Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ripple from Ferguson to Cleveland Has Elements that Should be Left Out and Elements that Should be Duplicated Beyond There

Responding to a tragic event with violence in some cases is not going to solve the problem.

There is a problem, which needs a solution; what exactly the problem will be defined as, and what the scope of the problem is, might not be clearly defined yet.
We have come along way in protecting our homeland; the progress should not be diminished, nor should encroaching occur of the least bit overshadowed.

Already in the 1960s, rioting in Detroit and similar events, rioting after the Rodney King situation and court hearings in Los Angeles, occurred, with the point being driven at of intolerance to what might be perceived as racially imbalanced events.

Indictment or not to be indicted, then, depending on the outcome, to protest or not to protest, may not necessarily have be the limitations on what unfolds, the study of law will show there are many angles and legal strategies which can be posited

Right beside rioting about racial events, is, are the events that took place recently, namely Ferguson, Missouri, where an unarmed teengager was shot, racially involved at all?
Its about 570 miles between Ferguson and Cleveland, about a 9 hour drive, going east to west, but north to south, the cities are only about 230 miles apart. The upper 'Central Lowland’ zone, west of the Appalachian Mountains, sitting below major bodies of water, the two ends of the corridor seems to have emerged where there has been some trouble, referring to the events that have unfolded mushrooming after an 18 year old was shot in Ferguson, and a 12 year old recently subsequent having a pellet gun.

And right beside that, is situations where teens have been shot, has occurred in other parts of the U.S., and was a standard procedure of duty by law enforcement, and, there was no rioting, turmoil, or upheaval in the local community in and around where the event took place, when discomfort was presented as an issue, the turbulence was not nearly as much as Ferguson.

There is the hope that rioting in Detroit nearly a half century ago, were events of the past.

Now, with the advent of technology, where photos can be viewed around the world in a matter of minutes, or even seconds, looked at is, what does the picture of news headlines in U.S.A. appear to be? The world sees police cars burning, rioting, looting, and clashing, again.
Is that necessary, and is it for the best?
If there does exist a sincere zeal to make certain that all, including teenage males that could be described as African American or mainly so, are treated fairly, given the chance for justice equal to all, and so forth, shouldn't the attitude in energizing that mission be uniform everywhere?
When it is not uniform and consistent, other questions come up. Such as, what is the real reason for looting and making an ugly scene of law enforcement vehicles in setting them afire, etc.?
At the same time, exposed, is when uses of the word color, exacerbated when used repeatedly, to describe human beings, takes place, it is a sign of of a presence of rejected atmospheres.

Let us all evaluate from the foundation what the most noble method of accomplishing the highest goal is.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Computer Training for Kids is In and Dope is Out

This has to occur on a nationwide level.
Computer training at even the first stages of schooling.
Just like kids in Iowa learn to milk cows.
We are in the computer age.

Wondering what are some of the roots of the ills are in the national economy?- look at the driving around town, from one depressed neighborhood to either another or a richer neighborhood, trafficking narcotics; that has got to stop. Relying on 2 or 3 plants, poppy and coca of these, to use to maintain a finance circus as a means to survive is a bagged-up iota so trivial in the timeline of human history, it might not even show up in the big picture of civilization, nevermind that it is undeserving to be in human history.

Instead, in the heartland, and to the east of it, between the bustle of the Mid-Atlantic, and to the west of it, between Silicon Valley, computer training from the ground, ground, ground up.

There are a few things going on at the same time.

The vision is clear.

An imbalance is occurring and growing; in the Mid-Atlantic, industry, real estate dynamics, and being targeted for undermining by outsiders, while Silicon Valley emerges on the West Coast. What is happening is 2 or 3 societies are emerging, one in the Mid-Atlantic, one in the Silicon Valley region, and the one in between them, in part because there is relatively much less emphasis on technology centered societal development in the geographic space in the middle. With 2 societies developing, a divide begins, taking away from the 1, flag, unity, societal cohesion, etc.
The region between the coasts referenced here, is beyond just the geographic center of the mainland; Alaska, Hawaii, and economically less fortunate areas that are near strong point are referred to along with them.
Of course many others could make effort to use these same tools; the content presented here, is all known and common sense.
Cultivating the part of the flag in the middle to keep the entirety, is better sooner than later, as later might be too late.

