Monday, August 27, 2012

Condolences for Neil Armstrong

Special condolences are for Neil Armstrong.

A man who walked on the moon.  A man who planted the American flag.

Google Search Results :A Little Bit About What Is Really Going On

Once the computer programs are put in place, you have to understand, computers and the programs are what is running it.

If a calculator is programmed to add 2 + 2 = 4, then even if you do not like that the answer is 4, there is not much sense in laying blame on the producer or manufacturer of the calculator for not being neutral.  A hypothetical situation arises, where we need a calculator to figure out food distribution to hundreds of disadvantaged people, and we needed the results of the calculator to say 2 + 2 = 5, or 3, to make the less food reach more people, 2 sets of food trucks reaches 5 villages instead of 4, which would be more 'neutral', and the 1 village left out would not complain.  There is not but so much 'magical' workings that can be done to make the calculator, or computer, spell out something that is not going to be there on baseline science and technology.

In similar method, Google search results, or anyone else's search results, Yahoo, MSN, Baidu, etc., works like an extended calculator, in varying degrees and aspects.

One of the big problems computer search result users are having, is that their input or search query, does not always respond to an output, or search result, that is in line with what they are expecting, or have a tolerance for.

So what happens, is often times, the computer user, gets emotionally upset at the search engine, and in this 'natural' process of being upset, starts pointing fingers at, Google, Yahoo, ..., Baidu, etc.  And when this happens, start looking towards the 'people' behind the development of the search engine.

Jumping past all the programming technology that goes into search engines, and voicing complaints at the people in the company, could arise due to an assumption that would seem to fall in line with a chain of logic.  Logic would hold, that if Google for example, can have a safe search, and a moderately safe search to restrict query results [which by the way do not work 100% of the time], that when safe search is turned off, and a set of results is requested, that the results should minimally be confined to what is remotely asked for by the original query.

Which brings us to:
Issue number 1 [many people have taken up with Google search], which is why results that have nothing to do with what is asked, show up on users computer screens;


Issue number 2 [many people have taken up with Google search], 'monopoly' and 'neutrality', as to why Google query results patch users in to other Google services, so it seems.

One of the things going on that cause the situation, which has its goods and bads, is people taking advantage of tags; when they build their website, they have a burning desire to make public and make its way up the Google search rankings.  They take advantage of SEO, or search engine optimization techniques, to make their site, no matter what the content is, seen by as many Internet users as possible inclusive of query results.

For the time being, there really isn't a law, that we can rely on, which says, 'if your website does not contain content which your tags, labels, or meta tags read, you are engaging in an illegal activity'.

There are out there, website builders are trying to tap in on answering the question like, - How to make millions on my website -,  - How to increase my website traffic -, - How to become ranked high on Google search engine results - , and so forth, and implement techniques they read from magazines, and online advertisements and sources that want you to download a book on the subject that costs $40, etc.

Amongst what happens is, a website on the subject of the color blue, has inserted in it search tags on yellow, if the website builder thinks it will make more money.  A site on men, include tags on women, a site on images for transportation include tags for pets, and many other outrageous greedy schemes.  Essentially, the programming of the computers, and the calculators for query results, are being taken advantage of.

Of course efforts are being made by Google and search engines to decipher when their search engine is being 'gimmicked', but, with the amount of material and information being uploaded every second, it is tough to get it perfect, especially at the instant new information gets into cyberspace.

In the underpinning, another very probable cause for unwanted query results is, slack, a lot of it, regarding decency laws in the United States.

To this day, in Japan, there is still much censorship.  It is much more difficult to cut through the obstacles to obtain materials that were censored decades ago in Japan, today, than equivalent material in the United States, and many 'Western' countries, whether that be violence, political movements, etc.

What used to have people penalized by the law, in the U.S., even 20 years ago, is now a tool to make money, and even advocated by some as something that all should take advantage of and 'cash in on'.

If you really want a search engine that will do exactly as you say, then the alternative is always there, to build your own.

