Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Putting Things Back Together After Funding Lapses: Efficent, Fair

Three areas present themselves in the bustle for regrouping and recouping therein the repair process of funding lapses:
25 years ago, when the amount of office space needed for a staff of thousands was calculated, the size of the portable computers, PCs, literally the bulky monitors and hard-drives, took 10 times the space per computer.  When in the tens of thousands, that space adds up.  The streamlining of office space efficiency could result in trimming entire office building floors, if not office buildings, from a company's budget, they are simply no longer needed when we now have the flat monitors and portable hard-drives of today.  Alternatively, the buildings could be used for something else.
This analogy refers to everything on the technological advancement cusp, in context of modern technologies respective to the budget and funding crisis, that many people dub 'government shutdown'.
Let's say utopia occurs tomorrow, and the shutdown is over, and everything goes back to what it was a few weeks ago.  In the process of the repair job, is throwing funding at obsolete technologies, like the space for bulky computers, the cutting-edge smartest strategy across the board?  If the analogy described above is upheld, when other dimensions of finance challenges are considered like budget trimming, repayment of debt, and the budget ceiling, to carefully do the repair job from the 'shutdown', it might include precision trimming for effectiveness, and might be part of the common sense post 'government shutdown' repaired phase.

Fairness, and the determining the wheat from the chaff in all directions:
Programs which make it easier for people not as well to do might have seen cutbacks.  There are instances where these cutbacks have adversely affected people that are genuinely in need of funds, such as severely inured veterans, and orphans.
Then the contrast begins to show.  What about people that are taking unfair and disproportionate advantage of funding from the government, for example middle aged men that would ordinarily be healthy, that are not being proactive about staying employed because they are catering their schedules to illicit narcotic and drug habits?  Should they have access to the huge pools of money and programs funded thereof that were up and running before the funding halts?
Systems and processes of selection, qualifications, need, are plausibly on the list of the phase after the pulling up out of the Congress impasse concerning funding.

The United States system of checks and balances:
Democrats and Republicans, as well as independents, are all in the political system together.  No matter what the challenge is for the political system, whether it be a prospective 'government shutdown', waging war on another country, tax raises, you name it, no one political party is the ultimate and one party to make the final decision as to the shape of the entire country.  The system of checks and balances was established long ago, what we all learned in school, for those of us so fortunate, the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.
When things come to, not excluding manipulative methods to arrive at, one political party, especially a situation of a few members at the forefront of the party having it appear to be that, getting their hands on the control buttons of something as serious as how the U.S. looks to the rest of the world, it does not sit with everyone as the ideals of the system of checks and balances the Founding Fathers had in mind.  Certainly a distorted sense of the original aims of the Republican Party or Democratic Party pulled out of a manuscript that was used in the 1800s, and attempting to apply them to today's political setting, makes it sound like a suffering from mental sickness, where antiquated beliefs and delusions are inappropriately attempted to be used today.  It is doubtful that in the next meeting of Congress, the representatives are going to arrive in white wigs, in the tradition of whig parties.  Craziness if they were stopped by security and insisted on doing so, right?  In the same vein, claiming it is your and yours only to make the decision as to matters that are the subject of the system of checks and balances, is also ludicrous.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Prayers and Thoughts for Navy Yard Catastrophe

Condolences go out to those that have served our country, victims of the Navy Yard shooting that occurred this morning in Washington DC.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Testifying to the Intensity of Wildfires. Hotshot Crews Lost in Arizona.

19 Hotshot crews were lost in the Prescott area of Arizona.

When the best trained are lost, the message is clear, wildfires of that severity are a serous matter, and we all need to be grateful for what firefighter have done and do for our protection.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Building Catastrophe in Philadelphia | Preparation

On Wednesday morning, a building apparently collapsed into a structure for an organization known for the used the collection and distribution of things for the needed.

Although the incident was on a much smaller scale than the building collapse in Bangladesh within recent months that is blamed for the lives of almost 800, the picture of the incident is reminiscent.