Betsy Ross.

Let the legend be the ideal.

Let us look at a few statistics and realities.

The top popularly known computer brand names in the world, who are they?
Listing the top 20, how many are U.S.?
Out of over 2 dozen, when only a handful or less is the answer, this could spell out an area of deficiency.
Information regularly uploaded onto the Internet on the subject of computers, how much, in terms of a percentage, is authored by U.S. citizens?

The potential for us, the U.S., to excel in the area of computers, is there. Gift of the English language. Well-formed people.

When island nations the size of one of the smallest states is producing 5 times more in the area of computers, it should serve as a wakeup call.

We can and we should, for every amount of land, produce at least the referent 5 times more amount of something positive. Computers, farming, etc. No matter what is being produced where, the computer training is best that it exists in every location.

If we have the capability to produce hamburgers, and decided to import all the hamburgers we ate from a foreign enemy, and the hamburgers were poisoned, if we continued to eat those poisoned hamburgers, wouldn't that look kind of strange?
Analogy to computers, produce our own precluding running any risks of being deteriorated from the imported products in a number of different ways.
Either produce our own, or run the risk of being poisoned.

The plan for kids education, modified as appropriate:
When our kids arrive at school, from this morning moving forward, instead of the lights dim, students fighting, rowdy discussions about decadence hazing and degrading one another they saw online on hand held devices not even built here, and teachers waltzing in an hour late in some cases still distracted to an extent by last night's social event, let us have the lights on and be engaged in practical hands-on training of how the computer devices are built.

Emphasis on in-depth understanding of how technologies now and in the future work. This in combination with a well rounded and constantly expanding knowledge base.

Using the Pace Car for a race like the Daytona 500 to solidify the concept, most often, the pace car is a new, top of the line vehicle with latest advances in car technology. Nobody pulls out an old clunker and does the pace lap.

What the computer technologies in the future will be considered, much of it might be wireless, but that does not mean leave out a strong understanding of how wires work.

Going beyond that, understanding how plastics are developed, metals are developed, wireless computing, cloud computing, nanotechnology memory devices, altogether how computers are put together and will be, are all in what could be a winning strategy.

All of these applied to every region, markedly the middle states, from the first days of pre-kindergarten to graduation.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Court Injunctions? Reference Certain Activities Aimed at Creeping into Government.

Enough said.
The insistence of bringing low-flung activities into government, might have to be impacted by the effective tool of court injunctions.

Public indecency laws are on the forefront, even if not physically voiced.  Just as is child abuse laws.
Those with law backgrounds know exactly what is being referred to.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Progress with Respect to Ferguson, Missouri

Ferguson, Missouri after a crux incident reported to be that a teenager was shot, has developed into somewhat of an inferno.
Somewhat is used to describe because, the situation does not involve as many people as Watts Riots back in the 1960s, or later in that same region, L.A. riots after Rodney King incident.

It is wisest to gravitate to complete discipline than to start a momentum of bucking law enforcement.

There are levels of authorities in law enforcement, whereas if local law enforcement made error or seemed to, state will step in, and so forth.

Rushing to the area to exacerbate the situation and try to turn yourself into a celebrity taking footage and reports of the scene, knowingly not cooperating with police officers, does not help the situation.

On the subject of helping a region, usually when something like what is going on or was going on in Ferguson happens, it is because, 'something else is wrong'.

Where on the list of financial support is Ferguson, especially in context of economic lows since about 2007?

Major problems, no matter where the city, that usually should be the subject of investigation include:
Quality of schools
Quality of nutrition for children in the region
Frequency of child abuse with an emphasis on neglect

What are the statistics, known and unknown, in Ferguson in these areas?

