Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tornado Today Tuesday 9/18/2012 3:30PM EST Severe Watch for NY, MD, VA, DC, DE, NJ, WV, NC

Severe tornado watch for the locations:
  • all of Washington DC
  • southern New York
  • eastern half of Pennsylvania
  • western NJ
  • most of Delaware
  • most and almost all of MD
  • eastern tip of West Virginia
  • eastern half of Virginia
  • northern area of central NC
some houses in Virginia have already been destroyed today
See map:

Harsh rains and heavy winds are accompanying the current weather conditions.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fires Abroad and Fires In Our Borders. Determining the Balances Due. Ambassador Stevens, and Wildfires in Washington State Topics at Present.

There are tons and tons of knowledge, as how to properly balance, paying the respects and upholding the dignity, when an event occurs, such as the death of an ambassador, while fire rages in our own borders.

Discussing very straightforwardly the death of Ambassador Stevens, and, there are wildfires in the State of Washington, which according to news sources is about 170 square miles.

The fire is not 1700 square miles.  100 square miles is roughly 10 miles wide and ten miles long; in a rural area, a fire 15 miles wide and the same long, --rarely is a fire a perfect square--, is it enough of a priority to take the focus precedence over an ambassador?


However, it is important that we, the United States, keep focus on the battles against fires in our borders, even though, fires might have raged for a 100 feet give or take, for a moment in time, sparking media attention.  There is a line between ensuring that the standards of dignity about an ambassador and other Americans is met, and allowing someone else to inundate our televisions, newspapers, computer screens, and media, to the point that we cannot even see any longer what else is going on that are also important.

Knowledge about priorities of dignity can be used to manipulate, there again, there are knowledges far, wide, deep, high above, and many more dimensions, which achieve the goals that the proper balance is struck, so that we do not lose track of events, such as the wildfires in Washington State, which it is not wise to let any fire go uncontrolled.

September 11th. Fear Around and Around? Condolences to Ambassador Stevens.

A rule, even if the person deceased is not one that there is an allegiance to, is to pay respects and condolences.

Whose rule is this?  How did the tradition get passed down and eventually the U.S. and many other nations, have their Americanized or 'Westernized' modern attempt of version, of adhering to this rule?

The tradition, as those that already know, and some with some knowledge, would anticipate, is from Prophet Muhammad, the honor he deserves granted to him.

Unfortunately, there are some who live among the people of the earth today that try to paste together messy situations.

There of those of us that know, that there are some living among the people, that make efforts to place scenes of ugliness and violence in the minds of people of peace, and try to capture attention, amongst attempts at other snares.

Here is what is requested;  yesterday was September 11th;  many in America hold this day with an amount of sentiment, over the events which occurred the same date in 2001; it is noticed that there was a blaring incident involving violence, reference Consulate in Libya, on the same date of the year in different year; when attempts at mockery are made about those that try, and strive, to make certain that lives are the fairest they can get it for all:

Do not make a mockery.  The reason, because when whoever does make the mockery, it only shows that there are reasons, such as for violent acts, that are down beneath and separate from the dignity of Prophet Muhammad, revenge for loved ones, or a basis that comes from a true belief, as in a belief in the Creator.

Whether the September 11th 2012 events were in any way an attempt at mockery about those that made effort for a more peaceful world after September 11, 2001, might not ever be clear.

Question is asked, and also who condolences are stated here along with the other Americans that died in the Consulate in Libya incident, J. Christopher Stevens, did Stevens write the script of the trailer/ movie 'The Innocence of Muslims'/ 'Desert Warrior'?

Second question is, why is the following:
   "According to The Wall Street Journal, Bacile said he raised $5 million from about 100 Jewish donors to make the two-hour movie in California last year. Based on the trailer, the movie appears to have been produced on a low budget."
"Terry Jones, the Florida pastor whose Quran-burning last year sparked deadly riots in Afghanistan, said he had been contacted to help distribute the film."

What was the purpose of it?

Is it the case that just because fund-raising for a film occurred somewhere, that the entire country which the fund-raising occurred in, should be held responsible for the film?

Does everyone involved with the Innocence movie, for and against, remember that the procedural actions to take when making having the intent of halting a film or literary composed matter, involves peaceful means put first?

   "The Wall Street Journal identified the filmmaker as Sam Bacile, an Israeli-American real estate developer. The Journal reported that, in its telephone interview with Bacile, he characterized his film as "a political effort to call attention to the hypocrisies of Islam."

On the point of 'hypocrisies', what, in that statement forms the right and left, the ethical and unethical, of what  would form hypocrisies?
Usually when hypocrisies are discussed, it is in the relation to the Quran, Injeel or Bible, or Torah.  Now go and see the exact precise truth of the purest form of the original words of the Quran, Injeel or Bible, or Torah.  This is something that everyone and anyone can do.  What hypocrisies really exist after this examination is made?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Observing, September 11, 2001. An Approach to Recognizing Days that Have Meaning.

The United States of America, each year for the rest of time, will hold memorialization on and of this day, September 11th; as wrested upon us were events that took place September 11, 2001.

Whose light will shine the brightest, when it comes to making statements of memories and condolences, this year, every year after 2001, and all the years in the future?  This is a circumstance where shining the brightest light might not be the objective, rather a moment of humility and giving, and selfless service.  So, how will anyone know that one has made the effort to state their condolences and observing September 11th, when the efforts have the intention to be of modesty?

An answer to that question, is this question is not one that need an answer sought to, rather, make your statements and condolences, and observe the day, as deemed right.  Judged, will be judged.