Insofar a search engine, such as Google, directing users to other tools sponsored by the same, at some point, it is almost 'natural' for computers to behave in this manner.  An analog, is metric tools are going to be more easily compatible with other metric tools, car parts made in Detroit interchangeable with other car parts built in Detroit.  Google Internet tools mesh with other Google Internet tools.

Remember when the Internet became accessible to PCs at your house a couple of decades ago, some search queries would result in hundreds or thousands of results that were in other languages, or websites that were in other languages, and with no translation tool right there, the results most of the time were not what folks in the U.S. were looking for.

A hypothetical example, someone that speaks only English wants to get a 100 word summary of the economy of China.  The person types in the search query box, summary of China economy.  If using Google or Yahoo designed for the U.S., a report in a popular U.S. magazine will probably result in the PBS, Wikipedia, and '.com' sites that have China and economy in the url name.  This is what the searcher in this case is looking for.  Now if the same person typed the same query into a search engine designed for Chinese users, especially in Chinese, Mandarin, or language of vernacular, the results might be a 1000 results in the Mandarin language.  Try the same search in Chinese or Mandarin, using the Baidu search engine, if you can get the characters in the query box, and see what results; the answer is, you get sites in the results as if you were in China that are geared for audiences there, results like,,, website urls that end in '.cn', and website nomenclatures that are catchy in China, but to most average mainstream Americans there is barely any recognition of what the symbolic meanings of the website urls are.

Thereat, at some point, the English language set Google search engine, is designed to cater to English language users in the U.S., which, you might find appreciative because, after all, the way it was 20 years ago, if you have 5 minutes to turn in your report and you just got started, do you really want to sift through 5000 websites in Mandarin to find 3 paragraphs in English?

And now some complain about monopoly.

The situation of, the monopoly has to be broken up,  is reminiscent, from an engineers' standpoint, when the 'Cabbage Patch' dolls were popular to the point that safety and political issues came up; here it is now, Google search and related Internet tools that Google provides, needs a committee to take up government time.  Maybe it does, as a viable need based on calculations.  In other views, why does the scenario even need to come up, if, for instance, the coin-toss of destiny had most of the Internet users in the United States, use the Chinese Internet search engine Baidu, instead?  If millions of Internet users in the U.S. were using Baidu a day or a minute, instead of Google, spelling it out, then the uproar over what seems like Google monopolies would not exist; and, as it stands now, most Internet users have a choice of what Internet search engine they want to use, just like what doll they want to buy their child 25 years ago, or what station on television they want to watch their action prime time show on 20 years ago, when they were limited to ABC, NBC, or CBS, and if there was anything else, it was hard to see clearly.

What it is not reminiscent of, is the monopoly to break up the conglomerates like AT&T and Bell.

Facebook, is another example; does Facebook have a monopoly on 'social-networking sites' just because it is popular, does the government need to gather at some high powered meeting to discuss fairness and a breakup of the monopoly of social networking; a few years ago, for some of us, the last time we logged in on a social networking site, MySpace, was the big one; it is one way one day, another way another day.  How preposterous would it have looked if there was a meeting of the heavyweights to break up the MySpace monopoly, then a few weeks later Facebook makes its advent in the popularity polls?  If you really want things your way, then a route to get it, is to study the computer science until you know how to build your own search engines and social networking sites, and place them on the Internet, and use those.  In conclusion, let us direct our energies, efforts, time, and dollars, on efforts that even have the possibility of making a difference, and will make a difference.

Background of the situation, a firm in the field of website translation, says in its video, only 27% of Internet users are using the English language.

Concerns over Google monopoly over competition, is only a concern to the world, the small world, of English speaking users, obviously some disillusionment over what the monopoly really are on a worldwide basis.

Another statistic, found in another website, is on the language most commonly used on the Internet, the end arrival about the same.  Today, as in these past 2 or 3 years, right after English language, Chinese language users are up in the millions, almost 445 million, see .  350 million users for all other languages that is not on the statistics chart, 600 million users from the languages after English and Chinese, 1 billion comprised of English and Chinese, and 350 million from the other languages group, were the statistics in 2010, numbers which are probably still growing, out of this total, only about 540 million are English language users, roughly, 540 million divided by 2 billion, 27%.