In the past few decades, the U.S. has witnessed events remindful, in Atlanta, L.A., Detroit in the 1960s.  Is the situation indicative of retrogression?

Young adult males running in and out of stores robbing them, and caught on camera, is not the proper response to the solutions of concerns surrounding the teenager shot.

Acting with wisdom, prudency, and respect, goes further.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Marijuana in Perspective

Over 60 herbs known to well known Greek scholar

Over 1000 herb treatments for disease known to well known Chinese doctor about 500 years ago

Added August 8, 2014, reference 'to be continued', the Doctor being referenced, is Li Shizhen, in this case, the family name is placed first, according to the source. Without going into detail--, a work of his, about 27 years for the set of it, a 'Compendium', Gangmu or Kang-mu, transliterated, had near to 1,900 entries, and near to 1,100 herbs in the framework of treatments for disease.

Not to step out of line in the least bit, albeit, it is important to bring up, that in the State of New York, recently, a few children have died. The cause for their death, not discussed here, concurrent the event, were statements from others involved, that Marijuana in medicinal capacity might or could have cured the condition and possibly precluded the passing away. An article was published wherein that also had references to the Governor. There is an immense amount of pressure concerning marijuana in both directions, for medical, and against uses that may be deemed not prudent if not under extremely careful supervision, administration, and authorization.

On the subject of not falling prey to disproportionate abuse, like Cain and Abel, reference the self of him was 'moved' to do the deed he did

On the subject of not disproportionately traversing off on a tangent because that is the subject familiar, --while there are many other herbs, plants, and medicinal alternatives that have not had the surface scraped--, while the concern that others on the outside condescend such form of mental behaviorism

The meaning of to be just and equitable, is more than simply how people are treated, there is equality in the approach to the spectrum of options

to be continued

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Attitudes that do not Deserve to be Prevailing Need to Be Addressed Concerning Malaysian Flight Crashes. Reports of Americans on Board Flight 17 that Perished.

Until further solidification of exactly what happened to Flight 17 are presented, beyond the title of this post, this blog will remain silent. Explaining however, what is being talked about referring to 'attitudes' 'prevailing attitudes', and attitudes that unfortunately low spirit level persons are swept into acting as if they are prevailing, when the attitudes do not deserve to be called or considered prevailing.

Although the international community put forth effort to solve what happened in the previous Malaysian Flight disaster a few months ago, the bottom line was, it has not been solved at a level that is accepted by everyone. Meaning inclusive of, does someone have a all the fragments of the plane reconstructed and ready to show to the public, explicating exactly what happened?

Now, the international community is faced with in some perspectives or aspects, a repeat of the plane crashing incident. The overall picture of a repeat, when the previous has not been satisfactorily found, can happen some times, nature's way of speaking to the level of test that has or has not been passed, or to what degree it has or has not been passed. The core of the incident in a plane crashed, about the same, this time, the mechanics of what led to it, might be different, altogether, the baseline test of human fairness might be about the same.

Whether the plane was shot down, crashed, or some yet to be known combination of factors, the attitude, wherein there is any degree whatsoever for there to be slack in treatment, of how the incident should be reacted to, is best not to exist if there is even the slightest tacit approval for slack in 100% equal treatment.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

4th of July

Recognition for this 4th of July 2014.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Abductions Especially of Teens Might be International Epidemic

Temporary blog post.
Pro tem, [at the initial time of this blog post,] mainly with respect to recent developments in the Palestinian region, in the Middle East, there has been some 'eye for eye' resembling activity, in context of teen abductions. There may be other events in that region that did not hit the radar screen.
A short list of many, of other similar events:
  • Abductions reference Japan/ North Korea
  • Human trafficking and smuggling from Mexico into the U.S. 
  • Argentinian children missing by the hundreds if not thousands a few decades ago
  • Abduction/missing teens in the U.S. generally; cited is reappearance of victim miles away from place of disappearance
A change from yesterday, this post will stay here, the lessons applicable where applicable.