What could have been done to prevent both catastrophes?

The hand to bucket method of rescuing helped considerably in Philadelphia, but was nearly futile in the extreme case in Bangladesh.

What are standard developed methods of rescue, that can be effective no matter the size of the event?

Wildfire Near Los Angeles, California Looms Tall and Very Dangerous

Wildfire that warrants quick remedy in containment and control, and as a foreshadowing of other potential fire eruptions in the region of California northwest of Los Angeles, and Los Angeles and surrounding area, has presented its challenge.

Possibly among the main reasons for containment and control of the fire, is that aspects of the nature of the fire is to extend above and beyond the ability to rage swiftly and destructively as a wildfire, the strength and might of the wildfire is stronger than usual.

The fire raging north of Angeles Forest has been named Powerhouse Fire.  As of today, according to the LA Times, cost about $11.4 million to fight of which FEMA covers about 75%; the fire is about 78% contained, and is expected to be fully contained Monday, which appears to be next week.
Critical key, although subtle, weekends can sometimes have affectations on the growth of fast spreading wildfires.  With less things going on than during the week, such as transporting to and from work, direct rays of sunlight have the opportunity to hit parched areas for longer amounts of time.  The dynamics of the fire might not remain consistent from the week to weekend, then to the beginning of the next workweek.

"The fire more than doubled in size over the weekend, encouraged by hot temperatures, low humidity and strong winds that swirled through the hillsides", stated in an LA Times article, http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-powerhouse-fire-costs-contain-20130605,0,4435779.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+lanowblog+%28L.A.+Now%29.

Sources say the fuel for the fire is older material.  In the 'you are what you eat' rule, the fire might have characteristics of a more adult, and harder to put out, fire, compared to others that have been experienced, insofar especially the flames themselves.

The fire "in the Angeles National Forest mountains and canyons, some of which hadn't burned since 1929. The fire was growing so fast, and the smoke was so thick, that it was difficult to map the size, U.S. Forest Service Incident Commander Norm Walker said.

"This is extremely old, dry fuel," Walker said at an afternoon news conference.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/06/02/new-mexico-fights-wildfire-blazes-calif-area-evacuated/
'California wildfire explodes in size as it burns down homes, threatens widespread damage'; Published June 02, 2013; Associated Press

[The map provided by the L.A. Times online, indicates that the fire is close to adjacent the Angeles Forest, north.]

The fire currently burning is reminiscent in some aspects, of the fire/wildfire that occurred about a month ago, the beginning of May, emanating evidently from the Camarillo, California, region.  Some of fuel for the fire, the 'foddery', low lying greenery, might be affected by dust particles from years of large machinery.  Altogether, that fuel can facilitate fires that are harsh.

In strategies of fighting the fire, proactive measures much like what firefighting strategists do in Georgia during/ in preparation for wildfire season, might make headway in reducing the severity of the fires in the Los Angeles region; specifically, treatment of the greenery in the area; which may involve washing them down with spring water, or an operation on a large scale to the objective headed up in that direction which has further study.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Multiple Phenomena? Tornado Trends in the U.S. in May 2013

Phenomena 1: A group of tornadoes in a geographic region occurring as the storm condition

Phenomena 2: The tornado touchdown region is moving in a northwestern direction.
It might be all one big series moving from the southernmost states, such as Alabama, then up through Texas, then further.

Phenomena 3:  Not as clear, but just in case, what has been witnessed the past week on up until this weekend, is something which might be able to be loosely called or described as a drawback, which it is partially comprised of its own Coriolis effect.  Essentially what happened is the tornadoes already came through, but did not touch down, in a southeastern direction, then, drew back, this time resulting in its own Coriolis effect causing more and stronger tornadoes.

This could all mean, that next on the tornado strike list, could be Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, that directional zone, in the upcoming few to 10 days.

Whether all these claims are 100% accurate or not, it is not a let up of prudency to take them in consideration.