Why worry but so much about a Google monopoly?; how about making sure that information that is being said about the U.S.A. is accurate and representative, on the other 70 something percent.  Sure, Google can be used in other languages.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Wildfires Direct List Emphasis on the States of Idaho, Montana, and Washington, Update on August 24, 2012. Northern California Roadmap Included in this Blog Post

Halstead Fire, 96,000 acres affected, location: 18 miles northwest of Stanley, Idaho, in the Salmon-Challis National Forest

Mustang Complex Fire, east, central Idaho, Salmon Challis National Forest, "is currently west of Spring Creek, north of the Salmon River, east of Lantz Bar, and south of Horse Creek, Gattin Ranch and Bronco Lake" [source: NASA] burned as of about 2pm this afternoon, 118,220 acres; fire moving in the direction of Blue Nose Lookout, good news on this one is reports have that there have been no structures destroyed

'Trinity Ridge' Fire, about 173 square miles, reports of over 105,000 acres,  50 miles northeast of Boise, Idaho

Enclosure Fire; status?,as in active or put out? Answer, compared to fires in the hundreds of thousands of acres, it might not be receiving much media attention
Fire was or is near Ketchum, Idaho, size as of August 21, 2012 was under 200 acres

Lost Packer Fire, mainly located in Idaho, movements toward Corn Creek

Cache Creek Fire, 2900 acres and still growing; in the northeast area of Wallowa County into Washington; just under a quarter of the fire is in Asotin County, Washington.  Main area of fire, is reportedly, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (HCNRA) in the Cache Creek area

California continued: Vallecito Lightning Complex fire, burned of 22,000 acres; geographic areas nearby/ locale: Ranchita and San Felipe

Montana wildfires, there are other wildfires, these are all over 1000 in size, in order of largest acreage at the top, to smaller at the bottom:
  • West Garceau; 9,863
  • Hwy 87; 1,933
  • Condon Mountain; 1,705
  • Black Beach; 1,450
This blog post is a continuation of the blog post before last, on the subject of wildfires in California; in closing: 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wild Bears and Wild Fires. Wild Bear Warnings, As Wildfires Fought and Evacuations. Northern California Focus. What Happens Next? Answers Got At in This Blog Post

Polar bears, which can travel nearly impossible distances, through the water, and land, and climb vertical heights as if they had a rope pulling them, might be coming from the west.  This means the coast of upper northwestern part of California.

Brown or black bears might be coming down from the areas just north of the northernmost state line of California.  Them travelling southward into California.

Then, logically in between, there are bears that are mixed breeds of brown bear and polar bears, that might be coming from the areas, likewise, in between, where the polar bears and brown bears would be coming from.

This is just an opinion, and not an in-depth study of bear behavior in California, however, earlier articles from ETIS, and many sources, have examined bears behavior enough in the last 5 years, that it is safe to say, that exercising acting prudent, when it comes to bears, especially in the aftermath of the fires that are burning in California right now, which there are somewhere between 9 and 15, roughly, wouldn't hurt.

It might be wise to hold to consider, that, the kind of bear activities described here, is not out of the question.

The process, in theory goes something like this:
Nature has its order of events.
Fires took place, which resulted in people moving out, on a practical level, they evacuated; houses were destroyed.
In the interim before returning to their houses, if they return at all, or return to rebuild, bears of different gradations make their presence.
A danger is, since there has been a fire, there might also be the disruption of tracking all these animals.  If any just 'popped up out of the water' and ran inland, that have never been tracked before, there could be the possibility of large bears, in those residential areas.

Further haunts are, the bears are not seen or heard from, and are virtually hidden from the human population, for lengths of time, then, suddenly they make their presence known, hopefully, it is not a disastrous one.

Once humans leave an area, this is a new 'playground' and 'feeding ground' for some of these wilder animals.

Summing up, once the fires have ended, and the aftermath is upon us, be on your guard as to the possibilities of bears and other animals making their mark.