Emphasizing to contact the proper authorities if you suspect that the disappearance of someone is probable.  If you see a suspect, or are not sure whether someone might be a person that engages in the crime of abductions, kidnapping, contact the authorities and quickly explain the circumstances.

If the kidnapper did not defy logic, then the ability to hide with that tool, would be taken away.  Just because an event occurred thousands of miles away, and could involve a suspect being screened at a transportation terminal, does not mean that it is impossible for suspects to appear elsewhere.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Areas that Might Benefit from Strengthening: In the Wake of Fort Hood and Mud Slide Disasters

Many commendations must be given for the amount of success and progress for the levels of safety and peace, that we here in the U.S. currently have. Generally speaking, national headlines have not spelled out disaster at a high frequency within recent months, a very good sign.

Albeit, the U.S. every now and a then has been struck with events of tragedy, both under the will of man, and acts of nature which are harder, however, not necessarily impossible, to control.

Steps that can be taken to mitigate the amount of the tragic outcome is surely in process. Briefly, here are a few comments:
  • Mud slide rescue technology
  • Emergency rescue vehicles especially designed for mud slide disasters

    With global climate changes, and ozone layer depletion, glaciers may be melting, pushing warmer waters to correlating areas, slowly, as is the nature of large bodies of water movement as it appears, however, the force of these waters is extremely powerful, weighing in the tons per units of areas, and hundreds of them. Mud slides and other events, such as sudden dropping of land masses, floods, large animal invasions, precipitation causing increase in intensity of storms, might be in the realm of possibility.

  • Are structures like mud dams and levees, like the ones that were to protect from Hurricane Katrina, going to be necessary?

  • More elaborate and comprehensive warning systems for imminent mudslides. Emergency exit strategies and drills, just like for fires.

Historically and generally speaking, coasts are a line of defense, from just about anything that could head inland, including natural disasters.

The west coast has vulnerabilities as demonstrated, in the areas that include but not limited to:
  • wildfires
  • floods
  • mudslides
  • earthquakes
On the Atlantic coast, proportionate types of natural disasters have occurred, and might change over time.

Looking at the outlying border areas further still, are Texas, reference at least 2 serious shootings at Fort Hood, one of which occurred within past few days.

Are there ethical dilemmas that not need be, that have raised tension in a state known for history such as cowboy legends, and events among them 'Juneteenth', commemorating Civil War soldiers, many of whom are credited as the ancestral fathers of thousands of Americans through honorable marriages?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

There Are Things That People Have Said About the Presidency That Do Not Sit Well

Dear Yahoo:
No. Checking laws and legislation generally speaking, that is like slander and libel, in addition to casting negative views which in turn can possibly cause harm to reputation stability, on anyone, moreover the Presidency.

'Doesn't get', 'still doesn't get', has a colloquial nuance, that has to do with setting someone in a standoffish way sharply outside of a construct or belonging which that person may already be in, or interfacing with. All of the Presidents constitute legacy of the Presidency.

Careful when you insult. Affecting the esteem of the Presidency, is not tolerated by everyone.

Was it Matt Bai acting alone? Did the combination of news caption, to story, turn out to be what was originally intended? These might not get you off the hook; media professionals know about these ripples.

How old is Matt Bai? Does he know through first hand experience, how many dimensions of advisors, that for sure are older than Matt Bai, that the Presidency interacts with?

In regard to respect of higher governmnt offices, whether a total fan of the President and Presidency or otherwise, really does not matter.

And, in a second term, it is not a situation that there is a prospect that will be running against him, being a raison d'etre for 'comparitive politicking'.

The other comment in the Matt Bai article, '...about his job', is also impolite and condescending in tone. Unless you know for sure you can do his job better than he, which if you could you would, it might be better to hold off on those comments.

Revision. Not all the details are put here. There are media professional that know what to do.

There really is not anything he can say or Yahoo can say, to rebut and tilt the scales in their favor on this one. We are talking about the disrespect, not he say she say of what the opinion polls are.

If you have an objective of improving an aspect of the political system, the ethical approach is to do the due diligence and pursue it with the appropriate tools, such as an approved letter to your the Senator.