The tornadoes which have landed in the past few days, look very ominous, dark gray, dark brown, dark gray-brown.  The destruction they are leaving, is leaving property reduced in quality, rendering them almost or entirely useless.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

7 Reported Missing, 13 Tornados Struck Texas on Wednesday, May 15, 2013. 6 Reported Casualties. Texas Locations: Ranchos Brazos | Granbury | Hood | Ennis | Cleburne | Montague and Ellis Counties

Story here: http://www.dallasnews.com/news/20130515-where-do-you-hide-cleanup-begins-after-12-tornadoes-level-homes-kill-6.ece

excepts from story:

"From Staff Reports

Published: 15 May 2013 05:30 PM

Updated: 16 May 2013 05:51 PM

Deeds said Thursday morning that all of the dead were adults and were in Ranchos Brazos. Another 37 people were injured, with about 100 homes flattened, damaged or destroyed. Separate tornadoes and strong winds near Ennis and Cleburne, where a tornado more than half a mile wide has been confirmed by the National Weather Service, destroyed homes, but no one died.

After a daylong survey, the National Weather Service has confirmed 13 tornadoes, from Montague County down to Ennis in Ellis County.

Although up to seven people are still missing in Granbury, officials said they believe they probably aren't trapped in the rubble and simply haven't notified authorities of their whereabouts. Nonetheless, emergency responders still plan to continue searching the flattened homes."

Monday, May 13, 2013

An Important Word: When Understood and the Problems it Addresses, Has Wisdom

The word, borrowed from the Arabic, is Shqaq
the letters transliterated: Sheen, Qaf, and Qaf,
with different inflections and tenses

Briefly meaning, the breaking, synonymous to collapse, from implosion

that might have already been too much,

but there is much, much more

what is it that this needs to be applied to, starting off this week, and attempting to summarize in the fewest words possible, all for the good of the U.S.A.?
whatever these are, they are important, dimensions

Let it be a warning from above, if matters do not get immediately resolved, and matters and the trends of last week continue to escalate, unthinkable violence of infighting might occur.

Swallowing allowing the worse get worst
For those that are of high authority, situations that have not been addressed, that need to be addressed, in the same way that other situations of the same and similar type have been addressed, please realize the reiteration is that there is an emphasis

Has wisdom, can extend to, the wisdom might help with solutions, when seeking solutions

Abraham Lincoln and suspension of the habeas corpus, although technology has progressed since then, there are still many aspects which maintain the analogue.

References are, crimes by officials

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Priority is not how Viral the Video is

Before stating anything else, * a trend has been sensed, and whether or not it is the case in the clear or not, does not matter compared to what is clear, which is, the lives of people is far more important than how viral a video is of the news event, especially if the video is being timed and taken advantage of for purposes of greed, and, the same story could have been released earlier in other formats earlier, news stories which might have helped.

Decades ago, videos of events were not available to the masses to watch, and in eras preceding, a radio report or newspaper story, was what people were relying on for the news source.

Just a comment.  This post might be continued.

*important lives always are a priority

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

News Round-Robin Solution: 3D Globe of Headline News Hot Zones

Most and possibly all viewers of the news over the past few months have realized that there has been a round-robin hopping around of the geographic locations of major news stories, which have taken place for the purpose of this illustration, in less than a half dozen places, call them international hot-news-zones.

You choose which place to start, the Boston, Massachusetts Marathon, reference the bombing there, you might choose the strife in Syria, or the conflicts in the very center of Africa. 

In Dhaka, Bangladesh there was a building that collapsed, then about a week later, an explosion in Prague, Czechoslovakia, all in April 2013.

Feeding into, or some might put it, some might feel it is a downside of other human relations matters, or exacerbation to the round robin, are the complexities of when to extend a helping hand and how much not to extend.  In a time of high technology, the decisions are heavily weighted in split second intervals, making it a challenge.  Howbeit the level of challenge, and the 'acceptable room' for 'level' of failure, failure can have repercussions, among those repercussions, is, the potentialities that adversely affects international cooperation.