California Wildfires August 23, 2012: Direct List of Fires and Straightforward Maps

PONDEROSA FIRE: right now, is being treated as the 'biggest one', in California.  The size is 38 square miles, which means on simple math, it is the equivalent in area to just over 6 miles wide, and 6 miles long, rarely is a wildfire a perfect square; 6mi x 6mi is to give an idea. 27,978 acres, and 84 lost structures, according to August 23, 2012.  The amount of lost structures might be why it is a priority, as there are other fires with a larger acreage.
Where: 'Tehama and Shasta Counties'

Pictures in this blog post when you click on them, open up in a new window, enabling larger view.

After Ponderosa, listed in per acreage from larger at the top to smaller at the bottom:

  • CHIPS FIRE; 63,147 acres according to August 23, 2012
    • Where: Plumas County; northern CA cluster of fires
  • NORTH PASS FIRE; 17,820 acres according to August 23, 2012
    • Where: near ' Covelo, CA'; northern CA cluster of fires
  • INDIAN FIRE; [JUST ADDED AT 3:30PM EST] 12,574 acres according to 

  • BAGLEY COMPLEX FIRE; 7,302 acres according to August 23, 2012
    • Where: near ' Big Bend, CA'
  • FORT COMPLEX FIRE; 6,583 acres, is 3 fires, according to August 23, 2012
    • Where: near ' Happy Camp, CA'; northern California, around state line with Oregon, western part of the state line
  • MILL FIRE; 1,680 acres according to August 23, 2012
    • Where: near  'Butte Meadows'; northern CA cluster of fires
  • ANTELOPE FIRE; 637 acres according to August 23, 2012
    • Where: near  'Alturas, CA'; northern CA cluster of fires
  • SOUTH COMPLEX FIRE; 453 acres according to August 23, 2012
    • Where: near 'Inyo', the county, is what strongly appears, this is to mean.  Map below discusses disambiguation from Indian Fire near Inyo national Park

  • QUAIL FIRE; 275 acres according to August 23, 2012
    • Where: near  'Yucca Valley' ; northern CA cluster of fires
California State of Emergency is in place/ has been declared

blog post in progress; there are about a 12 fires burning in California within the past 10 days; we are not going to wait for all the information about all 12 fires; blog will be posted/updated as the information comes in, and content is ready to be inserted

California county map with fire location diagram added on:

Fires listed below might or might not already be on the list above, or the Map of California fires at the top; any notes to help cross-reference are placed; descriptions are based off names:

RAMSEY FIRE; 1,137 acres, seep map, fire number 16
Where: Stanislaus National Forest; Pinecrest, California; Sonora, CA; Calaveras County; on/around Greenley Road
Stanislaus National Forest is almost 900,000 acres; the fire is only 1,137 acres, so, what part of the forest is the fire at?
Answer:  based on topographical satellite imagery 'last modified August 14, 2012 at', the hottest most fire intensive concentrated grid coordinates, from most to least:
Longitude: 120:08.920 W  Latitude: 38:24.282 N
Longitude: 120:08.897 W  Latitude: 38:24.133 N
Longitude: 120:08.897 W Latitude: 38:23.946 N
Longitude: 120:09.36 W Latitude: 38:24.528 N [this is toward the top of the hook, if you look at the shape of the fire from bird's eye view, see description of fire shape directly below]

Concentrated areas of the Ramsey Fire looks like a left hook, or an English language question mark

"...updates about the Ramsey Fire, please contact ... 95% contained as of today; location: Hwy 4, 8 miles East of Dorrington"

The maps provided here [courtesy Google Earth, custom edited with remarks, and diagrams] are self explanatory:

List and maps are verified for repeats of the same fire with different name; the only fire under scrutiny that is being checked for a repeat on the list above is the Indian Fire

JAWBONE FIRE; see fire number 18 on map at top
Where: Kern County, CA; almost in the middle of the county, only a little to the right, and at the halfway point of the top half of the county, or one quarter of the way down, going from top to bottom.  Kern county looks like a rectangle, mostly.

