpretable as could be interchanged, was which G5 China was in, because in many estimation it is a huge land mass that generates much money.

Next month, is the world climate conference. Greenhouse gas mitigation [reduction] and rising climate temperature reduction are primary topics for the conference.

There is my disagreement to the notion that the there needs be to hurry off and make comments made about the U.S. indicative that they are one of the world's biggest polluters. Remember, there is a balance to that, in the U.S. has for a long time in this modern era, been one of the biggest technological producers, as well as setting standards that many were able to use as model, and in therein such sequence, the perhaps 'less' developed countries, economically and technologically [again on certain comparison standards], had the opportunity to refine the technology such that they polluted less. The trial and error for the initial builders was compressed, as taking down very expensive infrastructure, and replacing them with less polluting, was as stated, no need for further argument.

Bottom Line:
The bottom line is, let us all put in to help reduce greenhouse gases, emissions, and pollution, reduce ozone layer destruction, keep the air cleaner, and keep the climate temperatures in proper balance.

Collaboration and support for environmental organizations, properly balanced, is one way to help. Feel free to contact ETIS International, support us, ask us for input, by means of our website, http://www.ETISworld.com; and of course other environmental organizations as appropriate.

Let us help the overall economy of the US as well, part of a more comprehensive and larger secret, or set of knowledge, that can be discussed further later.

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