TaoBao, AliBaba, the online shopping center in the Asian hemisphere, is blowing away with gross dollars generated, we are talking about millions of dollars a minute, an example occurrence amid many others.  Are potential customers turning away from American products and platforms, and moreover, if they are, is it because there were intervals where a helping hand might well could have been given, but wasn't? And that if they were extended, there would have been no harm done, at least not enough on the popular sensed relations level.

The helping hand situation is another discussion.

The purpose of this blog post, which was originally intended to have an elaborate work of art/diagrams/presentation produced by ETIS, is precluded by the fact that solutions are already developed.

The main core of the concept: Keeping track of the hot zones of conflict on a bird's eye view and 3D level all at one snapshot.
This might be able to prevent the situation that occurred over the past few weeks.  The situation of the Boston Marathon bombing occurred, which engulfed the news, meanwhile, the situation in Syria which has resulted in massive losses of life, is almost completely missed by headlines.

Here is one of very possibly many more.  It is using the interface described for international news:

picture at videohive.net titled high Tech Interface Project

Simply, what you would do, upon deciding to use this interface, practical usage for newscasters, is you would insert the headlines of the top stories into the boxes, and the globe spins.  This could be integrated into television, your website, or a background graphic illustration box as headlines are being presented.  The user or viewer of the news then clicks on the box to read further about the story or developments in the region that corresponds to it.

The result would be an interactive graphic that would look something like this:
 URL of original picture of the two illustrations above: <http://videohive.net/item/high-tech-interface-project/609140?ref=ManuelGarciaPH&ref=ManuelGarciaPH&clickthrough_id=129802221&redirect_back=true
^^^ also at '25 After Effects Templates for Futuristic Presentations', see http://designrshub.com/2012/09/after-effects-templates-for-futuristc-presentations.html

Considered, is an ETIS International website or page with either the globe or a spinning globe, which provides the hot zone updates at intervals, such as everyday, or few days.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Earthquakes and Bombs: Ways of Seeing: Stand Back from the Forrest in the Case of a Region Comprised of Areas of Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Surrounding, Might be a Disaster Area for the Rest of April 2013; Boston Marathon Bombs Bring Up the Subject of Not Losing 'Eyes on the Ball' of Other Crimes

A question that puts the claim of the region of the 5 give or take a few earthquakes that occurred in Oklahoma this morning might converge with the Van Buren County tornado that struck last week, is: were the earthquakes and Van Buren County close enough together to consider the total geographic region a disaster zone?
Location of earthquake epicenter: 7 miles east of Luther, Oklahoma.

It is about 300 miles from Botkinburg, Arkansas to Luther, Oklahoma.

screenshot of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/10/arkansas-tornado-april-2012_n_3057686.html
How long before these severe weather conditions blow over?

Is there a generality that Oklahoma, Arkansas, and surrounding region, including regions in Alabama, Mississippi, and Missouri, need to be prepared for both types of events, earthquakes and tornadoes, and might as well include hurricanes, over the next few weeks?

Do some folks that live in houses that are not very stable in terms of their construction, and, or, are way out in rural areas, if they have not already, might have increased safety if they were to collect their needed belongings, and head to a region not as turbulent for a couple of weeks?

Are there temporary emergency bunkers built in those regions in case earthquakes/tornadoes/hurricanes hit again in the next few days?