Concluding this blog post for today, one of THE major reasons, why there is some wisdom to proactively putting fires out, or at least bringing them under control, is demonstrated through the example of the Elbow Pass Complex fire.  Is the fire put out?  As of August 21, 2012, the fire was comprised of 4 or 5 fires which merged together to form 1 fire.  In the process of allocating and designating fire mitigation efforts, especially if those that are intending to assist in the matter are not actively on the ground at the physical scene of the fire 24 hours, 7 days a week, losing track of what is what, what fire is where, can be become a realistic predicament.  Time, valuable, is lost, trying to figure out what names go to what geographic region, so on and so forth.  Peace loving people are not the ones that love a situation like that.  Meanwhile, the fires continue to rip and burn.

"The Elbow Pass Complex is comprised of five different lightning ignitions from July 12 through July 31. These four fires have merged into one fire, the Elbow Pass Complex: Triple Divide Fire, Rapid Creek Fire, Elbow Pass Fire, and Bar Creek Fire.  The fires are generally located 25 miles west southwest of Augusta, Montana."

In addition to, has the Elbow Pass fire been extinguished, where exactly is the 'South Complex Fire', in California, which is near 'Inyo', while the Indian Fire, also near Inyo, more precisely Inyo National Forest, has been burning since August 8th?  
The answer is Inyo in the case of South Complex Fire, is Inyo County, and Inyo Park to do with the Indian Fire.  See maps below South Complex fire in bulleted list above.  For those of us that are not from either of the Inyo locales, it is tough to tell, when the vernacular is not familiar.

According to update on August 23rd, the description of the Elbow Pass Fire is about the exact same as it was on the 21st.  15,852, and 3,282 acres; what makes for the difference for the entire scene?

10pm and still unanswered questions.  Perhaps the answers will be found tomorrow.  Maybe the answers are all right there available on the Internet, only requiring more advanced research skills and knowing where to look.  

Important that is brought out here, the merging together of several fires into one large one is a danger.  Name and place ambiguities is another danger.  When there are so many fires, that the same name gets chosen more than once, and names so generic they can be referring to more than one place or incident, is indicative of a situation more dangerous than what might be immediately apparent.  
Next year, and the next round of fires, what if the challenges to get a handle on them all is tougher than now?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

IP Address Systems Transitions: if You're not on Your Toes, could Waste Well Over $7 million a Day Just on Government Spending

"In mid-February, the White House proposed spending $2.3 billion on cybersecurity at the Defense Department in the release of its 2012 budget request." [March 29, 2011]

   The Defense Department is just one example.  On a nationwide level, where some offices in less significant priority positions are still just now getting computers, there are computers and their connections to the Internet that is an immense proportion.  Illustrating directly below:
FY 2013 spending budget in millions of dollars as put by Federal Information Technology FY 2013 Budget Priorities:
  • Department, Agency, or Body; between $1,345.30 and $1,461.50, per each: SSA, NASA, Department of State
  • Department, Agency, or Body; between $65.00 and $99.50, per each: Smithsonian Institution, OPM, Nat'l Science Foundation, NARA
  • Department, Agency, or Body; between $111.60 and $151.40 per each: SBA, NRC, U.S. Agency for International Development
  • Department, Agency, or Body; between $392.30 and $965.10 per each: GSA, Department of Education, department of Housing and urban Development, department of Labor, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, EPA, 
  • Department, Agency, or Body; $2033.00 and upward: Department of Agriculture, department of Commerce, DOE, DHHS, DHS, DOJ, DOT, Department of Veterans Affairs

How much is $2.3 billion dollars averaged out to per day?  2 billion for the year averaged on a per day is $5,479,452.05

   the .3 billion is about $666666666.67 a year, and the daily average for the year is, $1,826,484.02

The total proposed of 2.3 billion, as long as the math is at least in the ballpark, is $7,305,936.07 a day

Each day, that over $7 million dollars is spent, if the money is not spent in the exact and correct way it should, when it could be directed to something else, can have a huge impact.

This might be a reason, why new IP addresses is important.

The IP address system is up for a change, closing in real soon, and real fast.

The older IP address system, that most people are used to on regular everday U.S. citizen jobs, can't take any more website addresses.

What happens/ what is the solution?  A new system of IP addresses that can hold a whole bunch more than what the current can is being developed.