Therewith, we state our respects, intended to be a respectful action, this day of September 11, 2001.

And, the realization that a day that will be remembered forever was wrested upon us, reinforces, and with hope that it reinforces, the reason to build a nation stronger and more elevated, because there is a high and honorable condition of a nation, which is, for major events of the year to be those that we were the foundation of and gave rise to.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

While Working Together ~ Thoughts on the Future of Economy

This conversation is talking about economic analysts on an international level

Elevated are the dimensions of understanding of various kinds of circular representations and symbols of dimensions, angles, and aspects of economies

Tiny, tiny question, gray area, be as though it may be, important, did someone, ever, get FOMC and FDIC confused?

When making the effort to glean, or encompass the entirety along with in-depth analysis, of the teachings of those that use a wide spectrum of spherical concepts when referring to economics, at the same time, guidance from an interpretation that has some delusion or warped reality when it comes to some of the facts that are honed tools and building blocks familiar to those that it is indigenous to, obviously has its implications on the applications of all of these
   this dichotomy, could potentially become a paradigm if not proceeded with cautiously.

Mix and match carefully

Monetary easing, -how far to the extreme of constraining is this term?- from long ago maybe a saying, make sure that it gets divvied up in a balance that works correctly, effectively, long and short term

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Adapt Basic Residential/House Infrastructure for Wildfires, Hurricanes, High Winds, and Flooding. A Primer

Before this day is out
Just coming off the day after Labor Day

We can continue to rely on insurance companies for billions of dollars worth of payouts, every time a major weather catastrophe sweeps through
we can adapt, just like all the other regions of the world

When the monsoon rains come through, the residents there did not wait until the day after the rains to figure out to build their houses on stilts

The spacesuits that our astronauts wear; do they wait until they accidentally get jolted by some high-energy beam that went awry, or, are they wearing gear at top of the line technology?

Instead of rebuilding houses with walls so thin that the house can be knocked down by a baseball that was hit after being swung at, let us consider a quality, the highest quality might be hard due to the quantity and number of houses involved, of housing structure materials, and architecture planning that is ready to withstand the 2 major weather weather conditions the USA has been suffering from over the last decade.

Wildfires and hurricanes

Technology exists, that houses can be made strong enough, and sealant proof enough, to withstand being underwater in high flooding for a while.  We built boats, yachts, submarines, and many others, why not a basic house that can withstand the same?  

After orders to evacuate, a houseowner, in the houses of the future, the not too distant at all future, should be able to return to their houses after the waters subsided, and the house and all its content on the inside is still in good shape.

Some of the houses and museums that when exposed to wildfire, do not necessarily have to go up in smoke as if they were paper houses on a display for color tissue paper display.  The basic structure can still be standing, and protect most of the content on the inside.  Perhaps repairs can be made in the aftermath, such a new paint job.  Nothing is going to bring back all that was there of a museum over 100 years old.

This blog post project is just to bring up the subject, and obviously does not have much detail; time is important, and the priority level of this concern is near the forefront; the blog post is intended to be continued over the next few days; either as additions to this one, or in additional blog posts.

Hurricane Isaac = Not Before Summer Out. 2012. Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas Hit and Affected. Billions to Recover.

Hurricane 'Season', did not go without leaving its mark this year.  It hit in the area of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas.

There are a mixture of elements involved, Hurricane Isaac, it seems to be.

The area geographically, where the hurricane hit, is an area where intense rains and winds, sometimes even up to hurricanes, if they hit, hit.  That is a part of the vacation spot sometimes, and makes the area what it is. The residents there have some understanding.  A severe hurricane is almost like the death of an elderly loved one that has been in his or her final days for quite some time.  Sad because of the loss once passed.  However, the moment was to be expected.

Intense ominous clouds are seen over the area.  Some aspects are carry overs from past storms.  Storms of this nature, get into cycles, sometimes.  If they his the area a few times within the last decade, it thinks that it is supposed to make its arrival again.

The clouds did not looks as bad, angry, dark, as they have in other places in other storms, over the past 5 years.

Another subject, is names for series of hurricanes that hit areas.

It looks like the hurricane came up, in similar shape and direction as the State of Florida, working its way up from the waters south of Florida, around Puerto Rico then mushrooming in the land areas of the states, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas.
{Reference: http://www.enstarz.com/articles/5719/20120823/hurricane-isaac-2012-map-isaac-eyes-florida-in-possible-category-2-hurricane-developing-in-next-48-hours.htm}

Maybe things are not perfect for the holy ascetic for every square foot of land there in that area where Hurricane Isaac took its toll, but, there are places which have not been hit by hurricanes that have left 100,000 people without power, and the houses up to their roofs in water, which is what Hurricane Isaac has done to many, that live in about the same ways.

Soft and large, might sum up the nature of the storm, Isaac that just made its way through, when it was making its way through, and broad and moderately ominous, to describe the clouds that hung over, comparatively speaking.

In some ways similar to the expectation of every now and then a severe storm will come through the area, there also seems to be the nature of the eye and soul of severe hurricane storm dropping down in that area.

All in all, there are houses still standing, 2 or 3 stories high, that are up to their roof in water.  Houses that just have flooding at the minimal.  When will power be on for everyone, will it be decades?  How much infrastructure for electric power has been destroyed?  How much is it all going to cost to make sure everyone there has a roof over their head they can call a house and electric power?

$1.2 billion

$1.5 billion and could top $2 billion

$27.7 billion