Recapping, here is what happened, Matt Bai wrote an article it appears earlier today, that juts out on the landing page, referencing 'doesn't get'. The Yahoo caption is, 'What Obama still doesn’t get about his job', and the article title is, 'What Obama still hasn't figured out about being president', at the URL with the bulk content.

Matt Bai and Yahoo, are not the first ones that have said 'stuff', and made comments, that were awkward in tone, concerning higher offices of government. Negative attitudes do not help anyone, going all the way back to the first few days after sitting in office for the first term. A referent concern, is about laying all the weight for all the woes, on one man, then before, after, and, or during, dereliction, exacerbating, abandonment, when you know a team effort is needed to get certain things on par.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Helicopter Safety Improvements Within Reality

Helicopters in this day and age, is taken to be a technology that is not intended to have crashes and accidents at levels of regularity. The frequency of reported helicopter crashes in recent months does not befit what we are accustomed to having as the conception of helicopters.

One out of three cars crashing every 3 minutes in ordinary weather, would be an absurdity. If every time a spaceship was sent to outerspace, there was a mishap, it would be a conflict of interest in establishing the technology.

It is known that building a helicopter can be expansive. Safety features sacrificed for cost of construction minimization, is up for question. How much is really being saved, when lives are being lost at the rate they have been lately? Markedly of reference is the recent crash this week in an area about 150 miles west of Denver, Colorado.

Notions of sequences of causes and events, as it stands now, does not have to be, in terms of improvements in helicopter safety that can be made for the better.

There are a few basic technologies that are already in existence, that if applied to helicopters, might have an effect to increase the safety of passengers of helicopters and the air vehicle itself.

One unfortunate notion that might commonly be held currently, is that if and when a helicopter crashes, the results are disastrous; what was up in the sky came down, and the force of the crash caused bodily damage, almost always assumed to be fatal, with rare exceptions of a miracle. This picture in held in mind, does not have to be, and the sequence of events of flight crash and fatality, does not have to be reality.

Looking at a photo of the crash that occurred outside Denver on Monday, the helicopter was still in many ways intact.

Visiting, what if, certain technologies had existed, now presented is a summary of 3 technologies already in use, toward study for application to helicopters:

1- Thermal protection pods
These are the same pods that are used by firemen that contend with high temperature forest and wildfires. When it looks like the fire has become overwhelming, they can inflate the emergency pods, protecting them from thermal injuries.

2- Air bags
Many cars now have air bags. The same or similar concept applied to helicopters, a larger airbag, or sets of them, that accomplish the safety objective, placed in helicopters, might reduce injury caused by sudden impact. With something that resembles a waterbed, in situations where helicopters crash resulting in impact and jolting effects of the body, if the passengers were cushioned, there could possibly be a decrease in the rate of injury.

3- Sprinkler systems
Trinkling water like sprinkler systems in old office buildings, might not be sufficient in a helicopter fire. The idea of having a system that forcefully smothers flames whether water or some other mechanism, that is activated when needed, could help minimize or prevent thermal injuries.

Combinations of these, and further development of a vast set of technologies, is as innate in importance as the vehicle themselves.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Maryland Gravitation Toward Misery Exposed

Aspen Hill area near Silver Spring and Rockville: 25 year old female teacher elopes, probably alone, ensuing lowly elopement, possibly traveling from NY to Hong Kong or thereabout, airflight out, after suspected of abusing 15 year old male autistic student. Incident involved teacher going into the property of the parents of the student, evidently on more than one occassion.
It is unfortunate that this sort of behavior has gone on here and there, in the DC/ Maryland DC suburbs for years, age mismatches sometimes between older male than female, some of which are documented in the form of case studies in text books, with no breach of the law cited. The fact that the suspect was a teacher, might have affected the story.

Aide to Senator commits reportedly suicide after having 'hundreds' of a mass of child porn

Stalemate regarding constitutionality of aspects of pretrial sentencing

Morals in the heights of stratums still not clear

Finally, violence...--