The repercussions, include, although some computers and computing systems will be still be able to adapt to the newer IP address system, they will not necessarily be designed for such; basically, all those old computers, even if they were purchased yesterday, are no good, defunct, obsolete, whichever word strikes you.

$7 million a day on cybersecurity: for each day of IT spending, let's hope it is the right moves, the emphasis here, is in consideration of IP address transitions.

Spelling it out, $7 million dollars worth of cybersecurity spending measures for something that the next day could turn out to be a wasted spend, is something that very well could be avoided.

Even if it is calculated down to the hour, the cost per the 2.3 billion proposition, is $304,414 an hour averaged.  Take a 1 hour lunch break right when the transition of IP addresses occurred, or cybersecurity related stuff was being ordered, and by the time you come back to your office, if it was the wrong stuff, then in that one hour, over $300,000 of tax payers dollars was just wasted.

"On March 23, officials amended that response and provided a higher total -- $3.2 billion -- to reflect the cost of information assurance "program elements" at individual agencies and services, plus activities typically not defined as information assurance that are critical to the military's overall cyber stance."
'Defense Funding for Cybersecurity is Hard to Pin Down'

"Of the president’s $3.7 trillion 2012 budget proposal, Haney pointed out, only $1.2 trillion represents the discretionary budget, accounts from which IT funds are normally drawn. ...
...Despite the slow-down, federal IT spending to commercial contractors is expected to grow about 5 percent annually, according to Input, which sizes the 2010 federal IT market at about $86 billion."
'Federal IT spending to increase 5 percent, analyst says' [April 20, 2011]

To be added to this blog post soon:
  • Cloud Computing Strategy
  • About the IP change

Wildfires, Went from Colorado to California :Amount of Fires Per Unit Area; Summer 2012

Based on the statistics of active wildfires as of today, it looks like the summer trend, at least for 2012, is the big attention getting wildfires went from being concentrated in Colorado, and now, there are 12 wildfires of record burning right now in California.  There are more wildfires, according to statistics provided By NIFC, in California than any other state.
The next leading states are:
Idaho with 9 fires,
Montana, and Oregon, with 5 fires a piece.

Colorado does not even show up on the statistics chart.

Alaska, it seems, has 4 fires burning, based on other sources.

The situation in Alaska and C is not nearly as bad as it was a couple of months ago.

Just because the wildfire statistics give a number of fires, with locations or names, does not mean that there are absolutely no fires any where else.  Smaller fires might burn, but not large enough to be immediately be determined to be of the magnitude, danger level to be put into the statistics.

Quick history of severe weather situations this summer of 2012, an angle:

Colorado fires hit, then increase in severity and size; meanwhile, nearly 30% of the land mass of Alaska was also undergoing fires, some of them tundra fires; news stories on the east coast, right around when the High Park Colorado started to peak and die-off, especially Mid Atlantic region, was taken over by flooding and hurricane-like storms.  After the media attention on these let-up, news on fires in Colorado seemed a bit different.  There were other fires that took place, however, were not given the same amount of media attention.  Now, most fires, in terms of a number, are in California, only a few are in Alaska; further west of the Midwest, to sum it up without going into particulars of where the Midwest starts and ends, is the trend of the location of most of the fires on the continental U.S.  case in point, Idaho has 9 fires.

to be continued

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fires Hanging On; Is This What The U.S. is Dealing With in the Battle for Control Over Wildfires?

Finally the High Park Fire that captured the attention of media around the nation just weeks ago, suppressed enough, so that the rest of us that weren't in Colorado during that time could rest a bit easier.

Before any further analysis of the wildfires burning now in the U.S., an important question, in the fight for control over wildfires, is what are we going to be up against this time next year?

Some pictures of the wildfires burning in Oregon Nevada border, and Washington State, are indicative of, the 'big fires', were brought under control, but, there are still going to be fires to fight, we the fires are here to stay, hanging on.

blog in progress; whether to be continued will be determined over the next few days...

Dangerous Fires in Cle Elum, Washington State Important: Take All Fires Seriously. THE LINK TO THE LIVE WEBCAST OF U.S. SENATE COMMITTEE HEARING ON COLORADO FIRES TODAY AT 12

Click the Link:

Based on the photographs released today, the nature of the constituency of the grassland fires are somewhat different than the fires that blazed through Colorado earlier this summer, like the High Park Fire.

