Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Praises. 12 12 2012 aka 12 12 12. Technology and Fiscal Cliff

12 12 12 a day of technology heights.  Have we done it?

We all know that yes, we have gone far, but, compared to where we could be, we could have been much further.

Referencing just what are some of the underpinnings, and their underpinnings of the financial challenges, that have almost 'got us'?

Could these problems been avoided, if certain actions or non-actions were carried forth?

What is being talked about here?/: Allocation for schools and education, INSTEAD of ______

This is amongst a few.  Another:
The real estate and house value dip, and lowering, if the effort to prevent it had more strength in the strong arm efforts so that it would never have been, could it have been avoided?

There is not going to be another 12 12 12 until 12 12 20---.  There will not be another shot to get on the track some say we needed some say we wanted to be on.

There will be other dates, 3 3 13 and 11 12 13 --just a thought.  Let's look to those historic dates as of now are in the future, at show at the level they are worthy of.

Volumes can already be written about the 'fiscal cliff' that we are dealing with as 2012 closes out.  Good that solutions have been developed.  However, the nature of a fiscal cliff, which in itself is not in some aspects a good thing, because we did have to take the time to deal with it and develop mechanism to face the challenge, warns us, that, in the future, if we are not ALWAYS AND CONSTANTLY working towards the best of economic conditions, that we could approach a next time, and if there is a next time, the situation might be worse.  Let us have it learned, and there will not be a next time.  There are goals that are more elevated in the light of the fiscal cliff should've never been.

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