Tornado conditions additionally affected Mississippi, Missouri, and Alabama last week, causing damage.
original map before diagram courtesy Google maps; click for larger view

On the Boston Marathon tragedy yesterday.
It is wonderful that there is an outpouring of emotional support, YouTube postings, etc.; at the same time, the rates of abducted/ kidnapped/ abused children, averaged even on a daily basis is startling; no matter what happens, it is important that this aspect of safety be maintained.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Explosion at Boston Marathon. BREAKING EMERGENCY: Explosions at or Near: Marathon Sports, 671 Boylston Street, the Boston Marathon and Fairmount Copley Plaza Hotel

At least 2 explosions have been 'heard' at or near the Boston Marathon, and Fairmount Copley Plaza Hotel, an event that occurred minutes ago, 3:10pm Monday April 15, 2013. [posted at 3:10pm EST, explosions occurred about 2:45pm EST]

Another incident occurred at or near JFK Library around 4:20pm EST. [posted at about 4:50pm EST]

Whether it was 1 explosion or 2, or however many, is not entirely clear yet to post here. [posted about 3:45pm EST]

At least 2 people dead, according to some reports. [posted about 4pm EST]

2 explosions are reported to have been 15 to 20 seconds apart, about 50 to 100 yards apart. [posted about 5pm EST]

The type of blast is unclear as well, whether pyro-centered, or some other mechanism or mechanisms. [posted about 4:30pm EST]

there is talk of at least two of what appears to be the blasts being a result of bombs [posted about 4:30pm EST]

If there were 2 explosions, the questions of were they the same type of bomb or explosive mechanism, were they separate, are working their way into many news channels now, 4:20pm EST.

a lot of smoke, smoke exponential expanded moments after blast

at least one explosive device has reports of it being in a trash can

more recent 4:10pm EST live footage search: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs

"It happened around 2:45 p.m. outside Marathon Sports on Boylston Street"
source, see breaking unedited video here: 

Click photo for larger view, a photo of incident:

responders on the scene photo here: http://www.businessinsider.com/explosion-at-boston-marathon-2013-4

other devices, for instance that look like possible bombs or explosive devices, are/have being detonated by law enforcement

comment: remindful of pipe bomb explosion that occurred at Atlanta, Georgia Olympics a few years ago

many of the injuries at first take diagnosis at hospitals are concussion injuries

Comment posted April 16 2013: many of the questions asked when the story was breaking, meaning yesterday afternoon, have been answered in news stories released today.  This concludes this post.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Attacks at Community Colleges Has Gone Too Far

Community Colleges are not intended to be the battleground to stage attacks.  Attacks could come in the form of knife, gun, or some violent rampage.

A doctorate thesis requiring years of research is not necessary to come to this conclusion, and to state that the situation needs to be addressed.  Surely there are many that concur to this.

If you were to do all of 10 minutes of research on a history of attacks at community colleges within recent years, you will probably find a bundle.

An example of what is being discussed here, a quick list:
  • Texas
    • Lone Star Community College stabbing rampage earlier this week
    • Lone Star Community College, North Harris, January 22nd this year, shooting
  • Wyoming
    • 3 dead on November 30, 2012, last year, Casper College; bow-and-arrow type weapon reportedly involved
  • Florida
    • Stun Gun attack at Brevard College, June 18-19th, 2012 thereabout
  • Missouri
    • Man found shot near St. Louis Community College, February 20th, 2013, this year
  • Connecticut
    • Threat of Mass shooting at Gateway Community College, this year, same date as immediately above, 20th of February

This list might be updated soon.  Meanwhile there are enough incidents cited that the point has been more than made.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Japan Strategies to Reduce Inflation and Correlations to U.S. Economy. Thoughts of the Days Just Before and After 9-11.

It is asked, to ask the questions that come to mind after reading both of these stories, and answer those questions, with or without whether an analysis is necessary to do so:

Story 1, published by the NY Times this yesterday:

Japan Initiates Bold Bid to End Years of Tumbling Prices

Story 2, written in September 2002:

Report for Congress
Received through the CRS Web

The Economic Effects of 9/11:
A Retrospective Assessment


Highlights of story 1:
Japan Initiates Bold Bid to End Years of Tumbling Prices
April 4, 2013

TOKYO — Haruhiko Kuroda, the new governor of the Bank of Japan, delivered on his promise to drastically change Japan’s economic policy to end a long, debilitating era of deflation.