It is very important to understand, no matter how peaceful or calm a fire may appear, especially compared to another one, a fire is still a fire, a fire is dangerous.  Fires can be deceptive.  The fires in Cle Elum testify to that fact.

When you look at the pictures provided here, some could reach the conclusion that the fire is only a few feet tall, and feeding off of low lying grass, there are barely any trees around, so we don't have to worry about a huge forest fire breaking loose that towers hundreds of feet into the sky.
That is the wrong conclusion.

The facts are, the fire right now in Cle Elum, about 75 miles east of Seattle Washington, is associated with, has destroyed 70 houses.

Atmospheric/climatic conditions:
"CLE ELUM, Wash. — The extreme fire conditions across the West came to bear in a rural part of Washington state when three separate blazes were sparked in just 90 minutes."

Read more:

Fire names as of August 15, 2012:
Taylor Bridge :How big is it, the fire? About 40 square miles; it might not be a perfect square however, reports say it is about 17 miles long.

  • Cle Elum, Washington State
  • in and, or around Kittitas County
"Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire declared Kittitas and Yakima counties to be in states of emergency, according to a written statement from her office."

Holloway Fire

  • along the Nevada/Oregon border
  • near Humboldt County, Nevada; August 2012

The fire names can be highlighted and click the Google Search option for more stories.
The blog post is just an intoduction of a few angles on these fires, ETIS International is on the east coast developing blog posts, not at the scene with equipment fighting fires.

Quick roundup August 15, 2012: "In all, 62 fires, including 16 new large fires, were burning as of Tuesday, the U.S. Forest Service reported. They have destroyed dozens of homes and are threatening many more."

Very important: What the men in the photographs above are doing, DO NOT DO, unless you have a high degree of training in fighting fires.  They have no protective gear on.  DO NOT DO WHAT THEY ARE DOING in fighting fires up close with no fire protective clothing, save extreme circumstances, AT ALL, upon blazes like the High park Fire in Colorado, and even some city fires, such what has taken place in Washington DC apartment complexes, and in New York, reference high-rises and residential buildings, even in the last 2 decades.  These city, urban area fires were only, or lasted about a day, howbeit, this was long enough for the heat to become intense enough to start melting the fire trucks.  EVEN IF THE FIRE IS NOT PHYSICALLY TOUCHING YOU, CLOSE ENOUGH TO IT, YOU CAN STILL ENDANGER, HARM, OR INJURE YOURSELF.

Even most highly trained firefighters with years of experience have the emergency pod they can activate, that is constructed of fire resistant material, when fighting raging wildfires.

See on the subject of other major fires burning and deploying shelter.

Lessons learned about the Colorado fires from earlier this summer is about to get started at 12pm, if not started already. 12 pm Colorado.

Click the Link:

See story here:

'Full Committee Field Hearing: Colorado Wildfires'

Among those that will be on the Witness panel, is Mr. Mike King, Executive Director, Colorado DNR; and, Mr. Jim Hubbard, Deputy Chief, USDA Forest Service, Washington DC.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Baseline Differences Between iPad, iPhone, iPod. For the Businessman and Businesswoman Perspective. In 1 Sentence Describing Each, How to Know Which One is Which.

Apple has developed a tremendous technological crest with the new line of products including the iPhones, iPad, and iPods; a big part of what makes them technologically superior is their simplicity of use for the consumer.

For some..., you might ask, where do I get started, and what product is best for me, which one should I get?  And seeing that...all 3, iPhone, iPod, and iPad, allow technological abilities that were not conveniently accessible just a few years ago, and have more than the computing and calling features than I need or could possibly use for small, simple, business operations, the foreseeable next 2 years, however, my business requirements are I still need one of these, so in a nutshell, how do you pick the one that most closely matches my needs; which one is which?

...Keep in mind that there are overlaps, or shared features with all 3 products.  This means that all 3 can do much of what the others can do, only to a greater or lesser extent.

The emphasis on certain features, the extent of what can be done or not done, could hold the key, as to what determines what product you buy.

The in 1 sentence, function or difference between the 3:

iPhone: What the name implies on this one, it is primarily a telephone; Smartphone better describes this product in the technology language of today.

iPad:  A computer; mobile, portable; might need to be hooked up to your big desktop computer for larger projects.

iPod: Geared mainly for music, playing your favorite songs; has features for live face-to face talk, and capabilities and memory for other things.

iPhone views
So, if you are a businessman or businesswoman, and music is not your primary profession, and you have a laptop, and computers at your office, and want a high powered phone to go with the total package, the iPhone is probably the way to go.

iPad views, with facts
If you need computing requirements, and do not have laptop that you can take with you everywhere, the iPad is the solution.  The iPad is light enough, with the abundance of features, you have just about everything a laptop could do and more.  

Careful, the iPad does not have a readily equipped hard cover for the face of it, which is unlike a laptop; therefore, it might be wise, or prudent, to get a case, or professional flip-up or stand up-case, to go with it.  

Remember, the newest iPad, is just called iPad, not version 2, or 3, or 4.  When searching or preparing to buy the newest iPad, make sure to double-check you are buying the new one, and not an old iPad from years back; the smarter shopping move could avoid the trouble of a surprise.

iPod, or iPhone and iPad Selection for business views
Want to hook into your old favorite, or new favorite jingle, and run tracks of your favorite music artist,    iPod, might be the way to go here.  iPod offers much more than that.  As a matter of fact, if you want to have the ability to have a 'face-to-face', conversation with someone, Apple name of Face-Time, iPods allow you to do that with ease.  You can keep e-mail contacts with iCloud.... 

Using the iPods, iPads, and iPhones Right; Expectations of Making Phone Calls

...You can make calls using iPod; honestly, for seasoned business professional that want to keep a good appearance, configuring your iPod, for the time being until newer technology comes out, can look awkward or tacky, depending on the situation.  The iPod does not seem to be designed for ready operation as a telephone.  To be able to use it as a phone, you might have to do something like load Google Voice, or Skype, get an application, such as Voice over IP, known as VoIP, and other tactics, including I-protocols of some kind.  It is almost like sewing a fourth button and cutting a button whole with a kitchen knife, to turn a nice 3 button down suit jacket into a 4 button suit, it doesn't look good.  Importantly, it takes time to configure the iPod to use as a phone.  If you think walking out a communications store in the airport with an iPod that you just took out of the new box it came in, that right then and there you are going to be able to place an urgent and serious phone call, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

A high powered business man or woman, wearing a business suit over a couple of thousand dollars worth, about to enter a business meeting, and decided to stop and buy a 'PDA' in the airport, or transportation terminal, or hotel, moments before entering the boardroom, when choosing Apple products, in the midst of hurrying, would NOT ordinarily buy an iPod to show as a presentation tool, to present himself or herself for business; buying the iPhone, which is small and compact, or iPad, is much more fitting, which looks like a medium size notepad, and purchase the right case to go with it.

--Unless you know you are going into a business setting, where the demand for an iPod is called for, such as the instructions for attendees, is to 'bring an iPod'.

Envisioning yourself in a business meeting, conference, or boardroom, with other high-powered business professionals, especially standing-room-only, and need to take a number of notes, and everyone can see you and your Apple computing product, pulling out an iPod, with the clarity of what is appropriate, the attire, the strong-arm etiquette for the moment, an iPod which you can literally hold in 2 fingers, might not be the power tool for the keynote speaker, instead, the iPad or iPhone. 
Here is a picture of the new iPod:

Phone calls and the iPad
The manner for the iPad is a bit different when it comes to making calls.  Do not rely on the scenario that with an iPad new and fresh out the box, that you will be able to pull it out the new package in front of business clients huddled around, lay it on the table and start placing conference calls.  The iPad very reminiscent of a portable computer, the expectations are that you are going to take time to load the programs you want, adjust settings, and so on.  If an application that allows you to make calls is one of them, then, making calls is realistic.

This is a version of the story posted on another ETIS blog.