The central bank said it had inflated the economy by aggressively buying longer-term bonds and doubling its government bond holdings in two years. The bank said it would aim to create a robust 2 percent inflation rate “at the earliest possible time.”

Some economists were cautious, though. The central bank’s giant purchases of government debt could eventually be seen by investors as enabling runaway public spending, quashing confidence that Japan would ever pare its already sky-high public debt. They also said it could also drive up long-term interest rates.

Others argue that rising prices, once stoked, can be hard to control, a fear related to memories of Japan’s bubble economy of the 1980s and the subsequent painful collapse.

In a statement detailing the new measures, the bank said it would buy longer-term government bonds, lengthening the average maturity of its holdings to seven years from three years and expanding Japan’s monetary base to 270 trillion yen by March 2015.

Under that plan, the bank will buy about 7 trillion yen in bonds each month, equivalent to over 1 percent of its gross domestic product, which is almost twice the bond purchases of the United States Federal Reserve Bank.


Highlights of story 2:
The Economic Effects of 9/11:
A Retrospective Assessment
September 27, 2002

International Capital Flows and the Dollar
While international trade plays an important role in the U.S. economy, it is not the only role played by international forces. A characteristic of the economic
expansions of the 1980s and 1990s was the large net inflow of foreign capital to the United States. During the late 1990s, this net inflow furnished between one-third and one-half of the U.S. net saving. In times of international crisis and uncertainty, foreign capital has often sought refuge in the United States. This time, however, the United States is the battle ground. Even though there was no panic selling of dollar-denominated assets after 9/11, it would appear that there was a short run decline in the net purchase of U.S. assets by foreigners. This was clearly over by mid-October.
However, this may be due to timely action of the Federal Reserve, which restored confidence in the smooth functioning of the nation’s payments system, action supporting the dollar in international financial markets by the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank, among others, and interest rate cuts by key central banks in support of similar cuts by the Federal Reserve.
[[aprxmtly. page] CRS-3]

Prior to 9/11, the slowdown in the U.S. economy already was being transmitted to other economies through trade and investment channels, particularly through a sharp decline in U.S. imports of high-technology components from Asian suppliers.
The aftershocks of the terrorist attacks were felt immediately in foreign equity markets, in tourism and travel, in consumer attitudes, and in temporary capital flight from the United States. Central banking authorities worldwide reacted by injecting liquidity into their financial systems.
Still, the downturn in business conditions became more generalized, and the world has had to rely on China and the United States – the only two major economies to register significant growth – to pull itself out of the recession. By and large, however, the sharp immediate drop in stock values, airline travel, and general consumer confidence was temporary. After a few months, most began to turn upward again, but what recovery has occurred has been fragile and difficult to sustain.
The recession, along with increased government spending for the antiterror campaign, contributed to rising federal debt in the United States and other nations.
Combined with a weakening dollar that pushed up the exchange value of the yen, Euro, Chinese renminbi, and other currencies, central governments intervened to bolster the value of the dollar by purchasing more U.S. debt instruments. A side effect of this activity is that, despite Japan’s weak economy, its holdings of U.S. Treasury securities continue to rise ($321.0 billion by May 2002). China also has become a major foreign holder ($80.9 billion) of U.S. debt. [[apr. page] CRS-19]

The Bank of Japan intervened in foreign currency markets on five instances between September 11 and September 27 by buying dollars to stop the rise in the value of the yen. These efforts were undermined partially by
Japanese firms that were repatriating some U.S. holdings to shore up their
cash balances to meet financial reporting deadlines on September 30.
37[suprscrpt.]  [[page] CRS-25]

Since 9/11, in particular, stock market values in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, and Japan have tended to move in tandem with those in the United States (as measured by the S&P 500). [[apr. page] CRS-19]

Looking to the Future
In the aftermath of 9/11, it appears that the international economy has currently become a one-locomotive world. Only United States – with some help from China – has had the size and strength to provide the economic stimulus to world economies necessary to help pull them out of the global recession. Japan and Western Europe remained coupled to the U.S. business cycle and have remained dependent on exports for economic recovery rather than relying upon domestic fiscal and monetary policies. The limited recovery in their domestic sectors has been too weak and unsteady to counter the global downturn. For U.S. policymakers, therefore, actions to restore health to the American economy also may determine global economic conditions. In this sense, foreign and domestic economic interests coincide. [[apr. page] CRS-22]

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Computer Shopping Malls | What Happened at Search Engine Rankings

The reality of the market interested in computer shopping is evident, and the tide of online computer searches continues--
There are more people in China than the United States.
There are many people in China seeking computers online, inputing search queries.
There are many websites and Internet pages that discuss the term 'shopping malls', whether they are walk-in malls or online malls, that are in China and locations nearby, such as Japan, Hong Kong, and Thailand.
The result of simple math, reference elements like Google algorithms and logarithms for searches, Google search strategies and mechanics, shows that when you take the basic facts about the search term 'computer malls' in consideration, what happens is, the search results that appear on your screen are increasingly having to do with computer malls of China, Japan, Thailand and the regions surrounding.

What does this do for U.S. business?
Google is one of the most popularly used web search engines.
Apple Computer, with their iPads, and iPhones, although having a large share of the market, are not even appearing on search query results to the broader terms of computer mall, until several pages later.  And what about other leading computers, such as Dell?

Internet users stand the chance of clicking on the webpages that appear on the first set of listings that result from their search queries.  Are they going to surf through 15 Google pages of search results until they see a computer mall or company that is U.S.?  Maybe not, otherwise they would have put the term in the search query box.

A concern is, after time, U.S. computer companies and malls might not even show up on U.S. search engines, at least not soon enough that they access the market share that would be helpful to increasing market outreach.

In short, the situation is a basic flooding principle.  If you have two containers of water, each of them with a different food coloring, and you pour the water into an empty mixing bowl, when the amounts of water from each container are the same, you essentially get a color resultant of the mix of the two, for instance red water mixed with a blue, you get purple.  When the amount of red water is 100 times as much, the presence of the blue water does not show up, and the purple water in the mixing bowl, becomes predominantly red.  That is an analogy of what is happening to search engine results.  The number of queries and input related to computer malls from west China to the east edge of the Asian continent land mass and neighboring regions, have all but drowned-out desirable search results with U.S. in them.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Lions Kill at Least 3 People this Week, Sharks Approach Florida Beaches

An intern in a Fresno California big-cat sanctuary, was killed earlier this week, by a 550 pound lion.
The name of the deceased, is Dianna Hanson, age 24.
The rumors are she died almost instantly of a broken neck.  She was on a cell phone call with a co-worker which abruptly ended.  The lion was apparently in an adjacent cage which had some formation of the gate with an opening of some extent.

In Zimbabwe, another female was mauled to death.  A body in condition of remains was found of a second person in Zimbabwe after a hunt for the lion blamed.

Both of these incidents are remindful of the film The Ghost and the Darkness, 1996. --Although thousands of miles apart.

It is extremely important to remember, that when dealing and interfacing with animals that have predatory skills in their nature, that basic prima facie [on the surface] theories of space, and time, may not be absolute limitations on that animal.

For example, a science book says an animal can leap up to 15 feet when attacking.  DO NOT stand 16 feet away and think you are safe.  Another source says an animal is 500 pounds, and 4 feet at the shoulders, and 3 feet wide; do not assume that if you build a containment that is just under 4 feet high, and a few inches below 3 feet wide, that the animal will not manage to DEFY laws of nature, physics, and the behavior that was caught on video when the animal knew humans were watching.

Mauling in Fresno story here with video: http://abcnews.go.com/US/dianna-hanson-died-broken-neck-lion-attack/story?id=18682116

Florida beaches have been making their precautions against shark visitors resulting in beach closures in some areas.  What the demographics of beach visits this Spring Break season is is yet to be seen.  About 2 weeks ago a shark about 14 feet long killed a man just off the northwestern coast of New Zealand.  The sharks approaching Florida in the past few days are evidently of a different species; however, taking safety measures is performed.

Map of where Fresno, California is:

Map URL: http://playfresno.org/img/californiaMap.jpg

Maps of where Zimbabwe is, the attacks took place at a 'man-made' lake, Lake Kariba, in the northern area, town of Kariba, in the region in, around, near where Zambia meets Zimbabwe:

map URLs: 


In outward appearance, the lion in the Fresno sanctuary might have more glamour, in that it was large and muscular, the weight of 550 pounds is like a large NFL defensive lineman together with a large NBA basketball player, 300 pounds and 250 pounds, at almost zero percent body fat, making it a very powerful predatory cat; essentially what we think of when we think of lion attacks here in the U.S.  The lion or lions in Zimbabwe, which might have less fame than lions in South Africa, of the ones that we have seen, might not be as glamorous in appearance, might not have the mane in cartoon films and picture books such as the 'Lion King', might look more down to earth, and a creature of the land that has to chase down food in the food chain like all the other animals, grungy, thirsty, nearly dehydrated.  All in all, lions are still lions.  Sharks are still sharks.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

When 'Bad Calls' and Bad Judgement Keep Up: From Snow Flurries to Top Decisions. Before-this-Day-is-Over-Mention.

Snow/weather conditions in DC surrounding areas of Maryland/DC area today are on BORDERLINE before drawing connections to cancellation of business as usual to recent trends of misguidance reflective of a status of lawlessness.

Lawlessness is a buzz word, referring to when people that clearly cannot differentiate between right and wrong whereas they are engaged in wrongdoing are appointed to positions that are esteemed which also by the way has the appearance of an attempt of retroactively undermining the system of reward for maintaining morals.

What happens is, when the momentum of bad judgement keeps up, the natural orders of the world form hardships that result in retrogression and relapse to decadent conditions.

The right-guided plans for the full-house of the eyes on the horizon to warn us from danger is not what the enemy that seeks to destroy us wants.

This before the rush of thunderous scold.

Schools have been left open for weather conditions more severe than today's.

Sun rays that we see today... are from the past, some say days ago, today's weather based on yesterday's... common sense would dictate what the totality of the situation would be...

Luckily this time around, it might have been better to keep school buses safe.

This story was not worth and did not make the severe weather blog at etisworld.com

[comment on March 7, 2013: just clarifying Maryland/DC area means the areas near DC and the DC surrounding areas of Maryland; not talking about the conditions in Frostburg area or the mountains at the far west of the ladle-handle.  First sentence has been edited accordingly]

Monday, February 25, 2013

Ultra-Deep Oil Drilling :: Before the Rush

With increased capacity of oil drills respective the depth they can go, comes a perceived possibility of changes in the dynamics of the industry; geographically, where it is if it there, and if it is there, the effects on the oil exchange stage.

Markedly a geographic region referent, is the South China Sea.

Geologists are steering toward indications that there can be a lot of oil down there, which is supposed to correspond to a lot of money, worth.

U.S. representatives have already been making a presence in the area about the prospective/advent.

Complexity to the arena, is some of the waters involved are 'disputed'.

Further complexity is where the rigs will relocate/ be built.

Basic, introductory information about ultra deep oil drilling at: http://etisworld.com/answers-wiki-fusion-and-product-select/what-is-ultra-deep-water-drilling-oil-focus-who-are-some-of-the-major-contenders-in-this-drilling-arena-

Map of South China Sea:

map courtesy of: 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Prepare for Meteor Shower Season Just Like Tornado or Flood Season

It might be a time to get ready for meteor shower 'season'.

Protection from meteors and phenomenon of that ilk, is not just in the areas of people getting struck by pieces and particles, such as the result of disintegration or fragmentation of the meteor, but additionally in the areas of force fields and other disruptive qualities as it pertains to the astrological object or objects, and the targets could also include buildings or important structures such as sources of energy and communication.